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Target release0.1.0
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titleDRAFTin dev
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Emily Wang


Ashley Hickey

Robert Turnbull

Rory Davidson


Chris Swires

Kai Kewley

Peter G. Williams


Steve Archbold

Emily Wang

Sonja Ulrich


To build a single concept authoring tool that supported by release management features.provides basic functions for creating and editing a single concept.


Using the new authoring tool to release SNOMED CT without the Workbench.

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Background and strategic fit

SNOMED CT has over 400,000 concrete concept models. Considering logical model as an abstract class, the concrete concept models in SNOMED CT can be manufactured to import into the logical model. The logical components of all of concrete concept models can be viewed in the logical model, include parent and attribute(s). At this moment, we need to build a user interface for managing descriptions and request to the server for all of the pieces of given concept so that we can display the existing concept.


  • The single concept authoring tool will use batch for single concept editingcreation and editing.
  • It is possible to reuse the model creator/editor has been developed. However, it won't be used as a base for creating a matrix. Instead, it will be used as an actual representation of the logical of the concrete concept models.

Requirements (all requirements are Must-Have)

  • The new tool is not a one-to-one replacement of the Workbench but it can be use for new release.

Process of using single concept authoring service

Implemented Functional Requirements in Phase 1

 All requirements below are implementedFunctions

#TitleUser Story
JIRA Ticket
creating a new concept starting with a concrete model in SNOMED CTAs an author, I want to create a new concept by using an existing model 2

representing the concept model 

As an author, I want to see the concept model in a diagram  3

accessing to the logical model

As an author, I want to edit the concept model  4

editing the description (FSN, PT, etc.)

As an author, I want to edit the description in text fields  5

accessing to more descriptions

As an author, I want to be able to add more descriptions of the concept  6

manipulating languages accessibility

As an author, I want to be able to add languages  7

handling multiple instances of single concept editing by using list management (being able to handle lists of a number of different concept changes, but each applied to a single concept)

As an author, I want to manage many different single concept changes in one list/webpage  8

adding more than one new concept editing in a single window

As an author, I want to add more than one concept change in the same webpage  9

crossing boundary from one concept to another in a single window

As an author, I want to see each model related to the the description and a boundary from one concept to another  10

displaying the SNOMED CT taxonomy

As an author, I want to see the SNOMED CT taxonomy  11

searching the existing concept model in taxonomy

As an author, I want to search the existing concept model in taxonomy, which is the one I want to use as a start point  12

displaying the searched existing concept model in logical model

As an author, I want to see the diagram of my selected concept model  13

saving the concepts just created in single concept editing tool

As an author, I want to save all edits of the concepts  14

validating each concept editing individually

As an author, I want to validate each concept I edited  15

classifying concepts in the list

As an author, I want to classify concepts I edited  16

moving forward to the next step (review)

As an author, I want to move the completed editing task to the review stage  17grouping and ungrouping the relationship groupAs an author, I want to be able to group and ungroup the relationship groups  


#TitleUser StoryNotesJIRA Ticket
18each concept has at least one FSNAs an author, I want to define at least one FSN  
19only one of FSN can be marked as preferred in a given languageAs an author, I want to mark only one of FSN as preferred in a given language  
20using a language reference set to specify which FSN descriptions is preferred in each language or dialectsAs an author, I want to use a language reference set to specify FSN description is preferred in each language  
21each FSN term ends with a semantic tag, which indicates the semantic category to which the concept belongs (e.g. clinical finding, disorder, procedure, etc.)As an author, I want to indicate the semantic category to which the concept belongs by using semantic tags  
22each concept can have one or more descriptions of type synonym in each languageAs an author, I want to define more than one description of type synonym in each language 


23populating default preferred term in US when FSN is importedAs an author, I want the FSN to be populated into the preferred term (synonym)  
24specifying the language reference set of the preferred termAs an author, I want to specify the language reference set of each preferred term (US/GB) so that I can know the preferred term for which language  
25populating default synonym when PT is definedAs an author, I want the PT to be populated into the synonym as the default synonym  
26distinguishing different relationship groupsAs an author, I want to distinguish different relationship groups easily (i.e. by different colour or number)  


Review and commenting in SCAHow do we provide sufficient review feedback and content team interaction within the SCA UI for release by September?

