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1.1. Resources:

1.2. Instructions

The "Initial Mapping Spreadsheet" has just one tab/sheet, 

  • Columns A&B have an EDQM code and English name for a PDF
  • Columns C&D have (space for) a S-CT ID and FSN for the PDF(s) to map to
  • Column F is the cardinality of your map
    • If you think it is 1..1 please put that - we will only know if one S-CT code has been used in more than one map when we put all the data together (the *..* situation)
    • If you cannot find a map, but 1..0 in that column
    • If you can find more than one suitable map, but 1..* for each row
    • If you can only find one concept to map to but think that it should be a 1..* (as in row 10 in the examples) put the 1..1 in square brackets
  • Column G is the association
    • "Exact match" if you feel the EDQM PDF matches exactly to the SNOMED CT PDF
    • "Broader than" if you feel the EDQM PDF is more granular than the best fit SNOMED CT PDF that you can find (i.e. the target concept is "broader than" the source concept) (as in row 3 in the examples) 
    • "Narrower than" if you feel the EDQM PDF is less granular than the best fit SNOMED CT PDF that you can find (i.e. the target concept is "broader than" the source concept) (as in row 10 in the examples) 
  • Column H is the attribute match: do the attributes given by EDQM match the attributes used in the SNOMED CT PDF?  It's a Yes/No answer, with NA if you could not find a match.  Please note what doesn't match in the Notes and Comments column
  • Column I is for any Notes and Comments you wish to make

If you have a 1–* map (as in the exemplar Nasal spray, solution) please add an extra row to the spreadsheet

Rows 2-13 give a set of example maps that I have done; they may not be correct, so as you look at them, please feel free to add comments in Column I, with your initials if possible.

Please would all mappers have a go at "the first five rows" - which I have put in with space for each of you


  • Tara - rows 15-19 and 39-43
  • Olivier - rows 21-25 and 45-49
  • Martha - rows 27-31 and 51-55
  • Catherine - rows 33-37 and 57-61

Anyone else wanting to "have a go" - please do so; please copy some rows onto a further tab/worksheet and do your mapping there (smile)

If at all possible, please could everyone have completed this initial assignment by our meeting on 23rd September - thank you!

1.3. Tips and Tricks (warning)

You can either use the EDQM Browser (remember you need a log-in) and/or the EDQM PDF spreadsheet attached above to look at the PDFs that you are mapping FROM

Similarly, you can use the SNOMED CT Browser and/or the SNOMED CT PDF spreadsheet attached above to look at the PDFs that you are mapping TO

The spreadsheets should be formatted such that all the IDs save as text and we don't "lose" any to exponential numbers - let me know if it looks as if something is saving incorrectly

As well as text searching, it can be helpful to use filters on the spreadsheet to see if there are some similar concepts to suggest a map - or to be as sure as you can that there is nothing suitable to map to

I suggest that you download the spreadsheet - I haven't managed to find a way to work with it directly in Confluence - but I think that's me!  Then, please email your version to Julie and Linda, and we will upload to this list at the bottom of this page.

  File Modified
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet SCT Pharmaceutical Dose Forms 20210731.xlsx 2021-Sep-14 by Julie M. James
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Initial mapping spreadsheet Tara.xlsx 2021-Sep-22 by Julie M. James
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Initial mapping spreadsheet (1).xlsx 2021-Sep-15 by Julie M. James
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Initial mapping spreadsheet.xlsx 2021-Sep-14 by Julie M. James
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Initial mapping spreadsheet_Olivier_Francois.xlsx 2021-Sep-20 by Linda Bird
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Initial mapping spreadsheet_Martha.xlsx 2021-Sep-20 by Julie M. James
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Initial mapping spreadsheet_CD.xlsx 2021-Sep-20 by Julie M. James
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet EDQM 2021-09-07 for mapping.xlsx 2021-Sep-14 by Julie M. James

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