Dear E-Learning Advisory Group members,
The April Business Meeting in Oslo is fast approaching, if you have not registered please see April 2025 Business Meetings.
ELAG will be meeting in person and online via Zoom on Monday 7th April at 13:30-17:00 CEST (11:30-15:00 UTC) via the ELAG Zoom link.
Member Education Reports
To prepare for the meeting, we would appreciate you taking the time to fill out the Google form.
This form allows you to provide a brief education member report for your member country which will be discussed during the meeting.
Please complete the form before Friday, March 28th 2025 - this will enable us to prepare the ELAG presentation for the meeting.
Please also review the agenda for the April ELAG meeting which is published at 2025-04-07 ELAG Hybrid Meeting (via Zoom).
Information on October Expo 2025
Our abstract submission portal for SNOMED CT Expo 2025 is now open!
This year's event will be held in Antwerp, Belgium, from October 22-24, 2025, and it offers plenty of opportunities to contribute your SNOMED CT knowledge and experience to a growing global repository.
Abstract submissions are for presentations at one of the four streams (Enhancing Clinical Practice & Outcomes, Demonstrating Implementation Excellence, Terminology Leading Practices, and Advances in Research & Innovation), or a 10-minute Lightning Talk or an ePoster.
Visit to learn more about this year's Expo and submit an abstract here by April 24.
If you have any questions, please let me know at or
Kind regards,
Ian Spiers
Hi all,
Our abstract submission portal for SNOMED CT Expo 2025 is now open!
This year's event will be held in Antwerp, Belgium, from October 22-24, 2025, and it offers plenty of opportunities to contribute your SNOMED CT knowledge and experience to a growing global repository.
Abstract submissions are for presentations at one of the four streams (Enhancing Clinical Practice & Outcomes, Demonstrating Implementation Excellence, Terminology Leading Practices, and Advances in Research & Innovation), or a 10-minute Lightning Talk or an ePoster.
Visit to learn more about this year's Expo and submit an abstract here by April 24.
You can also view the recordings from last year's Expo in South Korea:
Kind regards
Enrolments for our current version of Curso de Fundamentos will close at the end of February 2025.
This is because we are launching an updated Curso de Fundamentos course to align with the updated Foundation Course (English edition).
For NRCs who may have projects coming up that require people to complete the Curso de Fundamentos soon, please enrol on the current version before enrolments will be paused at the end of February.
Kind regards
Dear ELAG members
The schedule for the April 2025 Business Meetings has now been finalised. The meetings are being run as a hybrid event.
Registration is open, please click here to register to attend the Meetings and/or SNOMED CT in Norway in person in Oslo.
Click here to register to attend SNOMED CT in Norway purely online.
Further information is available via the link in this blog post.
The ELAG will hold a hybrid meeting on Monday 7th April at 13:30-17:00 CEST (11:30-15:00 UTC) - Room: Munch 2, Radisson Blu Plaza Oslo, Norway.
There will be a 30 minute break at 15:00-15:30 CEST (13:00-13:30 UTC).
Best wishes
Ian Spiers
Dear ELAG members and observers of the group,
Thank you to everyone who was able to join us today, for the October 2024 SNOMED Business Meeting's E-Learning Advisory Group meeting.
For those of you who were unable to attend, please feel free to watch the recording at 2024-10-21 ELAG Hybrid Meeting (via Zoom).
The presentation for this meeting is also available.
If you have any feedback, please feel free to send me an email at
We hope you enjoyed the meeting and thank you for your continual invaluable support.
Kind regards,
Ian Spiers
Hi all,
Please be advised that the schedule for the October 2024 Business Meetings has now been finalised, and registration for in-person attendance is open (see links below).
- CONFIRMED SCHEDULE: October 2024 Business Meetings
- REGISTRATION: October 2024 Business Meetings & SNOMED CT Expo 2024
The E-learning Advisory Group will meeting on Monday 21st October 13:30 -17:00 KST (UTC - Monday 21st October 04:30-08:00) with the option for both in person and online attendance.
