A briefing note providing a summary of upcoming attribute refinements for the Physical object hierarchy is available:
Hi all,
The CMAG has received a request for feedback on the Concept Inactivation Proposed Amendments document. Responses are due by 19th March 2021 and these may be sent to Paul Amos or added directly to the confluence page where the document is located.
Registrations for the April 2021 business meetings are now open. Details may be found SNOMED Events Update: April registration & Expo2021 Call for Abstracts The CMAG is planning to meet virtually via Zoom on Wednesday 21 April at 2000 UTC for an hour. The agenda will be released closer to time. If there are topics you wish to raise for discussion please let myself and Monica Harry know.
The 2021 Expo call for abstracts is also open. Further details can be found via the link above.
Kind regards,
2021-Feb-2 - A Briefing Note regarding the planned inactivation of overdose and poisoning concepts described as "undetermined intent" is available.
Briefing Note QI Feb 2021 Undetermined Overdose and Poisoning Inactivation.pdf
2021-Jan-26 - A Briefing Note regarding the planned inactivation of device content referencing a kit or set is available:
A briefing note providing a summary of the Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 vaccine-related changes made for the 2021-January International Release is available:
Briefing Note Jan 2021 SARS-CoV-2 vaccines.pdf
Note: The Briefing Note was updated 2021-Jan-25 to include one additional new concept.
The modeling for conditions caused by substance or product has been discussed at the joint Modeling and Editorial AG meetings. Clinical conditions, e.g. allergy, adverse reaction, poisoning, contact dermatitis, have been modeled by substances in SNOMED CT. In practice, these conditions could be reported by medicinal products in clinical records.
A key question is whether a condition caused by a substance should have any hierarchical relationship to a condition caused by a product/physical object/organism that contains such a substance. A product can contain single or multiple active ingredients and excipients. It is important to clarify the intended meaning for 'conditions caused by product' to enable consistent modeling and reasoning. In the consultation paper accessed via the link below, five potential interpretations and their models are discussed with additional information on the complexity from product role groupers, types of representations, records in an information model, queries and decision support systems.
The purpose of this consultation is to gather input from the community to understand the expectation and potential impact on the current practice. Please complete the feedback form by 31st January 2021.
The link to the document:
The Google form for your feedback:
SNOMED International is establishing a Drug Extensions User Support Group, to provide support to implementers of SNOMED CT drug extensions. The group is open to any stakeholder from the SNOMED CT community who is actively using, planning to use, or interested in using the SNOMED CT drug extension model. This includes anyone who is:
- Creating a national SNOMED CT drug extension to support clinical systems;
- Mapping an existing national drug model to SNOMED International's drug model to support interoperability and cross-border data sharing;
- Integrating a SNOMED CT drug extension with other drug standards, such as ISO's Identification of Medicinal Products (IDMP) standard;
- Utilising the SNOMED CT drug model to implement clinical decision support (CDS); or
- Developing clinical implementations that use a drug dictionary based on the SNOEMD CT drug extension model.
Objective - To provide a forum through which implementers can share their real world experiences, challenges and questions, with other stakeholders and SNOMED International
1. To enable the successful implementation of national SNOMED CT drug extensions, that meet the requirements of both national use and cross-border data sharing
2. To enable the successful interoperability between national SNOMED CT drug extensions and other medicinal product standards required for national or cross-border data sharing
Meetings - The first meeting will be held on Thursday 29th October 2020 at 11:00 UTC
To register for this group, please complete the registration form at http://snomed.org/deusg-register. For further information please visit http://snomed.org/deusg or email Linda Bird (lbi@snomed.org).
Please see the Briefing Note which was just shared with the Member Forum concerning planned inactivation of device content in the physical object hierarchy which includes the device use frequency (e.g., "single use").
Hi CMAG members,
The virtual SNOMED CT Expo and Business Meeting is now open for registration via this registration link: https://cvent.me/aQE7qP. You should select the Advisory Group category unless you are presenting a session or also on the Member Forum or General Assembly. If you register early for the Expo you will receive a free "welcome pack". For more information, please visit www.snomedexpo.org.
In regards to the Business Meetings, please be aware that at this point in time we don't anticipate the need to hold a CMAG meeting.
Kind regards,
Hi CMAG members,
We need to consider the need for an online CMAG meeting during October business meetings. If you have potential discussion topics or items for the agenda please comment on this blog post or email me direct.
Hi CMAG members,
The current representation for limbs and girdles has been undertaken as part of the anatomy project. The proposed revision is intended to improve the quality of body structure hierarchy. Since these changes will have a wider impact on the model and classification of diseases and procedures, the Advisory Groups are being asked to review the proposal and provide feedback.
The comments can be added directly in the Google doc at the following link:
It will be much appreciated if feedback could be provided before 10th August.
Hi CMAG members,
Please be advised that the due date for the topic: Naming convention for procedures using a surgical approach has been extended to Friday 29th May.
Hi CMAG members,
Please be advised responses on the topic: ConceptId churn and FSN changes.. are due by Friday 29th May.
Hi all,
SNOMED International is looking for input from the CMAG members on the discussion thread started by Matt Cordell here: ConceptId churn and FSN changes.. In particular we are looking for feedback on what types of changes to FSN's would be acceptable without requiring inactivation and replacement of the concept. Given the thread has already been set up please add your comments to that page.
Just a reminder that the topic Naming convention for procedures using a surgical approach is open for comment until 21 May 2020.
Thank you for your responses on Definitions of Provision and Dispensing. This topic is now being closed.
Kind regards,
Hi all,
I hope everyone is keeping well during this challenging time.
In relation to CMAG work, we have a new request for input on Naming convention for procedures using a surgical approach with responses due May 21st. The responses on the current topic Definitions of Provision and Dispensing are due May 5th.
In addition a reminder that the SNOMED International Community Updates: April 2020 are available to view. Please also see the announcement in relation to the SNOMED CT Expo 2020: COVID-19 contingencies & Call for Abstracts Comp
Kind regards,