Penni previously sent a large spreadsheet with all identified concepts that have either tooth or teeth as part of the concept. Tim Brown and Roger Adams have been leading a discussion among a small group of active NADP volunteers to help identify issues and discrepancies. Penni will provide context for this discussion also. This is a key part of proper development of the functional anatomy. Please review the spreadsheets. Tim and Roger may be able to provide some updates to these spreadsheets.
1 Comment
Mark Jurkovich
Penni previously sent a large spreadsheet with all identified concepts that have either tooth or teeth as part of the concept. Tim Brown and Roger Adams have been leading a discussion among a small group of active NADP volunteers to help identify issues and discrepancies. Penni will provide context for this discussion also. This is a key part of proper development of the functional anatomy. Please review the spreadsheets. Tim and Roger may be able to provide some updates to these spreadsheets.