On translating these two concepts in the Netherlands they have the following question:
Is there a difference in meaning between 'peripapillary choroidal dystrophy' and 'circumpapillary dystrophy of choroid'? 'circum-' and 'peri-' translate as the same meaning and therefore we initially got the same translation for both concepts. We have asked an ophthalmologist in the Netherlands. She says it is the same and that they do not use the term 'circumpapillary'
I would be grateful of any input on this. I can only find one reference to circumpapilliary choroidal dystrophy which dates back to 1975, in Romanian and no longer available.
The representation in ICD11 is Peripapillary choroidal dystrophy.
There are two subtypes of 92820007 |Circumpapillary dystrophy of choroid (disorder)|:
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Ian Rodrigues
I would say that they can be considered to be synonymous - cirum (as in circumference) and peri (as in perimeter)
Cindy Cai
Peripapillary is used more commonly, but according to my literature search, looks like both circumpapillary and peripapillary are used to refer to the same anatomic location (around the optic nerve).
Elaine Wooler
Thank you both for the replies. I will inactivate 92820007 |Circumpapillary dystrophy of choroid (disorder)| and add the description as a synonym to 1231678007 |Peripapillary choroidal dystrophy (disorder)|.