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The Allergy CRG is look for input from members on whether the concept 294904000 |Allergy to intravenous nutrition (finding)| is being used.


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DateRequested actionRequester(s)Response required by:Comments
28 Feb 2020

Advice on use of 294904000 |Allergy to intravenous nutrition (finding)|

  • Camilla Wiberg Danielsen  Please advise if the concept 294904000 |Allergy to intravenous nutrition (finding)| is in use in your country.
  • Daniel Karlsson  Please advise if the concept 294904000 |Allergy to intravenous nutrition (finding)| is in use in your country.
  • Elze de Groot   Please advise if the concept 294904000 |Allergy to intravenous nutrition (finding)| is in use in your country.
  • Sheree Hemingway  Please advise if the concept 294904000 |Allergy to intravenous nutrition (finding)| is in use in your country.
  • Linda Parisien   Please advise if the concept 294904000 |Allergy to intravenous nutrition (finding)| is in use in your country.
  • Matt Cordell  Please advise if the concept 294904000 |Allergy to intravenous nutrition (finding)| is in use in your country.
  • Olivier Bodenreider  Please advise if the concept 294904000 |Allergy to intravenous nutrition (finding)| is in use in your country.
  • Jostein Ven  Please advise if the concept 294904000 |Allergy to intravenous nutrition (finding)| is in use in your country.
  • Theresa Barry  Please advise if the concept 294904000 |Allergy to intravenous nutrition (finding)| is in use in your country.
  • Katrien Scheerlinck  Please advise if the concept 294904000 |Allergy to intravenous nutrition (finding)| is in use in your country.
  • Karina Revirol  Please advise if the concept 294904000 |Allergy to intravenous nutrition (finding)| is in use in your country.
  • Elizabeth Tanya Antoun  Please advise if the concept 294904000 |Allergy to intravenous nutrition (finding)| is in use in your country.
Please post your final responses in the Country response table below. Discussion comments can be made as comments.

Country response 

US 28FEB2020This concept is used in only one value set from the Value Set Authority Center. More over, the value set in which it is used is a broad "Problem" value set defined as
  • concept descendantOf ("404684003:Clinical finding (finding)")
  • OR
  • concept descendantOf ("243796009:Situation with explicit contex...")

This constitutes at best weak evidence of use, because there is no evidence of use in a specific context (i.e., related either allergy or to parenteral nutrition).

SE  2020-03-02 (ISO 8601!)

Not in use in any reference set we are responsible for, or any other use that we know of.

This concept looks like a grouper rather than anything that would be recorded in the medical record. Likely, if we were asked for advice on the use of this concept by our users we would give a negative recommendation, of course depending on the specifics on the use case.

 DK 202-03-02 Not in use in DK

We don't have any visibility of this specific concept being used. I would expect it to already be encompassed by the inactivation of allergy to "role groupers" concdepts, as described in Content Improvements in the Substance and Product Hierarchies - 2020-Feb-20

 New Zealand 2020-03-10 This concept is not used in any reference set we manage and we have not seen it used elsewhere.
Canada 2020-03-11 Not in use in Canada
 NO2020-03-12 Not in use in Norway 
 AR 2020-03-14Not in use in Argentine edition 


Member countries without a CMAG rep

 2020-03-17This concept has some usage, but very, very low level (e.g. 40 instances in the last year). 


CMAG response

DateCMAG ResponseNext steps


Final outcome: 



  • No labels


  1. Hi All,

    Many thanks for taking the time to comment on this ticket. 


  2. HI, 

    No this concept is not currently being used in Ireland.