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Thursday, August 8, 2019

2nd Thursday of every month
Time: 20:00 UTC

1.4. Objectives

  • See discussion items below:

1.5. Discussion items

Item Description Owner Notes Action

Welcome and role call

  • Welcome and roll call

2 Allergy to animals
  • Yongsheng Gao presented a proposal to link substances derived from organisms to organisms using property chaining and using this to model allergy to organisms which would then subsume allergy to substances derived from organisms
  • Farzaneh Ashrafi presented work on creating substance grouper for various animal proteins

Recommendation to pursue Yongsheng Gao's approach

Yongsheng Gao's OWL sample ontology illustrating use of role chaining to link substance to organism: Allergy to

3 Allergen and Allergy to substance refset for Belgium
  • Belgium cannot use SNOMED substances to document allergies and wishes to use Allergy to substance terms at this time.
  • Marie-Alexandra Lambot has been working on creating lists of allergy to various substances based on the value set created by HL-7 that are absent from SNOMED CT
  • Marie-Alexandra Lambot will add the missing allergy to substance concepts to her local extension and evaluate usage for eventual inclusion into the SNOMED core
  • Bruce Goldberg to ask Cathy Richardson and Monica Harry about which countries may be using SNOMED allergy to substance concepts rather than just documenting allergies using substances and products
  • Marie-Alexandra Lambot mentioned that many descendants of 411123000 |Diagnostic allergen extract (product)| and 104381000 |Allergen specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement (procedure)| are not represented in SNOMED CT as corresponding allergy to substance concepts

4 Cytostatic vs. cytotoxic drugs
  • Cytotoxic and cytostatic often used interchangeably in clinical literature although can be differentiated based on studies in scientific literature
  • Individual drugs may exhibit both properties possibly related to dose and other factors
  • List of drugs that would be classified as cytotoxic vs. cytostatic is missing
  • Requires use case
  • Natasha Krul awaiting reply from her hospital pharmacologist to see if she knows of any medication that falls into one of the two categories. 
    • "The reason we came to this question was during our translation project. We saw synonyms in Snomed (cytotoxic and cytostatic) of which we werent sure if they were real synonyms and whether or not we should add them to our translations. I have asked several pharmacologists including a pharmacologist specialised in oncylytic medication and they all said that currently no distinction is made between cytotoxic and cytostatic. It depends on the dose whether a substance is toxic or static". 
  • As the dose that would determine whether a substance is cytotoxic vs. cytostatic is unlikely to be standardized, this distinction will not be made in SNOMED CT
5 Allergy to substance remediation project
  • Begin group review
  • Tabled for a future meeting
6 Allergy to alpha-gal and alpha-gal syndrome Bruce Goldberg
  • Task completed in SCA. Under review
7 Adjourn
  • AOB

1.6. Meeting Files

  File Modified
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Pollens_allergyto_to create_SIG20190906.xlsx 2019-Sep-12 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Foods_allergyto_to create_SIG20190906.xlsx 2019-Sep-12 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Drugs_allergyto_to create_SIG20190906.xlsx 2019-Sep-12 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Other_allergyto_to create_SIG20190906.xlsx 2019-Sep-12 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet AnimalSubstances_SIG20190906.xlsx 2019-Sep-12 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet allergens for SIG (partial)_20190802.xlsx 2019-Sep-12 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Allergy to animals.pptx 2019-Sep-12 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet DHD - Losse Allergenenlijst - Snomed.xlsx 2019-Sep-12 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Allergy_Intolerance CRG bullet points.pptx 2019-Sep-12 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Allergy SNOMED on FHIR.pptx 2019-Sep-12 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Allergy to combination products, stereoisomers, bases.pptx 2019-Sep-12 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Allergy to living organisms.pptx 2019-Sep-12 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Word Document Feedback from FDB re retiring of substance groupers.docx 2019-Sep-12 by Bruce Goldberg
PDF File EHR_Editorial Annals of Allergy 6-2016.pdf 2019-Sep-12 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Word Document SNOMED on FHIR.docx 2019-Sep-12 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Alpha-gal allergy.pptx 2019-Sep-12 by Bruce Goldberg
PDF File HL7_XPARADIGM_ALLERGY_VS_R1_INFORM_2018AUG.pdf 2019-Sep-12 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet HL7_XPARADIGM_ALLERGY_VS_R1_I2_2018 May ALLERGY SUBSTANCES.xlsx 2019-Sep-12 by Bruce Goldberg
ZIP Archive 2019-Sep-12 by Bruce Goldberg
PDF File Drug+Allergy.pdf 2019-Sep-12 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Word Document Allergy project plan for 2019.docx 2019-Sep-12 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Word Document Allergy definition query for MSAC.docx 2019-Sep-12 by Bruce Goldberg
PDF File Drug-Book-web.pdf 2019-Sep-12 by Bruce Goldberg
PDF File nihms371252.pdf 2019-Sep-12 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Allergy to substance verification.xlsx 2019-Sep-12 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Word Document Briefing note - Changes to the modeling of hypersensitivity_allergy and pseudoallergy content_final.docx 2019-Sep-12 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Redesigning the allergy module of the electronic health 8-9-2018.pptx 2019-Sep-12 by Bruce Goldberg
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Allergy update.pptx 2019-Sep-12 by Bruce Goldberg
ZIP Archive Allergy to 2019-Sep-12 by Bruce Goldberg

1.6.1. Previous Meetings

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