10:00 UTC Wednesday 12 March 2025
- FHIR Terminology Services and Resources
- FHIR Profiles & Terminology Binding
Meeting Details
Online: https://snomed.zoom.us/my/snomedhl7?pwd=UCtmRkdHZ3pVNDB1MnJuZmg2b3hUZz09
Passcode (not required when using link above): 32075
Chat: public-snomedintl.slack.com # snomed-hl7-fhir (ask for invite!)
Zulip Chat: https://chat.fhir.org/#narrow/stream/179202-terminology
Meeting Recordings
Discussion items
Item | Description | Mins | Owner | Notes & Actions |
1 | Welcome and introductions | 2 | Recording, notes & attendance. Check questions in Zulip and SNOMED International #snomed-hl7-fhir | |
2 | Previous Meetings | 2 | ||
3 | Other Meetings | 10 | Recent Events: Future Events: SNOMED International April 6 - 10 2025 Oslo. SNOMED on FHIR afternoon of Sunday 6. HL7 May 10 - 16 Madrid + Connectathon (Potential for Terminology Track if sufficient interest - PJ sees need to test Concept Map in R5 and R6) Dev Days 3 - 6 June 2025 Amsterdam IHE 23 - 27 June https://connectathon.ihe-europe.net/node Other Regular Meetings: HL7 Group TSMG (meeting Wed PM ET every other week) - Terminology Service Management Group (HTA Thursday AM is now a subgroup of the TSMG). 2022-05-17 RH Joint session with Vocab at last business meeting. 2022-06-14 Group has approved minimum capabilities for terminology servers. Now looking at bigger/better HL7 Terminology Server HL7 Cross group projects : CDA & FHIR Translation Meetings (weekly): Jay Lyle Going well, there is an implementation guide and the group is doing connectathons. May in Dallas and Minneapolis. See https://confluence.hl7.org/display/CGP/C-CDA+to+FHIR+and+from+US+Core+Mapping | |
4 | Round Table Introductions & Updates | All | Previous Notes from April 2024 Business Meeting Australia - Sparked FHIR Accelerator Programme - https://confluence.csiro.au/x/39Fqa
Reuben Daniels NB National Extensions of SNOMED need to transition to be self hosted rather than Tx.fhir.org end of 2024. CSIRO Michael Lawley now representing the NRC. Terminology Registry - Ontoserver registered as authoritative. Increasing interest from affiliates. Interest in LLM for mapping and matching/ranking in VS. 2025 particular focus on VCL (similar to ECL, for FHIR) especially for R6. Austria / Germany - Annotating clinical narratives. GemTex - annotated corpus (annotation using SNOMED CT) relations mapped to SNOMED patterns. Looking for more support for mapping FHIR ValueSets to SNOMED concepts - particularly when involving negation, would like to collaborate on common solution. 2024-10-20 STEFAN SCHULZ Focus on translation and indexing (interfacing terminology), analysis of clinical narratives AIDVA - Guide for Annotating Clinical Narratives (SCT + FHIR) B2i Márk Czotter SnowOwl Terminology Server supporting multiple versions of FHIR at same time. Belgium - National architecture level work being done, to consolidate regional structures. Datasets for Allergies and Vaccinations, Care Plan. Now working on Medication Resources well in progress, Obs and Conditions followed by Procedures. Canada - Estonia - Medication schema nearly complete. 2024-10-20 Ministry of Social Affairs, switching from CDI3 to FHIR. Issues with document signing on a per Resource basis (possibly enough to prove use of secure gateway), plus issues with data access & permissions. Europe - Laboratory Guide published 2024-10-20 (Daniel Karlsson ) Ballot to make Lab work a global standard, some issues representing panels. IG for European Patient Summary. Group working on VS for Lab. HL7 Europe projects. "My Health EU" supporting cross border and lab result sharing for 2025 using HL7 Europe IG. "Extended EHR" - logical models to support prioritised areas eg lab, patient summary and IGs based on same. France - Hong Kong - HL7 May Ballot for comment India - Netherlands - Looking for dissemination of patient friendly descriptions + longer explanations. Using FHIR Supplement. May look at converting more code systems to FHIR eg IDMP (see Rutt Lindström) 2024-10-20 National Terminology Server (Ontoserver) Patient friendly synonyms and explanations. New Zealand - Cancer control agency building FHIR / SNOMED platform for sharing cancer data (multiple domains) with query based FHIR Valuesets. Interested in hearing about: standardizing language reference sets, access to MRCM (see item 20 "MRCM in FHIR" demo being progressed), Concept Maps - logic for dependsOn (see Concept Map in R5) & how to select ValueSets based on context, Syndication (see https://github.com/IHTSDO/termserver-syndication but this is not FHIR. FHIR uses more of an NPM approach), Query Specification (Query based reference sets their expansion). Peter Jordan Affiliate Engagement