The NEN HQ Project branch addressed corrections/edits to the initial Epithelial Neuroendocrine Tumor (NET) set of tasks discussed in BN 20231012 as well as concepts <<127576008 |Malignant neuroendocrine neoplasm, neural (morphologic abnormality)|.
Project task details:
Glomus tumors
Glomus tumors were originally grouped with paragangliomas. This project separated the two categories. The new concept = 1351752003 |Mesenchymal neoplasm (morphologic abnormality)| was created to serve as a high-level parent concept for neoplasms of mesenchymal origin of which Glomus tumors are. Glomus tumors and subtypes are not neuroendocrine tumors. This relationship is removed as part of this project.
Glomus tumors are divided into three types: benign, malignant, and unknown behavior.
Mesenchymal neoplasms in total are not addressed in this project. Only glomus tumors were edited at this time in order to remove the incorrect relationship between those and paragangliomas which are neuroendocrine tumors. Further work on neoplasms of mesenchymal origin will be done in a future project.
Sarcomas are a form of mesenchymal neoplasm but are not included in this task. They will be addressed in a future task.
All paraganglioma are neuroendocrine tumors and considered to be malignant in the 5th edition of the Blue Book. All existing paraganglioma concepts were inactivated and replaced with new concepts indicating malignant in the FSN and synonyms as well as location in the hierarchy.
New concepts were also created for histologic subtypes enumerated in the Blue Book. Pheochromocytomas are subtypes of paragangliomas
Medulloblastomas were incorrectly categorized as a subtype of neuroendocrine neoplasms. These concepts have been placed in the proper location in the hierarchy. Malignant has been added to the FSN per editorial policy. Full modeling of medulloblastomas will be performed in a separate project.
Retinoblastomas were incorrectly categorized as a subtype of neuroendocrine neoplasms. These concepts have been placed in the proper location in the hierarchy. Malignant has been added to the FSN per editorial policy. Full modeling of retinoblastomas will be performed in a separate project.
Neuroblastomas were incorrectly categorized as a subtype of neuroendocrine neoplasms. These concepts have been placed in the proper location in the hierarchy. Malignant has been added to the FSN per editorial policy. Full modeling of neuroblastomas will be performed in a separate project.
Pituitary neuroendocrine tumor/adenoma
Pituitary neuroendocrine tumors/adenomas are considered malignant and replace all forms of pituitary adenomas. All types and subtypes of pituitary adenoma concepts have been inactivated and replaced with new concepts reflecting malignant in the FSN as well as pituitary neuroendocrine tumor/adenoma in the FSN.
Several new concepts were created to reflect subtype concepts enumerated in the Blue Book.
Note: History of carcinoma has to be remodeled to reflect carcinoma vs. malignant epithelial neoplasm and will be done in a project focused on carcinomas.
Epithelial neuroendocrine neoplasm
Minor changes to FSN/syn made in this content area to reflect established Histology Quality naming practices not established at the time of the initial work done in epithelial neuroendocrine neoplasms (<127575007 |Malignant epithelial neuroendocrine neoplasm (morphologic abnormality)|)