What are the infrastructure and services implications?
2Externalise angular template app endpoint URL's for CI deployments.Need to create an angular factory to pick up application endpoint urls for the angular template application. Atm limiting to IMS and snowowl endpoints.
3Open & display a new task (view the Authoring panel) - create page- includes the taxonomy panel
- forms for editing concepts
- markup for model viewer
4Change crowd.token_key to be environment specificChange the crowd.token_key to be environment specific so that logging in to a deployment platform doesn't log you out of another (eg logging into production Jira doesn't log out of development SCA).
5Enhance screen layout responsivenessEnsure screen layouts adapt responsively to resizing for smaller screens/windows.
6Match up dashboard/ edit panel buttons styling to visual designsGoal is to update the SCA page/views layout/styling/behaviour to match screen design visuals and any related annotations (see attached PDF).

Also need to consider
* headers (full width, include identity mgt context link switching)
* footers (full width)
* placeholder messages/styling and default container heights/widths when first opened with no content present (info boxes/messages should use patterns already defined).

Code updates for UI layout, styling and behaviour enhancements should be done directly in the SCA application to meet short-term re-demonstration needs (demo Fri 3 July 3pm BST); any necessary back-porting to the patterns library and/or template application repositories will be prioritised and scheduled for later implementation.
7Replace Inferred SCTIDs with modified predictable Stated relationship SCTIDsalso remove current reconciliation where previously assigned SCTIDs are used.
8Addition of Independant Scrolling to the edit side-bar.To avoid overflow when expanding the taxonomy and with large search results sets.
9Set up IMS deployments to accept cross origin requests from .ihtsdotools sub-domainsThis will allow for all future tooling applications to call ims api endpoints (to obtain account information etc) without further configuration. Example of how to achieve this with nginx here:
10Match up UI styling and layout to visual designsGoal is to update the SCA page/views layout/styling/behaviour to match screen design visuals and any related annotations (see attached PDF).

Also need to consider
* headers (full width, include identity mgt context link switching)
* footers (full width)
* placeholder messages/styling and default container heights/widths when first opened with no content present (info boxes/messages should use patterns already defined).

Code updates for UI layout, styling and behaviour enhancements should be done directly in the SCA application to meet short-term re-demonstration needs (demo Fri 3 July 3pm BST); any necessary back-porting to the patterns library and/or template application repositories will be prioritised and scheduled for later implementation.
11On creation of a new task, should be assigned to that userWhen a user creates a new task with the button on the dashboard, the related JIRA ticket should be auto assigned to that user.
12Add item numbering and "remove" button to the Saved ListSaved List items should have a visual reference number.
13Optimise search, pagination and enhanced table controls (UI Framework)Ensure advanced table controls such as column sorting are available.
14Optimise taxonomy widget styling and behaviour (UI Framework)Resolve earlier widget jquery / pattern library clashes discovered in Sprint 1.
15Evaluate BE methods for preferred FSN description using a dialect (choices coded into front end for now)*Note*
Define descriptions
Fully Specified Name (FSN),
Synonym, Language Ref Set,
one FSN is marked as "Preferred" in each language,
one synonym is marked as "Preferred" in each language,
the other synonyms are marked as "Acceptable"
16Inactivate a concept - Reason not stated*Requirement Description*
It must allow the ability to make a concept inactive (Front End for this sprint)
17Notification of save actionAs an author, I want to get notification when a new concept is successfully saved in TS I know the new concept is saved.

