Outdated Concept | REPLACED_BY association reference set (foundation metadata concept) POSSIBLY_REPLACED_BY association reference set (foundation metadata concept) |
Additional notes:
Semantic meaning the same but FSN different:
235998001 Perinephric abscess (disorder) - inactivated
80640009 Perirenal abscess (disorder)
Both concepts had an effective date of 2002-01-31 and so the decision was based on current clinical usage and the retained concept already had a synonym of Perinephric abscess.
Identical FSN but different semantic tag:
145857006 Soft tissue X-ray abnormal (situation) - inactivated
168711005 Soft tissue X-ray abnormal (finding)
Managing incoming historical associations:
The intention is that this functionality will be seamlessly integrated into the tooling so as to present to the user the appropriate updated historically association to be allocated.
Note: Once MOVED_TO the NRC we (SNOMED International) have no knowledge of what has happened to BIntEd