SNOMED International and ICN have worked closely for 10 years to support a linkage between SNOMED CT and ICNP.
At this time SNOMED International is working to include in SNOMED CT all relevant content from ICNP 2019 into SNOMED CT - about 500 concepts are being reviewed, though a number already may have equivalents. The work is to be completed in time for incorporation into the July 2021 International release of SNOMED CT.
This project group will consistent of 3-4 identified experts in both SNOMED CT and ICNP, drawn from the Nursing CRG, SNOMED International staff and a NANDA-I expert (if available).
The decisions and progress will be shared with the Nursing CRG
The scope is based on a gap analysis between SNOMED CT and ICNP 2019. The project group will not be considering incorporation of NANDA-I content but advising where there is overlap.
Additional advice may be sought from the Nursing CRG as part of regular sharing wiht the group.