Hi all,
I need to let you know that some internal IHTSDO changes have resulted in a change of Chair for this advisory group to myself Cathy Richardson. I assume everyone knows me but just in case I'm a Senior Terminologist within the Content Team and one of the IHTSDO's Consultant Terminologists.
Ian Green has moved out of Content and into the role of Clinical Engagement and Education Services Business Manager. Lesley MacNeil has taken up the role of Content Management Executive.
Given the change over you will note that the GTM dial in details on the meeting information page have changed. I will also shortly be sending out an invite for upcoming meetings, which will include this information. I look forward to working with each of you over the coming months.
Kind regards,
Camilla Wiberg Danielsen
Welcome Cathy - looking forward to working with you
Matt Cordell
Let us know if you can't update the calendar (because I subscribe to and rely on that for changes).
John Fountain
Good to have you on board Cathy. Looking forward to working with you.
Elaine Wooler
Thanks for the update Cathy and welcome. It will be interesting to find out how Lesley's role fits in with this work also as Content Management Executive. Hopefully we will also be getting an update on changes via Member Forum.
We will probably need to revisit the TOR as I think this refers to Ian's role as chair.
Look forward to catching up at the next meeting.
Cathy Richardson AUTHOR
Hi there,
We will touch on how Lesley fits in on the next call. She will be at the meeting. I will review the TOR in prep as well.