Group. Notes that 30% of (personal) primary health record codes did not pass validation. Recommends LinkedIn FHIR group, see https://www.linkedin.com/in/darrendevitt/ Notes that Tx.fhir.org never supported ECL hence need for National TS to come into play. See also HealthPoint use of SNOMED CT presentation. CCA Linda Bird 2024-10-20 NZHTS National TS (Ontoserver) using CanShare language reference set for patient friendly terms. Norway - Sweden - Swedish national FHIR profile 2024-10-20 HL7 Sweden discussing TS for building Swedish IGs. Existing TS is MVP so procurement underway with growing requirements. Alerting work collaborating with Norway eg question of what is alert worthy Switzerland - Snomed International - internal work to reduce configuration using archive hierarchy with cached metadata. Request for MLDS badges. 2025 Work scheduled to bring Snowstorm into line with IG Tooling requirements. See also implementation demos, growing in number, here: https://ihtsdo.github.io/sct-implementation-demonstrator/#/ Spain - (SS update) RESQ+ Harmonizing data acquisition forms for stroke, looking to standardize form across several languages. Difficult to work with clinicians directly in SCT, more success using SCT in FHIR context United Kingdom - UK Core based on R4, developing IGs and Profiles. Medicines, GP Connect Profile, National Terminology Service used for mappings and ECL expansions (looking to use for primary publication point). Pathology team developed IGs, challenge moving from legacy arrangements. OpenEHR being revisited. Interested in SNOMED Extended maps in FHIR (see Concept Map in R5 ) and making it more automatically executable. 2024-10-20 Stuart Abbott Improved dose syntax Daedelus support services for multiple countries using Ontoserver. Running "Learnathons" with InterOpen United States - US CDI draft of v5. Cancer on FHIR - connectathon at HIMMS Regenstrief Robert McClure Gravity - Social determinants of care. | |
5 | European Projects | Xia (eXpanding Innovation Aliance) European Project - 11 February, starting with review of existing teaching material (to level of BSc) - SNOMED, LOINC & FHIR. Working in English. Looking for review, identification of gaps. | ||
6 | Magic Codes Zulip Discussion | Magic Codes and Observable Entities as Questions and Clinical Findings as Answers | ||
7 | Support for Clinicians in using Information Models | |||
8 | FHIR Observation Observation VS for Vital Signs | HL7 Orders and Observations Workgroup looking at Observation profiles for Vital Signs and Value Sets for what is considered to be a vital sign and need to consider SNOMED CT (possibly also NPU) for analogous value sets, started with LOINC. DK We have looked at this - suggests using the superset of this material and allowing users to work with a cut down set. Concerns that this might need to be context specific. SA, UK has also looked at this. SH Could take forever to agree a set of vital signs, better to specify archetypes of data required. | ||
9 | Post Coordination | Information models as expression of post coordination → classifying to determine equivalence with pre-coordinated content. Would like to associate a FHIR Resource with a SNOMED Template Linda Bird noted (from previous work done) that the solution involves first defining the template and then working out the transformation to comply with the concept model. DK notes that this equivalence with the SCT model does not always correspond. SS notes problem with representing (specifically in modeling/classifying) negation in SCT. FHR Lack of documentation that explains 'this is how to approach the problem' | ||
10 | Question on de-labelling allergies | PWI Suggested Verification Status = Refuted here: https://build.fhir.org/allergyintolerance.html (DK See previous work done mapping to SCT Free SNOMED CT set for FHIR eg 723511001 | Refuted (qualifier value) | / 410594000 |Definitely NOT present (qualifier value)|) See also SNOMED CT Clinical Implementation Guide for Allergy, Hypersensitivity and Intolerance And https://ihtsdo.github.io/sct-implementation-demonstrator/#/allergies | ||
11 | HL7 and OpenEHR | |||
12 | Use of Codeable Concept to transmit multiple codes | EU requirements for transmitting closest SNOMED International codes along with relevant local code systems is a great use case for the new ECL Top and Bottom operators. Having this requirement come from the Member Forum would assist in ensuring that the implementation of this feature into Snowstorm is prioritised. Note that Top and Bottom operators simplify access, which can be replicated in earlier implementations of ECL with a more complex query: 6.12 Top and Bottom ALO See also Interoperability Demo (last tab) at https://ihtsdo.github.io/iid-ips/ which offers the closest concept in the IPS Set, along with the ECL used to obtain it. | ||
