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Hi all,

For those of you supporting the prioritisation work just a reminder that the responses are due back to me by 31st May. If you expect you will be unable to meet that deadline please email me as soon as possible.

Thank you for your assistance with this work.


Hi everyone,

Just a quick reminder that we'll be using the new tool Zoom for running our meeting on May 16th. 

Meeting Details:

Information on using Zoom: Starting with ZOOM



Please be advised that the February Content Managers Advisory Group meeting has been cancelled. We will be meeting next on March 14th at 2000UTC.



Hi all,

This is a general notice to three advisory groups.

The Editorial Guidelines for International Drug Model document has been released to the Project Group for review; advisory group members wishing to view or comment on the document can find further details under the Announcements section on the following Confluence site:

Drug Model - Directory



CMAG January meeting

Hi everyone,

Happy New Year!

Firstly a reminder that we have our first meeting for the year on 10 January 2017: 2000-2100UTC. The draft agenda is located: 2017-01-10 - CMAG Meeting

Please check the CMAG Action List for any outstanding actions you may have.

I am also still looking for volunteers to lead/support with some of our 2017 work items: CMAG 2017 Work Plan I'd like to finalise our plan at the January meeting if possible so if you could let me know prior to the meeting where you are able to commit please. We don't want to commit to deliverables that can not be resourced. Please note I have reviewed page permissions and everyone on the CMAG is now able to comment and sign off on the plan.

Kind regards,


As noted on the Draft 2017 Work Plan we need to look at the progression of the priorisation of the IHTSDO Content Tracker: /projects/IHTSDO/summary/statistics This will occur at a component level not an individual issue level. The initial focus will be gathering the Member priorities and then using that information and the Prioritisation Criteria to determine the priorities. Given the timeline this work needs to commence prior to the Christmas period and if possible an initial meeting will be set for next week. 

Would those interested in supporting this work please email Cathy by close of business Thursday 8th noting your interest and also whether you are able to meet on either Tuesday 13th or Thursday 15th at 2000UTC? For those who can't attend we will record the call and also provide you an email update. Sorry for the short timeframe here.

Kind regards,


Changes to calendar

Hi everyone,

As mentioned at the October meeting, there have been issues with the Confluence calendar (timing of calls given changes to daylight savings) and I am moving our working calendar across to a google calendar. For all CMAG members you have or will be receiving a google calendar invite for our next meeting in December. I have also set up a link between the google calendar and the one on our confluence site so observers can still see our calendar events. Any questions please let me know.



Hi everyone,

Given we have just had our face to face meeting and the end of the year is fast approaching the suggestion has been made that we just hold one meeting prior to Christmas and then go back to our usual schedule (second Tuesday of the month at 2000UTC) from January. Please let me know by Friday November 4th if you have an objection to this and also if you are able to meet on Tuesday 6th December at 2000UTC.



Hi everyone,

In prep for our meeting please have a look at the agenda items and relevant documents: 2016-10-26 - CMAG Meeting_Face to Face meeting. I am also looking for suggestions for 2017 work plan items. Please post your comments here: CMAG 2017 Work Plan especially those who are unable to attend. The draft work plan was our key objective for this meeting.

Safe travels everyone,


Hi everyone,

A couple of items for you: 

  • Please see the September meeting minutes located: 2016-09-20 - CMAG Meeting. Would you please review and post any comments on the meeting page.
  • I've been advised by one person that they are not able to see all the recordings located in our folder. Would you please check the Meeting recordings link located: Meeting Information and let me know if you have any issues. You should be able to see the 2015 and 2016 folders. Within the 2016 folder there should be 9 mp4 files. 
  • As per the Advisory Group manual, we need to do a group evaluation. My apologies here, but we have a very short turn around time on this so I will be complete the template and upload it for comment by your Tuesday morning. If you could review it and comment by the end of the week, it would be appreciated. The document is short- a couple of pages at most.  




Hi everyone, 

Just a reminder that our meeting was postponed a week given Lesley and I are at the company meeting. We will meet next Tuesday at 2000UTC.   The agenda will be finalised shortly. 



Sent on behalf of GA Chair Stewart Jessamine, MB Chair Jamie Ferguson, and CEO Don Sweete...

To all staff, stakeholders and Members of IHTSDO:

In April 2016 some concerns were raised that the governance structure of IHTSDO may need revision as a result of the rapid growth of the organisation. These concerns were considered by the General Assembly, Management Board and Management Team, who collectively agreed it was timely to commission external experts to review and advise us on our governance structures.

The external reviewers were asked to interview representatives of IHTSDO to inform:

  • a 360? review of the governance structure
  • An analysis of the current governance structure and procedures of IHTSDO and how they contribute to organisational effectiveness, sustainability and growth

The consultants interviewed some 25 individuals as part of the review process. The consultant report has been considered by the General Assembly Oversight Group, and discussed at a meeting of the Executive of the General Assembly, the Management Board and some of the Management Team.

The report confirms that the organisation is highly successful, that its staff, its Members  and its Management Board represent a highly skilled and dedicated work force committed to the value base of the organisation and its on-going success. It also outlined some challenges in our governance structure and recommended some changes that would position the organisation to manage further growth effectively and efficiently. Increasing collaboration and cooperation between the Management Board, the Management Team and the General Assembly is key to the successful design and implementation of the report’s recommendations.

We have just concluded the first of a number of meetings that will be held between now and October, whereby the Management Board, Management Team and General Assembly will work together to co-design a revised governance structure that represents IHTSDO stakeholders and Members.

The first results of our work will be ready for discussion at the October Conference in New Zealand. We are all committed to strengthening IHTSDO and improving its effectiveness and agility as an organisation. Openness, transparency and communication are the foundations of all high performing organisations and in this spirit we felt it was important to report back to you on the progress we have made as a result of commissioning this external report.

We look forward to meeting up with many of the IHTSDO community in Wellington. 

Haere Ra

Don Sweete, Jamie Ferguson, Stewart Jessamine

Hi all,

Registration has opened for the Business meetings and Expo:

The Content Managers Advisory Group will be meeting on Wednesday 26th October 11:30- 12:30 and 13:30-16:30 in New Zealand local time. In UTC time the meetings will be Tuesday 25th October 22:30- 23:30 and Wednesday 26th October 00:30- 03:30. There will be dial in facilities. 

Kind regards,


Hi all,

The draft minutes of the July meeting have been posted 20160712_CMAG_draft minutes.docx Please provide any feedback on these via the meeting page 2016-07-12 - CMAG Meeting prior to the next meeting. Also just a reminder to check the actions you have in prep for the next meeting: CMAG Action List

Have a good week,


Hi everyone,

Just a reminder to review the CMAG Action List for any outstanding actions you may have in prep for our meeting Tuesday 12th July. The agenda is in the process of being updated and by your Wednesday this week you should be able to see the full list of topics for this meeting. Please also let me know if there are items of business you'd be looking to raise.

