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ALPHA (January 2018Release) Version 1 vs ALPHA (January 2018) Version 2 traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of records impactedRationale

Language file (JA) +

Description file (JA)


All 646 records from Version 1 removed, as expected due to Ian confirming that all of the issues we found during testing (with respect to the translations being medically incorrect, plus implementing invalid semantic tags, etc) rendering the Japanese translation effectively useless. These will need to be fully quality assured and repaired by the Japanese translation company before we can publish the Japanese translations.

Please see email trail I sent at 18:35 on 28/03/2018 for confirmation, plus Rory's suggestions for the rules that the Japanese translation company should follow when quality assuring (26/03/2018 at 15:29) for confirmation of this agreement.

ModuleDependency files8UUID's updated as expected
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