Note, if you attending in person you are encouraged to book accommodation asap. Information is available here: October 2024 Business Meetings
We look forward to seeing you in person or online.
Kind regards,
Enrolments for our current implementation course will close after June 2024.
Why? - Because we are launching an exciting new course soon!
For NRCs who may have projects coming up and require people to complete the implementation course soon, please make sure they enrol before June ends.
Best regards,
SNOMED International Education Team
Dear ELAG members and observers of the group,
Thank you to everyone who was able to join us on Monday, for the April 2024 SNOMED Business Meeting's E-Learning Advisory Group meeting.
For those of you who were unable to attend, please feel free to watch the recording at ELAG 2024 April Recording.
The presentation for this meeting is also available at ELAG presentation - April 2024 Business Meeting.
If you have any feedback, please feel free to send me an email at
More time in course assessments and exams
One feedback raised by the group was to have more time in course assessments and certification exams, especially for those who first language is not English.
We have made changes to all course assessments and certification exams, now each has an extra hour.
Revised Implementation Course
Thank you to those who have agreed to review aspects of the new implementation course.
Kath will be in touch will more details in regard to review process.
Any questions, please reach out to Kath
Kind regards,
Ian Spiers
Dear E-Learning Advisory Group members,
The April Business Meeting in London is fast approaching, if you have not registered please see April 2024 Business Meetings. Please note that registration is NOT required for online-only participants.
ELAG will be meeting in person and online via Zoom on Monday 15th April at 13:30-17:00 BST (12:30-16:00 UTC) via the ELAG Zoom link.
Member Education Reports
To prepare for the meeting, we would appreciate each ELAG representative taking the time to fill out the Google form (Member Education Report).
Thank you to those who have already responded, we appreciate your responses.
This form allows you to provide a brief education member report for your member country which will be discussed during the meeting.
Please complete the form before Friday, March 29th 2024 - this will enable us to prepare the ELAG presentation for the meeting.
Please also review the agenda for the April ELAG meeting which is published at 2024-04-15 ELAG Hybrid Meeting (via Zoom).
Information on October Expo 2024
The call for abstracts for the Expo has also gone out with the deadline of April 24th for submissions. The Expo will be held 24th and 25th October 2024, as a hybrid event. For those attending in person the location is Seoul.
If you have any questions, please let me know at or
Kind regards,
Ian Spiers
Dear E-Learning Advisory Group members,
The April Business Meeting in London is fast approaching, if you have not registered please see April 2024 Business Meetings. Please note that registration is NOT required for online-only participants.
ELAG will be meeting in person and online via Zoom on Monday 15th April at 13:30-17:00 BST (12:30-16:00 UTC) via the ELAG Zoom link.
Member Education Reports
To prepare for the meeting, we would appreciate you taking the time to fill out the Google form.
This form allows you to provide a brief education member report for your member country which will be discussed during the meeting.
Please complete the form before Friday, March 29th 2024 - this will enable us to prepare the ELAG presentation for the meeting.
Please also review the agenda for the April ELAG meeting which is published at 2024-04-15 ELAG Hybrid Meeting (via Zoom).
Information on October Expo 2024
The call for abstracts for the Expo has also gone out with the deadline of April 24th for submissions. The Expo will be held 24th and 25th October 2024, as a hybrid event. For those attending in person the location is Seoul.
If you have any questions, please let me know at or
Kind regards,
Ian Spiers
Dear ELAG members
The schedule for the April 2024 Business Meetings has now been finalised. The meetings are being run as a hybrid event and registration for those attending in person is now open. Further information is available via the link in this blog post.
The ELAG will hold a hybrid meeting on Monday 15th April at 13:30-17:00 BST (12:30-16:00 UTC). There will be a 30 minute break at 15:00-15:30 BST (14:00-14:30 UTC).
If you plan to attend in person for this or other meetings, please complete the registration form.
Please note that registration is NOT required for online-only participants.
