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When and Where

  • Date: Monday, October 23, 2023
  • Time: 13:30 to 17:00 EDT (17:30 to 21:00 UTC). There will be a 30 minute break at 15:00-15:30 EDT (19:00-19:30 UTC).
  • Meeting details: Click here to access zoom meeting details
    •  Zoom Call and Onsite Attendance

                      Please enter the call via Zoom - thanks!

  • Event details: The Starling Hotel, Atlanta, USA, Room: Muse 5
  • Business Meeting Schedule: Can be found on Confluence here
  • Registration: Please register here to complete the process if you will be attending in person in Atlanta.

    • No Registration for Business Meeting is required if online only.

Key Goals for this Meeting

  1. For ELAG members to share their national education experiences and requirements
  2. For SNOMED International to report on recent SNOMED CT education activities
  3. To get feedback from ELAG members on current education activities

Agenda and Meeting Notes

1Welcome and introductions


2Meeting agenda


3ELAG administration


Topics include:


SNOMED International

Education Team update

EPS Team

The E&PS team will update the group on the education activities that have been the main focus since our last meeting.


Implementation Support Team update


The Implementation Support Team will provide an update on tooling and support provided.

6Any other BusinessAll

Meeting Files

  File Modified
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ELAG 2023 Oct Business Meetings.pptx 2023-Oct-30 by Ian Spiers
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation SNOMED Implementation Support ELAG Update.pptx 2023-Oct-30 by Ian Spiers