13 | Translation in Code System Supplements | Translation in Code System Supplements. See Zulip discussion https://chat.fhir.org/#narrow/stream/179202-terminology/topic/CodeSystem.20supplement.20use.20cases See also https://build.fhir.org/ig/FHIR/ig-guidance/languages.html#creating-a-language-pack | ||
14 | Terminology Binding in the Condition FHIR resource | There is currently a discussion going on in Belgium regarding the desirable terminology binding in the Condition FHIR resource. We are working together with a group of clinicians/domain experts who almost all indicate that there are a whole series of finding concepts in SNOMED CT, which are required in the use case of diagnosis registration in the patient. As well, the information website (https://build.fhir.org/condition.html) on this FHIR resource indicates that, in case of persistent symptoms or in case there is no official diagnosis yet, only symptom identification as a preliminary diagnosis, concepts from the finding hierarchy may be used: “…alt hough in some cases a persistent symptom, e.g. fever, headache may be captured as a condition before a definitive diagnosis can be discerned by a clinician.” What would be your opinion on this? Hoping this helps to give a direction to the discussion including good, substantiated arguments. ML See https://build.fhir.org/ig/hl7au/au-fhir-core/StructureDefinition-au-core-condition.html LB Has anyone looked at the alignment of the verification status and explicit context concepts? PWI This group looked at this as part of the proposed "Free Set" in 2019 - see FHIR SNOMED CT Free Set - Questions for HL7 (Amber mappings). Consider the likes of << 41769001 |Disease suspected (situation)| and << 373573001 |Clinical finding present (situation)| ML Existing issues: “probably not present” is a child of “Known absent” where the term “probably not” indicates that it is NOT a child of “Known absent” | ||
15 | Resources for Allergy Intolerance / Adverse Events | Question on Allergy Intolerance resources. Group responded with: SNOMED CT Clinical Implementation Guide for Allergy, Hypersensitivity and Intolerance https://build.fhir.org/ig/HL7/fhir-ips/ValueSet-allergy-intolerance-snomed-ct-ips-free-set.html https://ihtsdo.github.io/sct-implementation-demonstrator/#/allergies March 1, 2024 Allergy CRG meeting agenda Previous discussions listed in : https://confluence.ihtsdotools.org/display/FHIR/Discussions Allergy Intolerance vs Adverse Events TODO: Archive | ||
16 | How to handle ad-hoc post coordination in medical records | Question about EHRs containing unconnected concepts - like post coordination but not using SNOMED Compositional Grammar. Like 12345005, 5678004 (which is syntactically invalid according to SCG) or 185324002 |Failed encounter| + 281399006 |Did not attend (finding)| (UK) + 275694009 |Patient defaulted from follow-up (finding)| (this would actually be valid syntax as these are considered to be parents, but would need to come from same hierarchy). See also 410543007 |Did not attend (qualifier value)| ML Well expressed post coordinated expressions are allowed in FHIR, but the challenge is what might this mean to some client system. AP Suppliers are particularly resistant to receiving even the simplest post-coordination and would prefer to have atomic concepts split out to make use of the information model (might even get stored as free text if supplied but unexpected). PWI Specific example allows for general rules to be determined eg Failed Encounter is redundant due to more specific concept in list, or that we could particularly flag up concepts which come from separate hierarchies as needing intervention. | ||
17 | IPS ValueSet Question raised | 15 | https://jira.hl7.org/browse/FHIR-44904. "Resolve SNOMED Version challenge with value set" Canada specify version details for each filter in a valueset specification, which then trips validation when the version being expanded against does not match. DK: If you use extension content then you need to specify the version to know where the concept exists. Although the lookup will work across multiple versions. ML: Note that compose/include/filter descendent of that specifies the core edition, and so it would not include Canadian concepts. Also, a version - if included - should include the effective time. Discussion about sending both the local code plus the IPS / International Code using a Codeable Concept (in that case the version element of each code would indicate which one is International. Or a test could be made for subsumption) which could be determined using (ML supplied) ECL: !<< (>> my_local_code AND ^ IPS_refset) See also https://ihtsdo.github.io/iid-ips/ and be aware of new ECL top and bottom operators which could be used to simplify this. | |
