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We have had a request to add lateralised versions of the above concept but with the preferred term: phacoanaphylactic endophthalmitis.

It is referred to this on Eyewiki   
Given it is a rare condition it is also referred in Orphanet as phacoanaphylactic uveitis -  

Some questions for you please:

  1. What would be your suggested preferred term for this?
  2. Orphanet also have a synonym for this disease of Lens-induced iridocyclitis but we have this as a distinct concept in SNOMED - 70461003 |Lens-induced iridocyclitis (disorder)| - is this a duplicate concept?
  3. Lens-induced uveitis is currently modelled with the cause being 'crystallin' - is this accurate?
  4. In terms of the parent for this should it be 14589007 |Phacoanaphylaxis (disorder)| which has a synonym - allergic reaction to lens protein?

Many thanks

Contributors (4)