Hi all,
Registration has opened for the Business meetings and Expo: http://ihtsdo.org/participate/attend-ihtsdo-events/ihtsdo-business-meeting/
The Content Managers Advisory Group will be meeting on Wednesday 26th October 11:30- 12:30 and 13:30-16:30 in New Zealand local time. In UTC time the meetings will be Tuesday 25th October 22:30- 23:30 and Wednesday 26th October 00:30- 03:30. There will be dial in facilities.
Kind regards,
Hi all,
The draft minutes of the July meeting have been posted 20160712_CMAG_draft minutes.docx Please provide any feedback on these via the meeting page 2016-07-12 - CMAG Meeting prior to the next meeting. Also just a reminder to check the actions you have in prep for the next meeting: CMAG Action List.
Have a good week,
Hi everyone,
Just a reminder to review the CMAG Action List for any outstanding actions you may have in prep for our meeting Tuesday 12th July. The agenda is in the process of being updated and by your Wednesday this week you should be able to see the full list of topics for this meeting. Please also let me know if there are items of business you'd be looking to raise.
Hi everyone,
Would you please advise me on your current plans in relation to attendance at the October face to face meeting. So attending in person, dialling in, attending but unsure of mode or will not be attending. This response can either be via a comment here or email to cri@ihtsdo.org. Would you please let me know by Friday 24th June.
Hi everyone,
I need to let you know that at present most of you won't be able to see in your task lists what you need to feed back on and when. This is because the task functionality in Confluence only picks up the first person in the list and for the June meeting I had put your names together for each task. While I can go back in and set up the tasks for each of you, given there are eight of you and six tasks to do this for, it would be quite messy on the page.
I have been talking to Rory on options and will look to have something in place from the July meeting onwards so you will be able to see the items to follow up in your task list and also mark them off when completed.
For the June meeting can I ask that you refer to the meeting minutes to see what you need to feed back on and by when. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hi all,
I need to let you know that some internal IHTSDO changes have resulted in a change of Chair for this advisory group to myself Cathy Richardson. I assume everyone knows me but just in case I'm a Senior Terminologist within the Content Team and one of the IHTSDO's Consultant Terminologists.
Ian Green has moved out of Content and into the role of Clinical Engagement and Education Services Business Manager. Lesley MacNeil has taken up the role of Content Management Executive.
Given the change over you will note that the GTM dial in details on the meeting information page have changed. I will also shortly be sending out an invite for upcoming meetings, which will include this information. I look forward to working with each of you over the coming months.
Kind regards,
NOTE: This item has been moved to Extension Management. Please post all discussion comments on the new page. Thanks, Cathy
To resolve any conflicts in understanding of the SNOMED CT license for members about what content changes are permitted within extensions, the IHTSDO member countries are seeking consensus as to what types of changes are allowed.
Whilst it the IHTSDO could declare or prohibited certain extension types outright, consensus with members of the Content Managers advisory group would ensure any decisions are align with member expectations and requirements.
The original discussion paper is available here. Members are asked to provide comment on the following statements:
- Members are allowed to create new concepts.
- Members are allowed to fully define concepts they create.
- Members are allowed to state additional IS A relationships against core (international) concepts. (Specifically to newly created concepts.)
- Members are allowed to classify terminology extensions.
- Members are allowed to retire (redundant) IS A relationships (not necessarily stated).
- Members are allowed to add additional defining (non-IS A) relationships to primitive core concepts.
- Members are allowed to retire content considered "inappropriate".
- Retire concepts
- Retire relationships
- Retire descriptions
Additional descriptions and language preferences are unanimously supported. Any of the above edits, are required to be RF2 compliant, with the ability to extract an "unaltered" international release if required.
Hi all,
Just a quick reminder that the meeting times are 20:00 UTC, and the next meeting is on the 10th, May 2016.
Look forward to talking to you next week,
Hi all,
I would like to thank all of you who attended the meeting in London, both in person and virtually. My own feeling is that the group continues to develop, but we are moving in the right direction. Your input is both welcome and valuable, even though the group presents me with some challenges, please continue to do so.
I hope you all enjoyed the meeting, and being in London. We will speak on our regular conference call next month.
Kind regards,
Hi all,
As the face to face meeting is scheduled for the week after our regular conference call, I suggest we go ahead with the meeting on the 18th rather than our regular spot. I will record the call on the 18th for those unable to attend or join due to timing issues.
I would ask the group if there are any specific agenda items that you would like to cover in London, also it would be helpful if you give me an indication whether you are attending the London meeting.
Many thanks
Hi all,
As part of the work on drugs, we are looking to make changes relating to concepts in the drug hierarchy that represent roles. The changes have been discussed previously, but required additional detail. I have posted both a powerpoint set of slides and a word document under the document section. Please can you review the documents, and post your comments/feedback.
Many thanks, Ian
Hi all,
The Editorial Advisory Group, has detailed a proposal for the inclusion of lateralised content into the International release. Previously, the approach taken to the representation of lateralised content has been limited. these proposals reverse that direction and open the door to a far wider representation than undertaken previously. Could I ask you as content managers at a national level, to review these proposals and feedback. Hopefully, we can gather some feedback prior to the next meeting, at which time I will schedule this as an agenda item for a broader discussion. Inclusion of “lateralized” content to the International release of SNOMED CT.
The document can be found here:
Proposal for inclusion of “lateralized” content to the International release of SNOMED CT
Many thanks,
Click on the link below to access
Hi all,
I have updated the group terms of reference following our last meeting, please can you have a look and let me know any corrections and/or changes.
Kind regards