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Dear MAG.  The schedule for the April 2025 Business Meetings has now been finalised. The meetings will be run as a hybrid event as usual.

Registration is open, please click here to register to attend in Norway in person in Oslo.  Click here to register to attend SNOMED CT in Norway purely online.

The MAG will hold a hybrid meeting on Wednesday 9 April at 0900 - 1230 CEST (0700-1030 UTC) - Room: Sonia Henie-Kunst, Radisson Blu Plaza Oslo, Norway.

I'll confirm that we have approval for travel booking as soon as that's been issued.

Best wishes,  Peter

UPDATE 24 Feb: Our group travel request has been approved for this meeting, so all MAG members are invited to proceed to book travel and accommodation.   Please review additional details given here for discounted delegate rate at the Radisson Blu Plaza and also flights with the Lufthansa Group.

Hello Modeling Advisory Group

The schedule for the October 2024 Business Meetings has now been finalised, and registration for in-person attendance is open (see links below).   Additionally, our group travel request has been approved, and MAG members should now book travel and accommodation if they have not already done so.   Note that travel policy is to cover the nights required for our meetings, so the expectation is that members will claim for 3 nights of accommodation, as well as flights and terminal transfers / ground transport at each end.

The Modeling Advisory Group will meet, with the option for both in person and online attendance:

  • Tuesday 22 October 09:00 -12:30 KST (00:00 - 03:30 UTC) 
  • Wednesday 23 October 13:30 - 17:00 KST (04:30 - 08:00 UTC) 

The Wednesday meeting will be held as as a joint sessions with other Advisory Groups.

If you are attending in person you are encouraged to book accommodation asap.  Further information is available here: October 2024 Business Meetings

We look forward to seeing you in person or online.

Kind regards,

Peter & Yong

Hello Modeling Advisory Group

We discussed at the October Conference in Atlanta, that the RF2 specification already allows for the maximum length of individual description types to be modified.  So increasing the current limit of FSN and Synonym length from 255 bytes to 4096 should not be considered a change to the spec.    However, it is highly likely that implementers will have coded database schema to the currently specified size, and so we need to give substantial notice before making this change in the International Edition.

To that end, we've prepared a Community Consultation page, along with the usual Google Form to receive feedback:  SNOMED International Proposal to Increase Description Length Limit, with a view to potentially making using of a longer term limit in the January 2025 International Edition, depending on the feedback received.

I assume that you are all in support of this change, especially since a couple of country extensions are already using FSN & SYN terms over 255 bytes in length, so there's no need for you to given individual feedback unless you have something particular to bring up.  But I would be grateful if you could forward this page to any implementers that you're aware of that might be affected by this change.

See you next week!

Best Wishes, Peter

Hello Modeling Advisory Group

With the confirmation of our April 2024 Business Meeting schedule (see here) and the approval of our Group Travel Request, I can now invite MAG members to book travel and accommodation.

See and please note the link to book the Andaz hotel at a negotiated delegate rate.

That said, you will see that we have scheduled only a single half day MAG session for the morning of Wednesday 17 April.   Members may therefore wish to give additional consideration to the option of joining the meeting via Zoom and save on the time and costs of in-person travel.   We expect to return to the 2 x half-day format for the October meeting.

Looking forward to seeing you all, virtually or in person, in April. 

Any additions to the agenda, do please email me.

Best Wishes, Peter

Dear MAG member,

SNOMED International's Events team is very pleased to advise that registration for the October 2023 Business Meetings and SNOMED CT Expo 2023 is open for both onsite and online. 

October 2023 Business Meetings Schedule
MAG meetings: 15:30 Tuesday, and 9:00 Wednesday (local time). Please let us know if you have any suggestions for the meeting agenda.

SNOMED CT Expo 2023 Program

October 2023 Business Meetings


The Starling Atlanta (Curio Collection by Hilton)
188 14th St NE, 
Atlanta, GA 30361, 
United States

The in-person conference will be held from October 21st-25th, 2023 at the Starling Hotel Atlanta (Curio Collection by Hilton). If you are planning on staying at the conference hotel we recommend that you book early. SNOMED International has negotiated the following special delegate rate at the venue, available to book until Thursday, 5th October 2023 (subject to availability): Starling Standard King - $189 USD++ per room, per night. You can book by using the link under the section about venue and accommodation, October 2023 Business Meetings

The organization thanks you for your ongoing support. Please reach out to the Events team ( with any questions or inquiries you have.

Hello MAG Members!  In lieu of our summer meeting conference call, Yong and I would like to invite you to spend some time considering what areas or specific features SNOMED International should progress with your support.

Once you've had a chance to mull this over - do take a week or two to think about it - please fill in between 1 and 3 blocks of questions in the attached form, one block for each topic.    Responses are requested by the end of June 2023 and will inform the agenda for our October Business Meeting in Atlanta.

Please prioritise your entries - most important feature first.    There is an additional final section for free-form comments.

Dear MAG members and observers,

The Modelling Advisory Group has finalised the proposal for SNOMED CT Annotations after thorough deliberation.

The existing Annotation refet type is inadequate and ineffective for meeting the diverse needs of annotations and complying with the OWL standard. We have evaluated all possible options and their impact on usability, tooling, and quality assurance. Replacing the annotation refset type would not affect the content and structures of the existing core components, such as concept, description, and relationship files. The aim of this annotation refset update is to simplify maintenance and implementation.

We invite your comments on the proposal and your current use of annotations by June 9th 2023. You can access the proposal through the feedback form here.

Please do pass this page on to any other parties you think would have an interest or be impacted by this proposal.

