Dear E-Learning Advisory Group members,
The April Business Meeting is fast approaching, if you have not registered please see SNOMED International April 2022 Business Meetings - Schedule & Registration now available.
ELAG will be meeting virtually via Zoom on Monday 4th April from 10:00 UTC to 12:00 UTC via the ELAG Zoom link (passcode 168658).
To prepare for the meeting, we would appreciate you taking the time to fill out this form (if you have not done this already) :
This form allows you to provide a brief education member report for your member country which will be discussed during the meeting.
Please complete the form by Wednesday 30th April - this will enable us to prepare the ELAG presentation for the meeting.
Please also review the agenda for the April ELAG meeting which is published at 2022-04-04 ELAG Remote Meeting (via Zoom). If you have any questions, please let me know at or
The call for abstracts for the Expo has also gone out with the deadline of April 17th for submissions. The Expo will be held 29th and 30th September 2022, as a hybrid event. For those attending in person the location is Lisbon, Portugal.
Stay safe and talk to you soon!
Kind regards,
Ian Spiers
Dear E-Learning Advisory Group members,
Please see the announcement on the April Business Meetings: SNOMED International April 2022 Business Meetings - Schedule & Registration now available.
ELAG will be meeting virtually via Zoom on Monday 4th April from 10:00 UTC to 12:00 UTC via the ELAG Zoom link (passcode 168658).
To prepare for the meeting, we would appreciate you taking the time to fill out this form:
This form allows you to provide your education member report for your member country which will be discussed during the meeting.
Please also review the agenda for the April ELAG meeting which is published at 2022-04-04 ELAG Remote Meeting (via Zoom). If you have any questions, please let me know at or
The call for abstracts for the Expo has also gone out with the deadline of April 17th for submissions. The Expo will be held 29th and 30th September 2022, as a hybrid event. For those attending in person the location is Lisbon, Portugal.
Stay safe and talk to you soon!
Kind regards,
Ian Spiers
Hi all,
First, I would like to thank you all for attending last week's E-Learning Advisory Group meeting. It is always a pleasure meeting with you and getting your thoughts and feedback on our initiatives.
Please remember to review the Member Sharing area of the E-Learning platform, and send me an email if it needs updating. Countries that are not currently represented here are more than welcome to send me an email with information that could be relevant to add and share in this area (
I would also like to thank those of you who volunteered to review the first module of the new Foundation course. As said, the review will need to be conducted at the beginning of December, and I will send you further information about the process when we approach the start date.
In the event that you would like to listen to the recording of the meeting, please access it here:
- Meeting Recording
- Access Passcode: G9.VkNG2
Please also find the slides from the session here: 2021-10-21 ELAG Remote Meeting
I hope to see you all in the next couple of days at the SNOMED CT Expo, and I hope that you will enjoy the conference!
Kind Regards,
Dear all,
I look forward to seeing you all at the ELAG meeting tomorrow (Thursday, October 21st, 2021) at 10:00 UTC to 12:00 UTC.
Join the meeting using this link: ELAG Zoom link (passcode 567089).
The meeting agenda is available in our Confluence space.
Kind Regards, Anne
Dear E-Learning Advisory Group members and observes,
I am pleased to forward you the information that registration is open for the forthcoming October 2021 business meetings and the SNOMED CT Expo.
The business meetings are scheduled from October 18-27, 2021. Please visit the events calendar to see the current schedule.
The expo will be held as a fully virtual event from October 28-29, 2021, and you must register for the event here: Register now
Please join us for the E-Learning AG meeting from 10:00 UTC to 12:00 UTC on Thursday, October 21st, 2021, via the ELAG Zoom link (passcode 567089).
The meeting agenda is available in our Confluence space, but note that it is still in draft, and I will keep you posted on changes that may involve any actions from you.
If you have any questions, please let me know at or
I look forward to meeting with you.
