New attributes that are added to the SNOMED CT concept model (or to a SNOMED CT extension) may require their value to be concrete. Concrete values include integers (e.g. 500), decimals (e.g. 2.75) and strings (e.g. "PANADOL").
The expression shown below uses both concept values and concrete values to represent a capsule that contains 500 mg of amoxicillin1 . In this case, the dose form, the active ingredient, the basis of strength substance and the strength unit all use a concept as their value, while the strength magnitude is represented using a numeric value. The numeric value is indicated in the expression by the preceding '#' symbol (e.g. #500).
411116001 |Has dose form| = 385049006 |Capsule| ,
{ 127489000 |Has active ingredient| = 372687004 |Amoxicillin| ,
179999999100 |Has basis of strength| = ( 219999999102 |Amoxicillin only| :
189999999103 |Has strength magnitude| = #500, 199999999101 |Has strength unit| = 258684004 |mg| )}
411116001 |Has dose form| = 385023001 |oral solution| ,
{ 127489000 |Has active ingredient| = 372897005 |Albuterol| ,
179999999100 |Has basis of strength| = ( 229999999109 |Albuterol only| :
189999999103 |Has strength magnitude| = #0.083, 199999999101 |Has strength unit| = 118582008 |%| )}
Ref | Notes |
1 | Please note that these examples are based on a hypothetical drug concept model, and is not intended to reflect any specific drug model. |
2 | Concrete values of type string are case sensitive and compared using the Unicode Collation Algorithm ( |