Best wishes
Ian Spiers
Hi All,
Thank you very much for your input at the ELAG meeting regarding the new implementation course and to those of you who have volunteered to review the new implementation course.
We are going to split the reviews into sections following the proposed structure of the new implementation course.
First review stage to cover the first two modules
Second review stage - ‘General implementation and Customization’ modules
Third review stage - ‘EHR Implementation Principles’ modules
Fourth review stage - ‘Extension Management’ modules
As there are different stages we will divide those of you who have volunteered across the review stages.
We will be in touch at a time when each review stage is ready. (Some of you will already have been contacted regarding the first review stage.)
Many thanks again for your help and we look forward to receiving your comments.
Please let us know if you would also like to volunteer to review the new implementation course. This can be done by commenting on this blog on confluence.
Many thanks,
Kath Priest
Dear ELAG members and observers of the group,
Thank you to everyone who was able to join us on Monday, for the October 2023 SNOMED Business Meeting's E-Learning Advisory Group meeting.
For those of you who were unable to attend, please feel free to watch the recording or view the presentations for this meeting 2023-10-23 ELAG Hybrid Meeting (via Zoom).
Here is also a link to the two resources - the Starter Tutorial and Education Resources Guide - that are freely available for anyone to view.
Unfortunately, we did not manage to cover all the great work the Implementation Support team is doing, but if you have any questions, please reach out to Anne (
There were more detailed recordings on some aspects during the meetings, please see the following in the Events portal SNOMED CT Expo 2023 Zoom Events
SNOMED Implementation Support, Extension Management and the Simplex Toolkit, Wednesday Oct 25, 2023, 02:00 - 03:30 PM
Leveraging the Postcoordination Guide and Snowstorm Reference Implementation, , Thursday Oct 26, 2023, 05:00 - 05:30 PM
SNOMED CT and the Information Model for new implementers, Thursday Oct 26, 2023, 06:30 - 08:00 PM
Empowering SNOMED CT implementations through the Expression Constraint Language, Friday Oct 27, 2023, 03:30 - 05:30 PM
Also, general introductions to SNOMED CT
SNOMED CT Quick Start, Thursday Oct 26, 2023, 01:00 - 02:00 PM
Introduction to SNOMED CT, Thursday Oct 26, 2023, 03:30 - 05:30 PM
Note, all these recorded presentations will be available on the SNOMED International Youtube channel once the events portal is closed after a few months.
For anyone that has kindly offered to be part of the review process for the new implementation course modules, Kath ( will be in touch directly.
Thank you all for your contributions, i think the meeting was a great success.
Best wishes
Dear ELAG members,
Please see the following links for the SNOMED International's October 2023 events.
October 2023 Business Meetings Schedule
October 2023 Business Meetings & SNOMED CT Expo 2023 Registration
We look forward to meeting you on the ELAG meeting.
The ELAG meeting is scheduled for Monday 23rd October at 13:30-17:00 EDT Atlantan local time. This is 17:30-21:00 UTC for those attending virtually.
There will be a break in the meeting, 15:00-15:30 EDT Atlantan local time.
Agenda and zoom details are available on confluence, 2023-10-23 ELAG Hybrid Meeting (via Zoom)
Best wishes
Dear ELAG Members
We have now created two resources - the Starter Tutorial and Education Resources Guide - that are freely available for anyone to view.
The SNOMED CT Starter Tutorial provides an overview of the basics of SNOMED CT:
- What is SNOMED CT?
- Why is SNOMED CT needed?
- The scope of SNOMED CT
- SNOMED CT usage
- Benefits of SNOMED CT
- SNOMED International
The SNOMED CT Education Resources Guide provides details of educational material that cover a range of topics related to this important healthcare terminology:
- SNOMED International Website
- SNOMED E-Learning Courses and Certifications
- SNOMED E-Learning Pathways
- Presentation Library
- SNOMED Documentation Library
- Implementation Support Portal
- SNOMED CT Expo Presentations
The aim of these resources is to provide key information for anyone starting or continuing there SNOMED CT educational journey.
Best wishes