18 | MRCM in FHIR | Linda Bird | Exposing the MRCM in FHIR KK Exposing it directly would be difficult because we can return lists of concepts, but we cannot return a string eg ECL ML Thought it could be exposed via the CodeSystem as another property - metadata about each domain's range. LB Use case is driving an expression or ECL editor (KK Remember content type). KK choice between (simple) server statement vs (more work) implicit expansions. | |
19 | General Discussion | All | Misc Discussion Internal discussion on languages in general and specifically latin words. MAL suggested looking at https://iate.europa.eu/home which includes latin. See Latin Terms - Discussion Snowstorm-lite revisited (see 2024-01-09 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB) ) URIs and Identifying Modules - "Edition identifier" - this is the full URI, not just that module. "Most dependant module" - yes but fails in the International Edition. "Identifying Module". "Root module" - Not always the top/bottom of the hierarchy. Discussion on adding / removing modules to / from packages. Check on license conditions allowing for automatic promotion to ensure interoperability. Discussion on expansion related to Query Specification Reference Set. ML Could we try to expand the referenced component id, ie look in this refset if no refset members are initially encountered? MLO Canada is already doing this and they have pre-expanded simple reference sets. KK Snowstorm does not use this reference set. LB An extended version of this refset has been drafted which allows the substrate to be specified. | |
20 | New Slimline Agenda | 5 | See discussion pages for links to archived discussion: Discussions | |
21 | Post Coordination | Moved in from "Potential Topics": API for FHIR Resource to SNOMED Expression See also discussion on URIs for PCEs. 2024-03-05 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB) | ||
22 | Additional information from ComplexMap $translate | ICD-10 Complex Map in ConceptMap$translate (see agenda item 18 2024-03-05 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB) ) DK Suggests using match.product for each additional item with a URI for each column in refset as per 2.6 URIs for Properties KK The R4 Products are flat and various ICD-10 rules are grouped. Example here: https://snowstorm.ihtsdotools.org/fhir/ConceptMap/$translate?code=421671002&system=http://snomed.info/sct&targetsystem=http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10 | ||
23 | FHIR Resource cross field validation | 10 | Question: Can we do cross field validation of FHIR resources, to restrict valueset available for one element dependent on the value entered in some other field. DK Do this using "Invariants". See https://build.fhir.org/conformance-rules.html and https://build.fhir.org/profiling.html#slicing (complex approach!) ALO FHIR Questionnaires have more support for cross field rules. LB - would specify this in the Implementation Guide with the specific rules. | |
24 | ValueSets eg for procedures which recommend SNOMED CT codes that have been retired. ML: ValueSets described via enumeration will need to be kept updated. The party that specified the ValueSet is primarily responsible for maintenance. RC: License requirements do imply that SNOMED CT versions should be kept up to date in systems. | |||
25 | FHIR in the new SNOMED Implementation course | The new implementation course could focus on SNOMED + FHIR, and transformations between information models, using maybe the Allergy demonstrator as an example. Maybe adding consideration on adding LOINC concepts, like the allergy test using LOINC (Observation in FHIR). Suggestions: add onset to reactions (date), and use problems already recorded for reactions manifestations, and vice-versa. Helpful Introduction Videos: Introduction to SNOMED with FHIR YouTube recordings of Dev Days Presentations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40Lvv2t8OxU | ||