*Requirement Description*
The tool should notify author when a new concept is successfully saved in TS

Design Concerns

Must have the ability to save one concept at a time
May require saved status on each concept - Color to indicate Green or Red
18Save a new concept into the terminology server by setting up logic for auto-savingAs an author, I want to click a button to save a New concept I just created so that I can save the new concept model.

*Requirement Description*
The tool must allow author to save a new concept into the TS

*Design Concerns *-(by cloning or creating a child)
If cloning is the method it will require a certain set of rules so that things like "Clone of" are not included in the concept - it should not be saved until those rules are met.

*Options on design*
When its a new concept you have to save so that it will exist on TS. Assumption is that you would click a save button
Option 1 - Create a pop-up which says give me your preferred term,parent etc., creates it or
Option 2 -Re-use editing fields and have the front end keep trying to save, also warn on what is missing.
Option 3 - You could auto-create as well as auto-update from the front end.
There is a risk that people would forget to change the fields. Need to ensure that when concepts are cloned that they name is required to be changed before its saved so that the word "clone" is not included.

RTU -Approach should be simplistic
Option 4 - basic features of a concept that have to be met - 3 conditions met (name, 1 synonym and a parent ) then it is saved - if its cloned have a visual display to distinguish between the components that are saved and those that still need to be edited.
Also do not have Clone of -When a concept is being cloned have a dialogue box with a request for a description and have the dialogue box pre-populated with the fully specified name of the concept that has been chosen as the model, the same dialog box could have an option of a preferred term with the identical text with exception of the semantic tag. That would take care of 2 of the 3.

Preference also to give the option to keep the attributes and provide an option to keep or blank the values so that the Authors decisions are ensured as intentional

RDA Option 5 - Only have a dialogue box with change request to the FSN as a starting point. They can then find it in the list in the edit panel and make changes thereafter.

No changes in concept it should be picked up in classification or incorrect content in review

Is it feasible to save a partial concept? or they have to complete it before it can be saved

Option 6 - New concepts that are cloned must be saved (or are saved automatically with further editing as an assumption)

What is the preference Button to save, Dialogue box or autosave? Use the easiest implementation and decide what is the point of requiring it to be saved - Must have the 3 minimum's and use US English, assumption that is has a parent and that it can be edited.
19Drag and drop to define a concept's parentAs an author, I want to drag and drop to define a concept's parent FSN so that I can define a concept's parent
20Add a new concept by cloning existing conceptAs an author, I want to clone a reference concept to a new editing pane without the description by clicking a 'clone' button so that I can create a new concept without changes to the existing concept.

***Note: Create a new concept starting with an existing concept in SNOMED CT (The tool must allow author to clone an existing concept to the editing panel but leave descriptions blank)
21Inactivate a description - Reason not stated*Requirement Description*
It must allow the ability to make a description inactive in an existing concept (Front End for this sprint)

Design Comment
Implementers must understand how to do - You can merge WRP-533
22Inactivate a descriptionAs an author, I
23Add a description (to an existing concept)As an author, I want to click a button to add a description to an existing concept so that I can add a new description to the concept.
*Requirement Description*
It must allow to add new field for new description or new relationship on cloned model in editing Panel
Design Comment
It must exist on task branch
24Inactivate a relationshipAs an author, I want to click a button to retire an existing relationship so that I can retire the inappropriate relationships of a concept.
*Requirement Description*
It must allow the ability to make a relationship inactive in an existing concept (Front End for this sprint)
25Inactivate a concept - Select a reason for inactivation 
26Inactivate a concept (Inactivate all descriptions and relationships at the same time) 
27Ungroup relationships (remove a relationship group)As an author, I want to be able to ungroup relationships so that I can change the relationship groups if I need to.
Design Comment
Relationship has to be set to zero
28Set the component (active) status*Requirement Description*
Define active status of component (Active, Inactive)
Scope is any component in the editing panel
29Create a relationship group 
30View logical model for selected conceptAs an author, I want to see the logical model of existing concept that populated to editing panel so that I can see a visual diagram of concept model.

