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Hi all,

Please see the announcement below in relation the Consultant Terminologist Program.

Kind regards,


Consultant Terminologist Program Update

The Consultant Terminologist Program has been undergoing a review for the past year, with both internal and external input. As part of that review, there have been many contributions to both identifying where changes could be made and also the benefits found from participating. To those that contributed, we want to thank you for your input!

We have concluded our evaluation and can now advise that the Consultant Terminologist Program will no longer be offered in the same format. Students who are currently enrolled will be able to complete the program and become certified. However, SNOMED International will not be accepting new students into the program. For prior participants needing to re-certify in 2018, the period of certification will extend for 12 months.

SNOMED International’s redesign of the terminologist education program will include the following elements:

Recertification will continue to be available for those currently certified. However in 2019 a new recertification process will be rolled out. While the full details have not been finalized, we will ensure that the Consultant Community of Practice is advised of the new process with sufficient time to meet the requirements.

As part of these changes, SNOMED International's terminologist education will reside entirely with the Education and Product Support team and will transition out of other areas such as Content and Mapping.

The Content Development Theory Course and the Consultant Terminologist Program will be redesigned into a streamlined, multi-level terminology authoring program. This program will start with a Level 1 Terminology Authoring Course, which will combine content development theory with a 'hands-on' authoring component using a training version of our terminology authoring platform. The Level 1 pilot is due to commence in September 2018.

Building on this, an advanced Level 2 Terminology Authoring Course will be piloted in late 2019. This online course will also include a hands-on component. We anticipate that this course will supersede the current Consultant Program. Further details of this course will be made available at a later date.


Hi all,

Please be advised that the April 2018 meeting recording and notes are available. As noted the recording has an echo so additional information has been included in our notes. CMAG members are asked to review the notes and feedback on any changes or corrections. 

Kind regards,


Hi all,

A friendly reminder that the review of the Extensions Practical Guide is due by March 23rd. If you will require an extension of time for the review please email Linda Bird (with cc ) so she is aware that feedback will be coming.  

Link to our work item page: Review of the Extensions Practical Guide - Advisory Group Review

Kind regards,


Hi everyone,

If you haven't yet registered for the April business meetings can I encourage you to do so. The information you'll need is located:2018 April Business Meeting Reminders If you are dialling into our meeting rather than attending in person would you let me know.

Please also note that NHS Digital has organized a 'Clinical Terminology Service Connectathon' that will run on the Thursday and Friday (independent of SNOMED International meetings.) Interested parties may register for the session via the business meeting registration link:

Kind regards,


Hi all,

Some advice on the drug and substance changes for the July 2018 release.

Most drug and substance changes have been presented in the recent Alpha release, however the numbers are still evolving and will likely change before the final version of the release notes are generated in July. Some of the changes include use of additional axioms, which is explained in details in this briefing 

Briefing note - Use of Additional Axiom Functionality and Remodeling Product Roles.pdf 

Briefing note - Implications of describing liquid dose form product concepts using presentation strength.pdf

Kind regards,


Please see the space created here Members Collaboration  - Please leave comments on the page for layout changes needed or training required on how to maintain the space.

Most Drug and Substance changes have been done, however the numbers are still evolving and will likely change before the final version of the release notes are generated in November. This is to be presented to Member Forum and has been released to the Project Group for review, advisory group members wishing to view or comment can find further details in Drug Position statement and Substances briefings

Hi everyone,

Just some reminders for the group:



Substance Disposition updates have been presented to Member Forum and been released to the Project Group for review, advisory group members wishing to view or comment on the document can find further details under the Documentation section on the Substances Confluence site

Hi everyone,

The October 2017 Business Meeting Schedule has been released and is available: Registration is also open.

The CMAG specific meetings are

  • Sunday 15th October - afternoon (local time): CMAG/Member Forum combined meeting 
  • Monday 16th October 9:30-12:30 (local time): Joint Advisory Group session
  • Wednesday 18th October 13:30-16:30 (local time): CMAG meeting



Hi everyone,

There are a few items to bring to your attention and they are noted below.

SNOMED CT Logic Profile Enhancement 

Please be advised that the draft of the SNOMED CT Logic Profile Enhancement document is now available for comment with responses due by the end of September. The request from the Modelling Advisory Group and access to the document is located: SNOMED CT Logic Profile Enhancement 

Upcoming meetings:

  • September 12th 2000UTC
    • Please let me know by Thursday 7th September if there are any items that you wish to bring for discussion to this meeting.
  • October Face to Face business meetings:
    • We have three meetings planned:
    • Please let me know via email (when you know) which of these meeting(s) you are planning to attend in person, looking to dial in or if you will be unable to attend. 

2018 Work plan

We need to start considering items for our 2018 work plan which will be discussed at the CMAG meeting in October. Please post potential items for the work plan: CMAG 2018 work plan: suggested items

Kind regards,


Please be advised that the planned joint session with the Member Forum is planned to run on the Sunday afternoon (15th October) which is the day prior to the other business meetings. Further details will be available shortly. Information on the other sessions such as our meeting and the joint session with the other Advisory Groups in relation to the description logic changes will be made available by the end of this week. 

Kind regards,


August CMAG meeting

Please be advised that the August Content Managers Advisory Group meeting has been cancelled. We will be meeting next on September 12th at 2000UTC.



CMAG meeting 11th July

Hi everyone,

Just a reminder we have our meeting on Tuesday 11th July at 2000UTC. Please let me know if there is anything you wish to add to the agenda. 2017-07-11 - CMAG Meeting

Kind regards,


Hi everyone,

Please be advised that the agenda for the meeting June 13th has been updated in prep for our meeting. If you had anything additional please let me know. 

In relation to action items the due date for all has now past and I have closed these. Thank you to those who provided input. If you have any further comments in relation to notifications/information available on Changes to content please post these on that page prior to our meeting.