26 | April 2024 Business Meeting General Discussion Topics | FHIR for Terminology vs FHIR for Patient Records - eg for cohort identification. See https://www.hl7.org/fhir/search.html#modifierin can try out on https://hapi.fhir.org/ Also CSIRO Pathling server for analytics Navigational ValueSets - how can you express hierarchy and/or grouping in a ValueSet expansion? Nested code can be used to show hierarchy (navigational concept could be represented as blank). Question is more about how you initially input that structure such that it would take effect. Note that valueset composition (valueset containing valuesets) is not sufficient because it does not infer any structure, only membership. Note that in this context navigational groupers are not considered to be concepts - they don't have a CodeSystem identifier. SH: users would prefer to search than to navigate their way through a hierarchy to the item they want. "Picklists" can be considered distinct from ValueSets (adding priority and other properties). ML Usage in questionnaires. "The way to do this is in the expansion" DK Solution also available using Concept map translate given 'source' context, what likely values would be selected in a subsequent field. RH See also ValueSet Concept Order Extension. PWI "Tagging" may be preferred as it allows for multiple dimensions to be represented at the same time ML and also avoids codes appearing multiple times if they belong to more than one group. SH Would like to see standard for wider sharing of resources like reusable UI elements, and avoid overloading FHIR (separation of concerns). SS Much harder to add semantics to existing data, than it is to enforce the semantics at the point of data capture. TODO Elicit use cases from Rutt Lindström Condition vs Observation - care plan based on symptom. Other CodeSystems which reference SNOMED CT | ||
27 | General discussion on work being done in EU | See https://build.fhir.org/ig/hl7-eu/laboratory/branches/master/index.html https://github.com/hl7-eu/laboratory https://confluence.hl7.org/display/HEU/Laboratory+Report+Implementation+Guide%2C+Edition+1 https://build.fhir.org/ig/hl7-eu/xpandh-hdr/ ML: https://csct.be/projects.html 2023-09-19 ML CSCT now has official "Not for Profit" status as an entity. | ||
28 | IG Tooling Compatibility | 20 | Requirements for making a Terminology Server compatible with IG Tooling See Zulip discussion here: https://chat.fhir.org/#narrow/stream/179202-terminology/topic/Terminology.20server.20requirements.20for.20IG.20builds.2E.2E.2E 2023-07-25
2023-10-03 ML Ontoserver still a work in progress in this area. 2023-10-22 ML Ontoserver progressing to be trialed during NZ Connectathon in this context.
| |
29 | Observables model | Michael Lawley | Question on the Observables Model - was discussed in both the MAG and the EAG. Yongsheng Gao currently looking at proposals and next discussion will be at all staff meeting in June. There was an inconsistent role grouping pattern in the observables, and the question was trying to find the reason for this. This is being evaluated. Peter G. Williams There is a decision to move to the grouped pattern Andrew Perry looking for opportunities to contribute to the observables and LOINC modeling decisions 2023-09-19 Update: Direction of travel here suggests moving to have all attributes in a single role group, but preparatory hierarchy movements will be required first - Evaluation Procedures moving to Observables. Discussion expected at October MAG meeting, followed by a briefing note if no major objections raised. AP UK have concerns about problems caused with existing counterparts between the two subhierarchies. UK did respond to RFC last week. 2023-10-03 SI responding to briefing note feedback (including encouragement from UK to engage as a matter of priority). Discussion expected in both MAG and EAG at October Business Meetings. Two Schools of Thought: LOINC style single observable hierarchy (order / result) vs. procedure + observable pairs for expressing ordering and results. 2023-10-22 AP <copy from 15:43> | |
30 | Post R5 Concept Map - support for SNOMED Map features. | Concept maps and SNOMED Maps - how to materialize as both R4 and R5. Metadata needed: target CodeSystem URI, source and target ValueSets. Do we assume that a simple map is an equivalence. For complex maps, how are the additional fields represented? Eg in property, dependsOn and product (these are typed). See Complex and Extended Map from SNOMED CT Reference Sets Update 2023-06-13 Now working in confluence Concept Map in R5 2023-07-11 Work being done (ML) around clarity and specification for the parameters used in implicit Concept Maps. 2023-07-25 Michael Lawley and Dion had a discussion on metadata and
2024-02-14 DK Enquired on status here. KK has coded some support in R4 but uses comma delimited messaging. ML Using extension to allow properties in R4 (fully available in R5). See extension: http://hl7.org/fhir/5.0/StructureDefinition/extension-ConceptMap.group.element.target.property See example 1 and example 2 shows multiple groups matching. Demos showing machine processing of ICD-10 rules: https://github.com/IHTSDO/snomed-to-icd-10-mapper https://ihtsdo.github.io/iid-icd-maps/ Discussion on whether or not the Terminology Server should have responsibility for applying the values to the rules to fully identify the correct target of the $translate operation. DK would like to see choice for client to calculate the rules. | ||