Design comments
It will be seen automatically when the edit pane is populated with a concept. It renders as SVG at the moment. Code will need to developed (code exists in Browser). Front end development only needed.
31Specify preferred FSN description using a dialect (choices coded into front end for now)*Note*
Define descriptions
Fully Specified Name (FSN),
Synonym, Language Ref Set,
one FSN is marked as "Preferred" in each language,
one synonym is marked as "Preferred" in each language,
the other synonyms are marked as "Acceptable"
32Add a relationship (use plus sign to create a blank field.sprint 1 is populated by dragging an item in saved list)As an author, I want to click a button to add relationship so that I can add a new relationship of the concept
33Save all changes of an existing (resides on TS, task branch level) concept into the TSAs an author, I want the tool to save all changes I made on an existing concept into the TS immediately after I changed so that I won't lose any changes I made.

*Requirement Description*
The tool must automatically save all changes of an existing concept into the TS
34Populate edit panel with details of selected concept in saved listAs an author, I want to populate the existing concept I searched into edit pane so that I can use the information of this concept as a reference.
Populate all information of the reference concept from Saved list into editing panel (The tool must allow
author to select an existing concept from search result,
populate information of the existing concept model into the editing panel by click a button on the Saved List, and
display the logical model diagram
35Display equivalency errors in a tabAs an author, I want to see the new concept and the equivalent existing concept in the equivalency errors tab so that I can know if I created a duplicate concept.

- It must list the concept and its equivalent concept in the equivalency errors window.
- It should distinguish each pair of equivalent concepts in the errors window.
For example,
Equivalent pair # Concept
1 (new) Computed tomography of lower limb with contrast (procedure)
1 (existing) Computed tomography of lower extremity with contrast (procedure)
2 (new) Computed tomography of ankle region structure (procedure)
2 (existing) Computed tomography of ankle (procedure)
36BE - Task Level - Display validation summary report at task levelAs an author, I want to see a summary report of failed assertions, ordered by number of cases, descending. I also want a way to access the failure cases, so that I can correct errors.
37BE - Task Level - Click a button to display cases of a given failed assertion in validation summary reportAs an author, I want to click a button on the validation summary report to go to the page of a set of cases of a given assertions so that I can see the details of each case. Not include non-assertion errors
38BE - Task Level - Notify user when validation summary report is ready.As an author, I want to get a notification on my dashboard when validation summary report is ready so that I can check my validation results. Use different colours to distinguish new and old notification.
39BE - Project Level - Display validation report at project levelAs a project lead, I want to see a validation report at the project level so that I can check if there is any validation errors in the project.
40BE - Provide message to front end 
41BE - Task Level - trigger validation running on a task.As an author, I want to click a button to run validation on my task detail panel, between the 'classify' and 'review' buttons, to generate a report of content errors in my task.
42Project Level - Display a set of cases of a failed assertion for projectAs a project lead, I want to see a set of cars of a failed assertion for project so that I can know what concepts have that error.
43Task Level - Display page number navigation on validation reportAs an author, I want to have a page number navigation bar at the bottom of my validation report so that I can review the entire report page by page.
44Task Level - Display validation error in edit panelAs an author, I want to select one or more cases have the same validation error in validation report then the selected concepts can be displayed in the edit panel so that I can review and possibly edit them in the edit panel.
45Implement "download" action within the classification report UIAs an author, I want to download the classification report to my local drive so that I can compare the differences in each classification report after I run classification more than once.

It should be able to download the classification report as a .csv file
46Project Level - Display validation report at project levelAs a project lead, I want to see a validation report at the project level so that I can check if there is any validation errors in the project.
47Frontend - populate "My Projects" widget on the dashboard from back-end services data.As an author, I want to see all of my projects listing in "My Projects" widget on my dashboard, which includes columns: Project Name, Project Lead, Classification Results, QA Results, and Status.

