Sunderland, NHS Trust, UK

Dr Karen Horridge is a Consultant Paediatrician (Disability) in Sunderland and immediate past Chair of the British Academy of Childhood Disability. In this case study she explains how each and every need for disabled children and their families require accurate identification and description, using a common language. Making every need visible is the first step towards these being addressed.



Rotherham, NHS Trust

Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust decided to move to an electronic patient record system, replacing their PAS system in the process. 

They worked closely with their chosen supplier to adapt the existing supplier product to utilise SNOMED CT throughout for both procedure and diagnosis recording. It is the first instantiation of this system in the UK and this case study aims to provide an overview of their achievements.


The Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust (CHFT)

The Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust (CHFT) provides care from two main acute hospital sites, Calderdale Royal Hospital and Huddersfield Royal Infirmary.

The Trust employs around 6,000 staff who deliver care not only from the hospital sites but also from community sites, health centres and in patients’ homes.

In 2016-17 more than 120,500 men, women and children were cared for as inpatients (stayed at least one night) or day cases and more than 459,860 people attended its outpatient clinics.  Its A&E departments at both hospitals cared for more than 151,340 people.

In May 2017 CHFT successfully deployed the Cerner Millennium™Electronic Patient Record as a joint initiative with The Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (BTHFT).  BTHFT plans to go-live with its EPR deployment in late September 2017.

The Trust’s clinical coding team use the 3M Medicode encoder to translate clinical information into OPCS-4 and ICD-10 coded data.

The EPR deployment was planned, managed and implemented by The Health Informatics Service (THIS), a division of CHFT in collaboration with Cerner and colleagues from BTHFT.

The proposed scope of this project is to evaluate and improve on the quality of the clinical information entered into the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) by clinicians using the terminology SNOMED CT. This project is a collaboration between NHS Digital, THIS and CHFT. Scoping of the project will involve engaging and empowering Healthcare professionals to enter accurate and reliable clinical information for the benefit of patients and the NHS provider.



Barts Health, London

Clinical overview for point of care

  • Problem and diagnosis listing
  • Alerts and flags

Population health interventions

  • Patient finding
  • Indexing
  • Analytics and reporting



Collecting Clinical Information in Outpatients (A pilot study using SNOMED CT)


Over the past four years there has been a concerted effort to understand the potential benefits and implications of implementing SNOMED CT1(Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms) in secondary and tertiary care. A pilot project involving eight distinct specialties has demonstrated that there are benefits for specialists to work with clinical terminologists to ensure that the terminology reflects best current practice and to ensure clinical ownership of the terms within defined speciality subsets. One specialty has been able to gather sufficient clinical data in SNOMED CT to demonstrate benefits in terms of subsequent data analysis and acquisition of knowledge beneficial to the commissioning of the specialty.

The project has demonstrated a requirement for co-ordinated clinical involvement in the on- going development and support of SNOMED CT overseen by the Royal Colleges and specialty groups within them. The next steps involve further subset development and testing by specialties and trusts. This should include the development and analysis of quality indicators predicated upon clinician recorded data using SNOMED CT.


Use of SNOMED CT to Represent Clinical Research Data: A Semantic Characterization of Data Items on Case Report Forms in Vasculitis Research

Rachel L. Richesson, PhD, MPH, James E. Andrews, PhD and Jeffrey P. Krischer, PhD


To estimate the coverage provided by SNOMED CT for clinical research concepts represented by the items on case report forms (CRFs), as well as the semantic nature of those concepts relevant to post-coordination methods.


SNOMED CT appears well-suited for representing a variety of clinical concepts, yet is less suited for representing the full amount of information collected on CRFs.