31 | Expand Alliance | 20 | XpanDH - Expand Alliance European Project. Interoperability in Europe, targeting providing 6 x 40 hours of medical interoperability training to 40 students to fill gaps in existing offerings. HL7 Europe (consisting of all HL7 European country affiliates) also participating. 2023-05-30 Submission made (SNOMED International is a co-partner). Response expected by the end of the Summer. 2023-10-03 ML News update on course proposals expected for November. See https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101095594 | |
32 | Language behaviour compliance in Snowstorm | 10 | BCP-47 requires a dash every 8 digits so SCTIDs need to be broken up to be compliant. Also the "x-sctlang" is required. Also discussed GG's request to Kai Kewley in the behaviour around language headers and how they interact with the displayLanguage in the HTTP GET request. | |
33 | R5 changes suggested around specifying language using BCP-47 | 10 | See Tuesday meeting item #6 Changes for R5 and check on use of dialect in x form in ECL Specification Appendix C: Appendix C - Dialect Aliases Note that where a language reference set pulls from more than one language, the BCP-47 tag could potentially missing out the <lang> element and start directly with "x-". Options for referring to multiple languages: could be done either with a * (see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Accept-Language#syntax ) or with a comma separated list to indicate a priority order (although this isn't supported by the FHIR parameter (unless the server went out of it's way to allow for this), or use the accept-language header). Use case is in the displayLanguage input parameter to a ValueSet $expand operation
2022-08-31 ML CSIRO attempting to get R5 compliant Ontoserver ready in time for HL7 Connectathon. 2022-10-04 With this page moving to terminology.hl7.org it is no longer subject to the ballot process. Instead a "TSMG" ticket should be created. Daniel Karlsson and Rob Hausam will progress this. Also tracking R5 changes to concept map - see http://build.fhir.org/valueset-concept-map-relationship.html. Peter G. Williams to check SI intention for R5 compliance. 2022-10-18 DK EHealth Working Group on Semantics - discussion on cross border infrastructure based on CDA. Suggestion that it could move to FHIR for new specifications/developments eg Lab Reports. 2022-11-02 RH Rob will check the status and how we can help it move 2023-02-07 RH R5 Ballot is complete. Deadline to complete resolutions is Feb 24th. Expectation to publish late April / early May. 2023-03-07: RH R5 going through QA currently. Some last-minute changes in ConceptMap: RH change in relationship types, new ValueSet to remove ambiguity. Directions of maps (very) explicit. No-map situation simplification. Element name changes. Choice datatypes in more places. ML property, dependsOn and product clarification. E.g. property is used in implicit ConceptMaps based on SNOMED complex maps. http://hl7.org/fhir/5.0.0-draft-final/conceptmap.html 2023-07-11 ML Added UP ticket - https://jira.hl7.org/browse/UP-436 (Unified Terminology Governance Project) | |
34 | Language Reference Sets in FHIR | All | Mechanisms for working with Languages 24 August DK Added pull request to Snowstorm here Implementation by ML using existing fields and specifying LangRefset in displayLanguage parameter with "preferredForLanguage" code and wildcard Eg https://r4.ontoserver.csiro.au/fhir/ValueSet/$expand?displayLanguage=*-x-sctlang-20581000-087109&_format=json&url=http://snomed.info/sct/20611000087101?fhir_vs=ecl/160303001&includeDesignations=true Oct 5 Release of Ontoserver 6.5.0 which includes support for language reference sets as above.
Next Steps: How to promote - could we present at a Vocab call? (1530 ET Thursdays - may clash with SI Languages call) 8 Feb 2022 DK added Designation Extension into the SNOMED on FHIR IG see http://build.fhir.org/ig/IHTSDO/snomed-ig/StructureDefinition-designation-use-context.html | |
35 | MRCM in FHIR Machine Readable Concept Model (applies to both pre and post coordinated content) | MRCM is needed for writing good ECL and also for writing 'good' Post coordinated expressions. Going forward: suggestion that PJ and RH expose both the MRCM and the capabilities of ECL 2.0 with the wider HL7 and FHIR Communities. See slides on ECL 2.0 here. ML more generally this is a refinement axis which is represented as two things - the attribute and the range of values that that attribute can take.
