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Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow Translation SIG Summary slide.ppt Created by kahlzen on Wed Oct 12 12:32:32 Z 2011 last modified on Wed Oct 12 12:32:32 Z 2011 v1 id: doc4757 Attached is the summary slide from the Translation SIG meeting in Sydney 11 October 2011. 2015-Nov-19 by Collabnet Migration
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow Slides IHTSDO Translation SIG Mtg Sydney_20111011_v0.03_.ppt Created by jhowarth on Fri Oct 28 13:22:17 Z 2011 last modified on Fri Oct 28 13:35:05 Z 2011 v2 id: doc4833 Attached are the PowerPoint slides used to guide the discussions for the Translation SIG meeting in Sydney on 2011.10.11. Cheers and best regar 2015-Nov-19 by Collabnet Migration
Microsoft Word 97 Document Minutes IHTSDO Translation SIG Mtg Sydney 20111011_ver 1.00.doc Created by jhowarth on Fri Oct 28 13:16:35 Z 2011 last modified on Fri Oct 28 13:32:37 Z 2011 v2 id: doc4832 Attached are the draft minutes from the Translation SIG meeting held in Sydney on 2011.10.11. The PowerPoint slides that were used to guide the 2015-Nov-19 by Collabnet Migration
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