Kind regards,
Dear ELAG members and observers of the group,
Thank you to everyone who was able to join us on Thursday, for the April 2021 SNOMED Business Meeting's E-Learning Advisory Group meeting.
For those of you who were unable to attend, please feel free to watch the recording at ELAG - 21st April 2021.
The presentation for this meeting is also available at ELAG presentation - April Business Meeting.
If you have any feedback, please feel free to send me an email at, or add a comment for discussion at the bottom of the 2021-04-22 ELAG Remote Meeting (via Zoom).
I will reach out to all ELAG Members in the nearest future to plan for a follow-up meeting, where we can continue the good and valuable discussions.
Kind regards,
Anne Højen.
Hi everyone,
All of April’s Business Meetings will be accessed directly via the event's virtual platform. If you have yet to do so please pre-register for the conference via this link:
Your personal login details for the virtual platform will be shared before the event opens. You can access all available sessions via the Schedule/Timeline on the site's homepage.
Also, please remember to fill in the ELAG meeting form, which can be accessed here:, and note that the meeting agenda with preparatory questions can be found here: 2021-04-22 ELAG Remote Meeting (via Zoom).
Looking forward to meeting with you next week.
Kind regards,
Dear E-Learning Advisory Group members,
April is fastly approaching, and we can count the days to the business meetings that are being held online in the week of April 19th to 23rd 2021.
If you have not already registered, but wish to do so, please register here:
Please join us for the E-Learning AG meeting from 10:00 UTC to 12:00 UTC on Thursday 22nd April via the ELAG Zoom link (passcode 567089).
To prepare for the meeting, we would appreciate you taking the time to fill out this form:
This form allows you to provide your education member report, but it also includes questions that we are going to discuss at the meeting.
More specifically, these questions relate to your assessment of specific SNOMED CT documents, and your thoughts on potential improvements to the SNOMED CT Foundation course.
Please also review the agenda for the April ELAG meeting which is published at 2021-04-22 ELAG Remote Meeting (via Zoom). The agenda includes supplemental questions for you to consider and prepare before the meeting.
If you have any questions, please let me know at or
Stay safe and talk to you soon!
Kind regards,
Dear E-Learning Advisory Group members,
I am pleased to forward you the information that registration is now open for the forthcoming April 2021 business meeting. This April's meetings will be held as a fully virtual event from April 19-22, 2021.
Please join us for the E-Learning AG meeting from 10:00 UTC to 12:00 UTC on Thursday, April 22, 2021, via the ELAG Zoom link (passcode 567089).
The agenda for the April ELAG meeting is published at 2021-04-22 ELAG Remote Meeting. Please note that the agenda is still in draft, and I will keep you posted on changes that may involve any actions from you.
Note that all members are invited to present and/or email ( a short report on the following topics:
- New or planned SNOMED CT education activities in your region
- SNOMED CT education priorities and requirements
- Feedback on existing SNOMED CT eLearning experiences
- Languages required for education to drive adoption of SNOMED CT in your region
- Potential education delivery partners (e.g. universities, NRC etc) to host education in these languages
Please visit for more information about the business meetings, and to register for the event.
If you have any questions, please let me know at or
I look forward to meeting with you.
Kind regards,
Sent on behalf of Don Sweete, CEO SNOMED International
Dear E-Learning Advisory Group,
I am pleased to inform you that the Management Board has approved the Senior Management Team's recommendation to cease the practice of charging Members for SNOMED CT education courses offered by SNOMED International at this time. Please note that this decision does not apply to SNOMED International Certifications.
The current decision reinforces the desire of the organization to extend opportunities for SNOMED CT education equally across our membership as well as recognition of the budgetary constraints Members are facing resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The decision follows;
Education Fees for Members
SNOMED International immediately ceases charging fees to Members for courses offered by SNOMED International, in effect with the next cohort of classes. Fees for courses already paid for but yet to be delivered by SNOMED International will be refunded. Non-Members will continue to be charged a fee for SNOMED International education.