2022-11-1 ECL 2.0 can retrieve MRCM refsets content, the question is how to return them as FHIR resources (structure map?) Using implicit concept maps may be an option to add operations such as get acceptable attributes or get range (note SNOMED is the only CodeSystem that uses implicit concept maps, wording around that is changing, see https://jira.hl7.org/browse/FHIR-39266 )
| ||
36 | SNOMED FHIR Implementation Guide | Implementation Guide for using SNOMED CT with FHIR. IG Documentation: http://build.fhir.org/ig/FHIR/ig-guidance/index.html Also look at the sample IG https://github.com/fhir/sample-ig see build http://build.fhir.org/ig/FHIR/sample-ig/
2022-11-1: No news, check in the next call. 2022-11-15 Suggestion to set page per meeting list to work through. Setting up one or two HTML style pages that could then be copied and modified and then use meetings to tackle more difficult content and review. Finding best publishing location, cross referenced between https://terminology.hl7.org/SNOMEDCT.html Pairings - Kai, Peter, Marie, Daniel, Rob Top Topics
2022-11-29 Example markdown page that could be copied and modified: https://github.com/IHTSDO/snomed-ig/blob/master/input/pagecontent/sct_specific_behaviours.md Work to be presented for 13 December (payment will be made in Glorytm) Peter & Kai - ECL in FHIR (Update: Used https://hackmd.io/ for collaborative markdown editing. ) Daniel & Marie - Allergy & Intolerance : (Update: Menu item added for extensions, confirmed examples are useful and appropriate for the Allergy Guide. ) Rob - IPS
2022-12-13 ECL Page reviewed - MarkDown not displaying the same as it did the IDE, revisit. Looking for some more structure that could be applied to the apparently unordered list of ValueSets (which is machine generated). Any documentation on how to do that would be appreciated. Other IG's we could compare to are : https://build.fhir.org/ig/HL7/US-Core/terminology.html & http://build.fhir.org/ig/HL7/fhir-ips/ ( also http://build.fhir.org/ig/HL7/fhir-ips/terminology.html ) 2023-02-07 MAL work for Allergy Implementation Guide (which the SNOMED IG will link to) see SNOMED CT Clinical Implementation Guide for Allergy, Hypersensitivity and Intolerance 2023-02-21 DK Work done for languages - https://build.fhir.org/ig/danka74/snomed-ig/branches/languages/ Discussion about overloading of parameter for both display language and search language. Checking behaviour around fall-back on displayed terms (eg context specific → national language → English). For example, display parameter being a comma separated list (which has a defined order, unlike repeating the same parameter multiple times (also not allowed in the spec)). 2023-10-16 PWI Update: We had a note to follow up on https://www.hl7.org/fhir/R4/valueset-animal-breeds.html as these have mostly been inactivated and moved to the Veterinary Extension. In following up, it was determind that this valueset is no longer present in the FHIR core as of R5. | ||
37 | Expanding ValueSets across multiple Editions. | Discussion on * version wildcard. (relates to a Zulip discussion on expanding a ValueSet against multiple editions to give a superset?) DK How could we specify the latest version of multiple modules. Answer http://snomed.info/sct/* (ie not specifying the version) or http://snomed.info/sct/*/version/* to include concepts from previous versions. For use in the module / version URI. Existing workaround is to use multiple include elements for each version. 7 Sept ML Sticking point - what do we do with incompatible properties eg active/inactive between two different versions - the most recent? Use case: primarily being able to validate codes that might exist in different editions. Secondarily, being able to validate code received in a historical record ie where codes were valid at time of data entry. 25 Jan 2022: Snowstorm will already look across all Editions loaded when a codesystem version is not specified, eg: https://browser.ihtsdotools.org/fhir/CodeSystem/$validate-code?coding=http://snomed.info/sct|443971000124108 only exists in the US Edition. (See also the History proposals for ECL)
2022-05-17 ML Ontoserver supports ValueSets that draw from more than one version, so you could use that to compute the difference between one version and another. 2022-11-1: DK: Snowstorm does not yet support multiple include elements in different versions for the SNOMED code system. ML: The semantic is not yet clear, how to decide in which versions you check properties, parents, etc. Run separately for all inclusions and join the results. May need to understand better the use cases. Michael Chu - let's discuss. | ||
38 | Any Other Business | 2023-10-03 ML working on registration of congenital abnormalities - is there a way to group disorders (eg as part of a syndrome), specifically in the Condition Resource to (See Condition Related Extension in R4 http://hl7.org/fhir/R4B/extension-condition-related.html / http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/StructureDefinition-condition-related.html ) See https://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/extension-registry.html also condition-dueto. JC Syndrome is just a grouper name, it doesn't "cause" the manifestations as such. 2024-03-13 RC Querying on patient data using below / isa - how is that negotiated between a data server and a terminology server (or do they need to be one and the same?) |
Potential Items for Discussion
Description | Owner | Notes & Actions | |
SNOMED Family of Languages | Impact of proposed changes (eg text searching in ECL) on FHIR. Questions around which language reference sets to use when there are multiple, especially partial/overriding context (referred to MAG for discussion) 8 Sept The FHIR specification does not specify a particular version of ECL, so we assume the latest. Any enhancements added to ECL will be immediately relevant and available in FHIR. Note that these latest additions while targeting descriptions are a concept filter, so display options (language etc) will affect the output of those concepts. How about the filter parameter though, especially since ECL wo (ld allow multiple filters in multiple/different languages.