Project Name: Name of the authoring project
Project Lead: Author(s) who is/are in charge the project
Classification Results: Notification of classification results for a project
QA Results: Notification of QA results for a project
Status (of project): Elaboration, Construction, and Integration (do not need to implement)
48Project Level - Click a button to run validation on a project from the project page (Front-End)As a project lead, I want to click a button to run validation on my project from the My Projects page so that I can review a report of qa results on my project
49Click a button to classify a project on a project page (Front-End)As a project lead, I want to click a button to start classification on a project so that I can run classification on my project.
50Open a project from my DashboardAs a project lead, I want to open the page of a project by clicking the project name on my Dashboard so that I can see details of my project.
51Classify a project branch (Back-End)As a project lead, I want to classify a project so that I can evaluate classification results at project level.
52FE - Task Level - Click a button to display cases of a given failed assertion in validation summary reportAs an author, I want to click a button on the validation summary report to go to the page of a set of cases of a given assertions so that I can see the details of each case.
53In classification report, indicate which relationship will be removed after classificationAs an author, I want to see the relationships will be "removed" (instead of "was retired") in the classification report so that I can know which inferred relationships will be removed
after classification.
54FE - Task Level - Display validation summary report at task levelAs an author, I want to see a summary report of failed assertions, ordered by number of cases, descending. I also want a way to access the failure cases, so that I can correct errors.
55Task Level - Display a set of cases for a given failed assertionAs an author, I want to display a set of cases that failed a selected assertion, so that I can access the relevant concept in the editing panel.

* clicking pencil icon on the right displays the associated concept in the editing panel;
* clicking one or more boxes to the left will display the concept associated with the selections, upon clicking the pencil icon in the header row;
* clicking the box on the left of "Concept" in the header row will display all associated concepts in the editing panel.
56FE - Task Level - Notify user when validation summary report is ready.As an author, I want to get a notification on my dashboard when validation summary report is ready so that I can check my validation results. Use different colours to distinguish new and old notification.
57Toggle inactive components of an existing concept in edit panel (Default showing active components of an existing concept only in edit panel)As an author, I want the ability to toggle inactive components of an existing concept in edit panel so that I can see default view with active components only unless I need to check inactive components.
58Update UI editing button status on ok response API call requestThis is a UI perception enhancement. The initial implementation is ok functionally in that the back end changes are made, but the UI editing button button state changes are only reflected in the UI the next time the user performs another edit panel action (for instance the activate/inactivate button icon changes to blue on pressing it, but stays blue until another edit action is activated, when it then changes to green or red to reflect the concept status).

A more intuitive UI solution would be to refresh the edit panel when the API call "ok" response is obtained, so the status change would feel immediate to the user - at the moment the user may be tempted to hit the button more than once as the "blue" intermediate state may suggest the active/inactive status change hasn't been applied yet.
59Backend - API services to populate the "My Projects" widget on the dashboardAs an author, I want to see all of my projects listing in "My Projects" widget on my dashboard, which includes columns: Project Name, Project Lead, Classification Results, QA Results, and Status.

Project Name: Name of the authoring project
Project Lead: Author(s) who is/are in charge the project
Classification Results: Notification of classification results for a project
QA Results: Notification of QA results for a project
Status (of project): Elaboration, Construction, and Integration (do not need to implement)
60FE - Task Level - Click a button to trigger validation running on a task.As an author, I want to click a button to run validation on my task detail panel, between the 'classify' and 'review' buttons, to generate a report of content errors in my task.
61Feedback message notificationThere is no 'to' field on a feedback message so the suggested functionality is to notify both users associated with the ticket minus the user who sent the message. This will allow others to comment on the ticket and things to work naturally.
62Obtain user information from IMS Rest endpoint.Will replace the current implementation of relying upon authenticated api returns from SCA endpoints and allow for the use of roles within front-end logic (initially the view obtained within review but potentially activation of buttons/tabs etc depending on user permissions moving into phase 2).
63BE - View a list of concepts to review in a task, in a “concepts to review” listAs a reviewer, I want to have a report which lists Fully Specified Names of all concepts edited by author in this task so that I go through the concepts included in this task.
64Add a reference to a concept that *is a member* of the “concepts to review” set when reply feedbackAs an author, I want to add a reference to a concept which is not in the "concepts to review" list so that I can share the reference with reviewer.
65FE Request followupAs a reviewer, I want to request followup from author when I am sending the feedback so that I can follow up the specific feedback.

