According to the doodle there is a slight majority for moving from 2nd and 4th Monday of the month to 1st and 3rd Monday of the month. I suggest that we do not wait but that we start the new schedule immediately. So instead of having three weeks between last meeting and next, we'll have the next meeting on Monday March 7 20.00 UTC.
Suzanne Santamaria likes this
James R. Campbell
Items for agenda today please:
Synoptic cancer protocols module development and publication plan
Observables concept definition of precoordinated SNOMED CT content
Farzaneh Ashrafi
James R. Campbell
Hi Jim,
I don't think we have a call today. From my understanding the first meeting in 2018 is scheduled for 2018-01-15 20.00 UTC (see last minute meeting notes), which is consistent with moving to 1st+3rd weeks for the observable calls.
Daniel Karlsson can you confirm?
Daniel Karlsson
Yes, Farzaneh Ashrafi is right (as always). The next meeting is Jan 15. Will add the items to the agenda next week. Thanks, Daniel