For information on precoordinated naming patterns that have been reviewed or are currently in review, see Pre-coordination Naming Patterns project. Unreviewed patterns for the Situation with explicit context hierarchy can be found here. New content should conform with the naming patterns; however, legacy content may not.
For example,
Acceptable naming pattern
FSN: <procedure> declined (situation)
PT: <procedure> declined
SYN: <procedure> refused (This is optional.)
- 736013005 |Body weight measurement declined (situation)|
Unacceptable naming patterns
The following naming patterns are no longer accepted for addition to the International Edition:
- Procedure offered
- Procedure not offered
- Procedure done
- Procedure not done
Note that the 385658003 |Done (qualifier value)| (a descendent of 410523001 |Post-starting action status (qualifier value)|) remains in use as the target value of the 408730004 |Procedure context (attribute)| in History of <procedure> concepts.
Not every naming pattern is found in the Pre-coordination Naming Pattern project. Some naming patterns can be prescribed in templates. Others can come from trackers or fast track documents, such as the examples below.
No known allergy
The pattern is:
716186003 |No known allergy (situation)|
FSN: No known allergy (situation)
PT: No known allergy
SYN: NKA - No known allergy
No known X allergy (situation)
For example, 428197003 |No known insect allergy (situation)|
FSN: No known insect allergy (situation)
PT: No known insect allergy