Proposal for modification of the RF2 specification

SNOMED International would like to modify the layout specified for the Identifier File ( 4.2.4 Identifier File Specification ) and would greatly appreciate feedback on this proposal.  This file provides alternative identifiers for concepts where the same entity exists in another code system.  SNOMED International have not made use of this file to date, but plan to in the future, and are keen to bring the column ordering into line with all other RF2 files before publishing.

SNOMED International requests that users of SNOMED CT read this proposal paper:  SNOMED International Proposal to change the RF2 Identifier File specification which includes a link to a feedback form.  Feedback will be responded to until the end of this consultation exercise on 14 April 2023.   Feedback will be posted as an addendum to the proposal.

Please do pass this page on to any other parties you think would have an interest or be impacted by this proposal.

Hello Modeling Advisory Group

As SNOMED International progresses to collaborate more closely with other organisations, the opportunity will arise to model terminology content from other code systems directly in SNOMED CT.  To highlight that this content is a true alternate expression of the same logical entity, SNOMED International would like to make use of the Identifier File ( 4.2.4 Identifier File Specification ).  This is an alternative approach to using a Map file, which may be seen to imply an equivalence in entities between two code systems, but not one and the same entity.   The Identifier File has existed in the RF2 specification for many years, but it has never been populated in the International Edition.  SNOMED International are not aware of any content generators (such as National Release Centres) who do make use of this file format.

As the structure of this file is part of the RF2 specification, we need to hold a community consultation exercise prior to making any changes.   I wonder if you'd all be able to read over the following document and comment, both as a response to the consultation and also if you have any points to make about the consultation document or the feedback form itself, then it would be good to capture any suggested improvements there before sharing this document more widely:  SNOMED International Proposal to change the RF2 Identifier File specification

Thanks All!

Hello Modeling Advisory Group!

SNOMED International's planning for the April Business Meeting is well underway and, with both the AG travel budget approved and the event schedule pretty much finalised, I can now suggest that you can book travel and accommodation.

Further event details are here:

For the MAG meeting, our light agenda will allow us to reduce our meeting time to a single half-day session, which will be 9am - 12:30pm on Wednesday 5 April.   SI will cover accommodation for two nights for Advisory Group Members, although some flexibility is available for those coming from Australia and South America.   If you feel unable to travel in person for logistical or environmental reasons, then we will - as always - also have a Zoom dial-in option.

Here is a link to our travel policy:

Could I also ask you to review your entry in the Declarations of Interest page please, and make any updates that may be required.

Thanks & Best Wishes, Peter & Yong

Update: The finalised schedule has now been published, and registration is open:  Schedule & Registration now available for SNOMED International April 2023 Business Meetings

Hello MAG Members and Observers.

Yong and I have now posted the agenda for our meeting next week:

2022-09-27 Full MAG Meeting (Hybrid Meeting)

If you're onsite you'll want to be in "Ajuda II" at 9am local time.  Portugal uses the WEST timezone, which is the same as BST.

If you're joining us online we'll be using our usual Zoom link and that'll be 08:00 UTC.

We're lucky to have a generous amount of time to devote to a reduced number of topics this year.   We'll also be participating in the Joint Advisory Group session on the Wednesday afternoon for discussion on Annotations and potential additional Description Types.

Looking forward to seeing some of you in person!  Peter

This year SNOMED International have decided to run another "Joint Advisory Group" meeting, which, if memory serves we last held in Bratislava in 2017.

This meeting will be open to all Advisory Group members, as well as interested observers, but the main overlap of interest comes from the MAG, TRAG and EAG.

Here's a draft agenda which may yet change as the week goes on:  2022-09-28 Joint Advisory Group (Hybrid Meeting)

We'll use the normal MAG Zoom link and for those onsite we'll be in the Belém I room, starting at 13:30 local time, which will be 12:30 UTC.

Please do review the agenda and let me know if you have any comments or suggestions.

Best Wishes, Peter 

Hello Modeling Advisory Group and Observers.

In case you missed the Confluence post, SNOMED International's Events team is very pleased to advise that registration for the September 2022 Business Meetings and SNOMED CT Expo 2022 is now open for both onsite and online participation.

The confirmed Business Meeting schedule can be found here:

This is the current Expo program: 

All Business Meeting sessions will also be added soon to our "What's on this Week" calendar with Zoom links for all applicable sessions.

Please click here to register for either event - either via the Onsite link if you will be in Lisbon, or the Online one for virtual Expo attendance 

(Note: pre-registration for online attendance at Business Meeting sessions is not required).


The in-person conference will be held from from September 24th-30th, 2022 at the Pestana Palace Lisboa Hotel and National Monument. If you are planning on staying at the conference hotel we recommend that you book early. The venue has lots of meeting space, but the hotel room side is more limited, especially on the pre- and post- event weekends. Rooms are cancellable up until a couple of days before the event. Here's the booking link.

The organization thanks you for your ongoing support. Please reach out to the Events team ( with any questions or inquiries you have.

Dear Modeling Advisory Group and Observers.  

Our next group call will be on Tuesday 5 July at 20:00 UTC and with the agenda in its current state we should manage that in 90 minutes, but do let me know if you have any other topics that you think the group should be discussing.

The draft agenda can be found here: 2022-07-05 Full MAG Meeting (Conf Call)

Our main topic will be SNOMED CT Annotations so if you're able to review that and give comments beforehand, that will save time on the call.

Best Wishes,   Peter & Yong

PS If you missed it, and it may be of interest to one of your colleagues, applications now invited for joining the EAG and MAG.   See Call for Advisory Group Nominations: Deadline Thursday, 30 June 2022

Anyone interested in presenting a paper or poster at the SNOMED International Expo ?

September 29 - 30 in Lisbon either in person or remotely.


The deadline for submission of abstracts has been extended to 1 May.

Best Wishes, Peter