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The scope of a map is tightly bound to the map's use case and purpose.

Once the use case and the purpose has been defined, the scope of the source and target code systems of the map can then be defined.

When considering the scope of the source and target code systems of the map, consider

What is the scope of the source code system?
  • Does the whole source code system need to be mapped, or is a subset sufficient?
    • If it is a historical code system, is the subset of codes that have been used in practice sufficient?
    • Is there a need to map historical or inactive terms?
    • Is there a need to exclude some terms if ambiguous, duplicates, not within the required scope?
How is the source code system used in the implementation?
  • Is the source code system appropriate for the data model it was implemented in?
  • What is the meaning of the codes in the context of the data model?
How will the map targets be implemented?
  • Is the target source code system appropriate for the new data model?
What is the scope of the target source code system?
  • Is the whole target code system appropriate or is a subset more appropriate?
Are the scopes of the source and target code systems compatible?
  • Do they match? should they match?
  • Requirements for exclusions or specific rules about how the scopes will be translated.
  • Is there need for contextual information (e.g. from the information model) to be included in the decision for what the map target should be
    • if mapping from a source code system for a "Family History" field (source) to a new data model that was an "Other information" field (target) then |A123 Breast cancer| in a Family History field may need a map to a single term like  429740004 |Family history of malignant neoplasm of breast|
  • At what level do the terms need to be mapped? Is equivalence the goal, or are we grouping things to a broader target? This will be determined by the use case.

What is the scope?How is the code system implemented?Are the scopes compatible?
Source code system

Does the whole source code system need to be mapped, or is a subset sufficient?

  • If it is a historical code system, is the subset of codes that have been used in practice sufficient?
  • Is there a need to map historical or inactive terms?
  • Is there a need to exclude some terms if ambiguous, duplicates, not within the required scope?
  • Is the source code system appropriate for the data model it was implemented in?
  • What is the meaning of the codes in the context of the data model?
  • Do they match? should they match?
  • Requirements for exclusions or specific rules about how the scopes will be translated.
  • Is there need for contextual information (e.g. from the information model) to be included in the decision for what the map target should be
    • if mapping from a source code system for a "Family History" field (source) to a new data model that was an "Other information" field (target) then |A123 Breast cancer| in a Family History field may need a map to a single term like  429740004 |Family history of malignant neoplasm of breast|
Target code system

Is the whole target code system appropriate or is a subset more appropriate?

  • Is the target source code system appropriate for the new data model?

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