After follow-up has been checked the colour of notification will be changed.
66FE - View a list of concepts to review in a task, in a “concepts to review” listAs a reviewer, I want to have a report which lists Fully Specified Names of all concepts edited by author in this task so that I go through the concepts included in this task.
67Click a Task Name on the Dashboard to display the Feedback ViewAs a reviewer, I want to click a task name on my dashboard to see the Feedback View so that I can start reviewing the task.
68BE - Show 'Ready for review' task in 'Review Tasks' listAs an reviewer, I want to see the 'Ready for review' tasks in the 'Review Task' list on my dashboard so that I can pick up a task from there.

***Note: It should show all tasks that have been ready for review in the 'Review Task' list on the dashboard

We do not have anything in review so this is not testable at the moment
69Reply to feedback/follow-upAs an author, I want the ability to reply to reviewer's feedback so that I can send back my comments to the reviewer.
70Add a reference to a concept that *is not a member* of the “concepts to review” set when reply feedbackAs a author, I want to add a reference concept (which is not a concept to review) to a concept in the reviewed task so that I can refer a concept to reviewer if it is necessary.
71Filter the “concepts to review” list based on text & wildcardsAs a reviewer, I want to filter concepts by using a text filter so that all relevant concepts can be grouped in the list of concepts in the review task.
72Mark a task as "in review" or "review complete"As a reviewer, I want to mark a task as "in review" or "review complete" in my review task so that I know the status of the task when I come back to this task from another one.

Status of the task on dashboard should be updated as well: from "In peer review" to "Ready for promotion"
73Read feedbackAs an author/reviewer, I want to see the thread of a feedback in reverse chronological order ( the most recent is on the top and the earliest is at the bottom ) so that I can always see the latest feedback at the top.
74BE - Click a button to submit my task for reviewAs an author, I want to click a button to submit my task for review after my task is classified and validated so that I can move the task to the "in peer review" status.
75Distinguish the feedback between that 'I have read' and 'I have not read'As an author, I want to distinguish the feedback between have-read and have-not-read so that I can track feedback better.
76Notify author when feedback is readyAs a author, I want to receive feedback immediately after reviewer added a feedback in the task so that I can check the feedback on one or more concepts before reviewer completed reviewing of the entire task.
77Provide a list of concepts with feedback to authorAs a reviewer, I want to provide a list of concepts with feedback to author so that author can check concepts with feedback only instead of go through all concepts.
78Reorder the “concepts to review” listAs a reviewer, I want to reorder concepts by drag and drop to the desired starting position in the list then select other related concepts in the list so that I can review related concepts and make feedback on a group of concept.

1 Original list:
a b c d e f g
2 Drag the concept to the desired position:
a g b c d e f
3 After select:
a *g *b c *d e f
4 Click grouping button:
a *g *b *d c e f
79Access to the most recent classification reportAs a reviewer, I want to access to the most recent classification report generated by author so that I can look into the classification details when I need.
80Move one or more concepts from the “concepts to review” list to the “concepts reviewed” listAs an author, I want to add the concepts I have reviewed to the "Review Complete" so that I can distinguish those concepts to the ones I haven't reviewed.
81BE - Provide feedback on a conceptAs a reviewer, I want to provide feedback on any concepts in the review task so that I can let author know my feedback on his/her authoring work (including details on descriptions/relationships of a concept).
82Select one or more concepts from the “concepts to review” list to view in the read only editing panelAs a reviewer, I want to populate the concepts to editing panel for review so that I can see the details.
83Access to the most recent validation reportAs a reviewer, I want to access to the most recent validation report generated by author so that I can look into the validation details when I need.
84Select one or more concepts for which to provide feedbackAs a reviewer, I want to be able to /add feedback to the concepts so that I can share my feedback with author.
85Ability to leave feedback on multiple conceptsAs a reviewer, I want to add a feedback for more than one concept so that I can give feedback on a group of concepts are similar.
86FE - Show 'Ready for review' task in 'Review Tasks' listAs an reviewer, I want to see the 'Ready for review' tasks in the 'Review Task' list on my dashboard so that I can pick up a task from there.

