
Describes how to recompute and delete a terminology's tree positions, which describe the full graph of concepts in a terminology.

Computing Tree Positions

Tree positions are automatically computed when a terminology is loaded.  Recomputing tree positions is typically only done in the context of the Drip Feed.  For other purposes, it is easier and safer to recompute tree positions by simply removing and reloading a terminology. 

To compute tree positions for a terminology, run the TreePosComputer mojo.  You must specify:

  • The terminology name
  • The terminology version
  • A comma-separated list of root ids for this terminology

For example, to recompute tree positions for SNOMEDCT, execute the following commands:

cd ~/code/admin/loader
mvn install -PTreepos -Drun.config=$MAPPING_CONFIG -Dterminology=SNOMEDCT -Dversion=latest -Droot.ids=138875005

Clearing Tree Positions

Tree positions are automatically removed when removing a terminology.  As with computing tree positions, manually clearing tree positions is typically only done in the context of the Drip Feed.

To remove tree positions for a terminology, run the TreePosRemover mojo.  You must specify:

  • The terminology name
  • The terminology version

An example for SNOMEDCT is shown below:

cd ~/code/admin/remover
mvn install -PTreepos -Drun.config=$MAPPING_CONFIG -Dterminology=SNOMEDCT -Dversion=latest


  • n/a