This has now been implemented as text filters in ECL. Archive discussion. | ||
Specify CodeSystem in FSH | FSH apparently has no way of specifying the version of a CodeSystem. Daniel checking the ANTLR spec. https://github.com/FHIR/sushi/issues/473 | ||
Looking up an SCTID in an unknown module | Problems when dependencies do not align. Multiple code system resources represent multiple editions / versions. ML: See code parameter to code system search. Should return code systems (ie versions) where that code is defined. International concepts would appear in every edition known to the server. eg /CodeSystem?system=htp://snomed.info/sct&code=12345678&_elements=version
| ||
GPS | See Discussion on Global Patient Set (GPS) | ||
FHIR Shorthand | https://github.com/HL7/fhir-shorthand/wiki https://build.fhir.org/ig/HL7/fhir-shorthand/FSHQuickReference.pdf Tooling: https://github.com/FHIR/sushi | ||
$lookup operation - properties returned | Using http://ontoserver.csiro.au/vstool/ I noticed that both Ontoserver and SnowStorm return a SNOMED CT $lookup property for effectiveTime, which I don't see listed, as one of the SNOMED CT properties in the FHIR R4 specification at http://hl7.org/fhir/snomedct.html. Should we create a Jira TIcket to add this? Completed - https://jira.hl7.org/browse/FHIR-26555 | ||
Use of url parameter | 15 | CodeSystem "class vs instance" in url parameter between CodeSystem and ValueSet operations. CodeSystem is understood. In Valueset, url is the ValueSet url for example url = http://snomed.info/sct?fhir_vs= allows for the version URI to be used as stated in https://build.fhir.org/snomedct.html The base URL is either http://snomed.info/sct , or the URI for the edition version, in the format specified by SNOMED International in the SNOMED CT URI Specification. The ValueSet version valueSetVersion is just some string identifier eg a timestamp or 0.1.0 | |
ECL in the Valueset Expression Extension | 10 | Check whether SNOMED ECL is (or should be) registered as a MIME type (as per RFC 4289/BCP 13), or alternatively added to the expression-language code system and value set, for use in the valueset-expression extension used with the ValueSet resource. For example, HL7 have registered application/json+fhir This is useful for a ValueSet extension which allows any language to be used to define the selection criteria for an intensional definition using a MIME type. This group has no current reason to use that extension given the existing core specification support for implicit ValueSet definition and the support within the compose element. RDF community may have an interest. Update 2 June RH: Existing small valueset extended in BCP13 (existing known codes could be published as a CodeFragment). Vocab Working Group discussion ongoing. | |
Behaviour on Lookup | 10 | What properties are returned? Discussion: Both Ontoserver and Snowstorm are returning EffectiveTime which is not listed here (unlike other SNOMED specifics): https://build.fhir.org/snomedct.html
Point of interest: Grahame's server returns a copyright property. Update 7 April - Question about whether this is required / desirable? |
Concluded Discussion
See also FHIR Terminology Services Discussions
Description | Owner | Notes & Actions | |
Terminology Capabilities | Terminology Capabilities: Default SNOMED Edition for a Server. Suggestion to invite Graham for a wider discussion. Resource is still at maturity 0. 11 August The resource is based on instances of code systems. Difficult to make statements about code systems generally, or specific SNOMED editions, etc. Will start a Zulip discussion on this. Michael Lawley Then potentially invite Grahame for a future discussion? 25 August It has been agreed that this resource will now have maturity level 1 | ||
New parameters proposed for streamlining operation of expand and validate code | Grahame Grieve | 8 Sept 20 Is there a Jira ticket ? Rob says Grahame implemented this. 12 Jan: RH update made to GG Server. Documentation (assuming required) still outstanding. | |
FHIR Server Federation | 10 | Use case for fall back lookup when server does not know the answer to any particular question eg a façade server which has knowledge of all services it could potentially delegate to. Aug 25: New capabilities in HAPI to allow delegation to an external terminology server. |
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