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Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow Slides IHTSDO Translation SIG Mtg Sydney_20111011_v0.03_.ppt 719 kB Collabnet Migration 2015-Nov-19, 21:41
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Created by jhowarth on Fri Oct 28 13:22:17 Z 2011 last modified on Fri Oct 28 13:35:05 Z 2011 v2 id: doc4833 Attached are the PowerPoint slides used to guide the discussions for the Translation SIG meeting in Sydney on 2011.10.11. Cheers and best regar  
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow Translation SIG Summary slide.ppt 186 kB Collabnet Migration 2015-Nov-19, 21:41
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Created by kahlzen on Wed Oct 12 12:32:32 Z 2011 last modified on Wed Oct 12 12:32:32 Z 2011 v1 id: doc4757 Attached is the summary slide from the Translation SIG meeting in Sydney 11 October 2011.  
Microsoft Word 97 Document Minutes IHTSDO Translation SIG Mtg Sydney 20111011_ver 1.00.doc 78 kB Collabnet Migration 2015-Nov-19, 21:41
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Created by jhowarth on Fri Oct 28 13:16:35 Z 2011 last modified on Fri Oct 28 13:32:37 Z 2011 v2 id: doc4832 Attached are the draft minutes from the Translation SIG meeting held in Sydney on 2011.10.11. The PowerPoint slides that were used to guide the  
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