For more information
See also Anatomical Structure Naming Conventions section Naming Convention for Digits of Hand and Foot and Laterality section Laterality
Right, left disorder concepts
When creating a lateralized disorder concept, two concepts should be created:
- concept for the left side
- concept for the right side
- FSN: <morphologic abnormality> of right/left <body structure> (disorder)
- PT: Right/left <disorder>
For example, 1089071000119109 | Inflammation of left mastoid (disorder)|
- FSN: Inflammation of left mastoid (disorder)
- PT: Left mastoiditis
Figure 1: Stated view of Inflammation of left mastoid (disorder)
When creating a lateralized disorder concept, if a non-lateralized parent does not exist, then it should be created as well. In other words, do not just create the right and left versions, but also create a concept to represent the laterality-agnostic parent.
For example,
When creating Inflammation of left mastoid and Inflammation of right mastoid, also ensure a concept for Inflammation of mastoid exists.
Where the disorder is left/right of a specific anatomical site, and the preferred term naming pattern of Right/left <disorder> causes a combination that does not sound like natural flowing English, the guidance above can be circumvented. See the section Naming Convention for Digits of Hand and Foot and Laterality section Laterality.
For example,
Left interphalangeal thumb joint open traumatic dislocation should follow naming guidance of Open traumatic dislocation of interphalangeal joint of left thumb.
Bilateral disorder concepts
FSN: <Morphologic abnormality) of bilateral <body structure> (disorder)
PT: Bilateral <disorder>
SYN: <Disorder> of bilateral <body structure>
SYN: <Disorder> of both <body structure>
For example, 1084011000119100 | Inflammation of bilateral mastoids (disorder)|
- FSN: Inflammation of bilateral mastoids (disorder)
- PT: Bilateral mastoiditis
- SYN: Inflammation of bilateral mastoids
- SYN: Inflammation of both mastoids
Modeling of bilateral disorders
Bilateral disorders should be modeled using two relationship groups, one for each lateralized body structure.
Figure 2: Stated view of Inflammation of bilateral mastoids (disorder) with a role group for each side
Structure, Structure of
Lateralized disorder concepts should not include the words structure or structure of.
For example,
- For the body structure concept, 266005 | Structure of lower lobe of right lung (body structure)| . a disorder concept with this body structure is 724056005 | Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe of right lung (disorder)| .
- For the body structure concept, 266005 | Structure of lower lobe of right lung (body structure)| , a procedure with this body structure is 726425007 | Lobectomy of lower lobe of right lung (procedure)| .