SNOMED International continues to actively pursue partners for the delivery of SNOMED CT courses.
Fees for SNOMED International Certifications will continue to apply.
In line with this decision, the Education Team will work to update the Course Catalogue, as well as communicating changes to relevant stakeholders, e.g. the E-Learning Advisory Group. If you have any questions, kindly contact the Education Team at
Kind regards,
Dear ELearning AG members,
I'd like to announce a few changes to the Education Team at SNOMED International.
Firstly, Liara Tutina has recently taken over the management of the education team, and has asked Anne Højen to serve as the new chair of the ELearning Advisory Group. So please make Liara and Anne both feel very welcome in their new roles!
As part of these role changes, I will be leaving the education team to get involved in some new SNOMED implementation activities. I do, however, continue to be a firm believer in the importance of education in enabling SNOMED CT adoption across all of our countries. So I thank you all sincerely for continuing to support these education activities!
Wishing you all the best!
Kind regards,
Dear all,
Enrolments for the next SNOMED CT Authoring Level 1 Course, starting on Monday 1st March 2021, will be closing soon - on Monday 22nd February.
Please share the advertisement below with your local communities to advertise the course. This is a five month course, which costs $US 500 for anyone from a high-income Member country/territory and $US 250 for anyone from a middle-income Member country/territory (note: This includes the 50% member discount). Please be aware that the SNOMED CT Foundation Course is a prerequisite, so if you haven't completed this please do so before enrolling (note: The Foundation Course this is FREE for Members).
National Release Centers are entitled to two FREE enrolments in each course per year. So, please use this opportunity to train your staff and/or stakeholders for free! To apply for your two free enrolments (per course), the MF representative can email with the names and email addresses of the people enrolling, and which course they would like to enrol in. We will then send them a free voucher to complete the enrolment process.
For more information, please visit our SNOMED CT course catalogue at Thank you!
Dear all,
Enrolments for the next SNOMED CT Implementation Course, starting on Monday 4th January 2021, will be closing soon - on Monday 28th December.
Please share the advertisement below with your local communities to advertise the course. This is a six month course, which costs $US 500 for anyone from a high-income Member country/territory and $US 250 for anyone from a middle-income Member country/territory (note: This includes the 50% membership discount). Please be aware that the SNOMED CT Foundation Course is a prerequisite, so if you haven't completed this please do so before enrolling (note: The Foundation Course this is FREE for Members).
National Release Centers are entitled to two free enrolments in each course per year. You are welcome to use your free enrolments allocated for 2021 to enrol in this course. Please use this opportunity to train your staff and/or stakeholders! To apply for your two free enrolments (per course), the MF representative can email with the names and email addresses of the people enrolling, and which course they would like to enrol in. We will then send them a free voucher to complete the enrolment process.
For more information, please visit our SNOMED CT course catalogue at and select our SNOMED CT Implementation Course. Thank you!
Dear ELAG,
SNOMED International is hosting an upcoming SNOMED CT Research Webinar that may be of interest to many:
Bridging the RWD databases across the countries to empower studies on COVID-19
This presentation will share recent accomplishments utilizing SNOMED CT as the key terminology to coordinate real-world evidence studies around the world on COVID-19. SNOMED CT has been bridging the EHR/EMR databases in different countries to build up a network for large-scale analysis on the demographics, clinical features, treatment, and health outcomes of COVID-19 patients. The implementation of SNOMED CT in a broader scope will help the global community to prepare for the next-wave of COVID-19 and the next communicable disease.
The webinar will be presented by Dr. Gong Mengchun:
Tuesday November 24th at 14:00 UTC
Register for free at:
Kind regards,
Dear ELAG,
It has come to my attention that there was an error in one of the ELAG slides previously distributed - in particular the flag for Cyprus was incorrect.
If you have already downloaded the October ELAG Meeting Slides, could you please download these again to obtain the corrected version.
Updates slides: ELAG Meeting 20201007.pptx
Thank you!
Kind regards,