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December 2022 PreProduction (Version 6) vs December 2022 Production (Version 2 - PUBLISHED - MANUALLY REFINED BY PWI) traceability


Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impacted

Related JIRA ticket(s)


Language Refset (fr-ch) files250


250 Language records removed, in order to fix the issues (temporarily, until they can be fixed next cycle properly) in INFRA-9963

December 2022 PreProduction (Version 6) vs December 2022 Production (Version 1) traceability


Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impacted

Related JIRA ticket(s)


Readme filen/a
All x prefixes removed, plus Production naming convention applied, as expected. 

June 2022 Production (PUBLISHED) vs December 2022 PreProduction (Version 6) traceability


Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impacted

Related JIRA ticket(s)


RefsetDescriptor files0

0 records added, as expected as confirmed in MSSP-1786 no new Refsets in this cycle

ModuleDependency files5

3 records had their UUID's replaced, BUT THE OTHER TWO FROM JUNE 2022 WERE NOT!!   SO IT WAS ALL WRONG!!

HAD TO REVERT BACK TO EXTERNALLYMAINTAINED INPUT FOR THIS FILE IN THIS Version 6 of PreProd.  Now seems to be working as expected, updating all 5 records with the expected dates:

< 36ddb438-742a-4c97-9dca-b95489b6a08a    20220607    1    2011000195101    900000000000534007    900000000000207008    20220607    20220331
< 7321d59a-986d-4496-9cf8-874022470ad5    20220607    1    11000241103    900000000000534007    900000000000012004    20220331    20220331
< a4fbf40a-73ae-4e51-80da-cddc448d3a32    20220607    1    2011000195101    900000000000534007    900000000000012004    20220607    20220331
< b3c09a5c-496c-48d7-808a-166f2b6a3c97    20220607    1    11000241103    900000000000534007    900000000000207008    20220331    20220331
< dc968531-82da-4aeb-bf59-3ae96cf71dd7    20220607    1    2011000195101    900000000000534007    11000241103    20220607    20220331
> 36ddb438-742a-4c97-9dca-b95489b6a08a    20221207    1    2011000195101    900000000000534007    900000000000207008    20221207    20221031
> 7321d59a-986d-4496-9cf8-874022470ad5    20221207    1    11000241103    900000000000534007    900000000000012004    20221031    20221031
> a4fbf40a-73ae-4e51-80da-cddc448d3a32    20221207    1    2011000195101    900000000000534007    900000000000012004    20221207    20221031
> b3c09a5c-496c-48d7-808a-166f2b6a3c97    20221207    1    11000241103    900000000000534007    900000000000207008    20221031    20221031
> dc968531-82da-4aeb-bf59-3ae96cf71dd7    20221207    1    2011000195101    900000000000534007    11000241103    20221207    20221031 

Readme file

All x prefixes added in, plus PreProduction naming convention applied, as expected. 

Concept files6

6 new records added +

0 inactivated records expected due to exact match in Summary Component Stats report for this cycle (see link above)

Association files1

0 new records added/updated +

1 record inactivated expected due to exact match in Summary Component Stats report for this cycle (see link above)

AttributeValue files754

754 records added/updated??!!!


YES IT DOES!!  Spot checked a load of the changes from ISRS-1400 and they're all present as new records in this latest diff.  In addition, I also checked that ALL of the new AttributeValue records in this Version 6 are in module 2011000195101 (Swiss Module), and NOT in module 11000241103 (Common French), which was the fix applied in ISRS-1400 - yes they all are - so this is now correct! this is all as expected due to exact match in Summary Component Stats report for this cycle (see link above) which shows 73 changes + the 681 that were promoted via a fix branch (and therefore don't show up in the report) which makes 754 in total!

Description (de-ch) files311

248 added/updated records + 

58 inactivated records expected due to exact match with TOTAL DESCRIPTION Counts in Summary Component Stats report for this cycle (see link above)

NOTE:  There are only 306 changes not 311 - this is because there are 5 Description records where the terms themselves contain the ">" character that we use to analyse the diff reports.

Description (en) files12

12 new records added/updated expected due to exact match with TOTAL DESCRIPTION Counts in Summary Component Stats report for this cycle (see link above)

Description (fr) files0

0 Swiss French records added/removed expected due to exact match with TOTAL DESCRIPTION Counts in Summary Component Stats report for this cycle (see link above)

Description (fr-ch) files7

7 new records added/updated +

0 records inactivated expected due to exact match with TOTAL DESCRIPTION Counts in Summary Component Stats report for this cycle (see link above)

Description (it-ch) files32

22 added/updated records + 

10 inactivated records expected due to exact match with TOTAL DESCRIPTION Counts in Summary Component Stats report for this cycle (see link above)

Language Refset (de-ch) files352

294 records added/updated +

58 records inactivated expected due to exact match in Summary Component Stats report for this cycle (see link above)

Language Refset (it-ch) files31

21 records added/updated +

10 records inactivated expected due to exact match in Summary Component Stats report for this cycle (see link above)

Language Refset (en) files12

12 records added/updated expected due to exact match in Summary Component Stats report for this cycle (see link above)

Language Refset (fr) files0

0 records added/updated, as expected as this is Common French Language file?????? expected due to eSummary Component Stats report for this cycle (see link above) NOT SHOWING ANYTHING FOR THIS REFSET!

Have asked Peter to update the report to explicitly call out ZERO changes for this refset going forward - INFRA-10034

Language Refset (fr-ch) files15054

9107 records added/updated

+ 5947 records inactivated expected due to one off fixes made in this cycle in INFRA-9963 expected due to CLOSE match in Summary Component Stats report for this cycle (see link above):

  • 8857 records added/updated +

  • 5947 records inactivated

The 250 difference relates to new published CF descriptions that will not appear until after we've versioned, because they're missing from the Delta.   If the description is not present, then the langrefset entry for that description will not be counted in SCS, because there's no way to get to it - it's an orphan.   But we see it in the RF2 counts, because the fact that they don't have a parent doesn't stop them appearing in the files.   Because the LRS entries ARE in the delta (because they were moved to the CH module).

Relationship files12

12 new records added/updated +

0 records inactivated expected due to exact match in Summary Component Stats report for this cycle (see link above)

Relationship Concrete Values files0

0 records added/updated +

0 records inactivated, expected due to exact match in Summary Component Stats report for this cycle (see link above)

OWL Expression files6

6 new records added/updated +

0 records inactivated, expected due to exact match in Summary Component Stats report for this cycle (see link above)

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