***Note: It should show all tasks that have been ready for review in the 'Review Task' list on the dashboard

We do not have anything in review so this is not testable at the moment
87FE: My Projects widget -- display LeadDependent on lead information from back end
88FE - Generate a Conflicts ReportAs an author, I want to see a conflict report (if I have any conflicting concepts in my task with project) so that I can know what concept has conflicts and where is the conflicting concept.
89BE- Click a button to merge a project to the mainlineAs a project lead, I want to merge my project into the mainline after classification and QA check so that release manager can release the concepts in my project.
90Refactor projects pageProjects page needs an updated ui as current ui was only temporary - !Screen Shot 2015-08-20 at 1.16.24 PM.png|thumbnail!
91FE-Rebase a projectAs an author, I want to rebase my project so that I am able to detect conflicts.
92BE-Rebase a projectAs an author I want to click a button to rebase a project. If there are no conflicts as a result of the rebase, I receive notification that the rebase has completed and there are no conflicts. If there are conflicts as a result of the rebase, the system creates a task containing a conflict report, between the mainline version of the concepts, viewable as read-only in the editing panel, and the project versions of the concepts, viewable as editable in the editing panel. The system also delivers a notification, at the project level, that the conflict task has been created.
93Search a concept by concept IDAs an author, I want to type in a concept ID in the search field so that I can find the concept by searching concept ID.

Requirement description:
- display the concept that was searched by the concept ID
- be able to add the concept into the Saved List from the search result
94BE - Detect conflicts between a latest version of task and the latest version of the project (where the task belongs to)As an author, I want to ability to detect conflicts in the rebase application so that I can check if I have any conflicts in my task during rebasing before merging the task to a project.
95FE- Click a button to merge a task to projectAs an author I want to click a button to merge my content changes in my task to the underlying project. When the merge is complete the system updates the task workflow state to "complete" or equivalent.
To clarify the mer
96FE - Trigger rebase application from SCA toolAs an author, I wan to trigger the rebase application from SCA tool (when I click Rebase button) so that I can rebase my task without manually logging in another application.
97FE- Click a button to merge a project to the mainlineAs a project lead, I want to merge my project into the mainline after classification and QA check so that release manager can release the concepts in my project.
98Change status from 'Review completed' to 'Promoted' when author promoted a task to project level.As an editor, I want to click a button to promote my task to the project level and the status of my task should be changed from 'Ready for promotion' to 'Promoted to project' so that my task will be saved to project level.
99BE - Change status from 'In Peer Review' to 'Review Completed' when review is completed and all contents are approvedAs a reviewer, I want the status of my review task to be changed from 'Peer review' to 'Review Completed' after I finished review so that author will know the task is reviewed.
100Default new concept/components as activeAs an author, I want the ability to default any added new concept or new components (descriptions or relationships) as active so that I won't add inactive new concept/descriptions/relationships by mistake.
101FE - Rebase a task before merging to projectAs an author, I want to rebase my task before merging to project so that I won't merge the task (with conflicts) by mistake.
102FE - Conditional view for review on conflicts report 
103FE- Notify when rebase is completed includes with or without conflicts notificationAs an author, I want to receive a notification if I have any conflicts with project in my task so that I can know some conflicts were detected during rebasing.
104BE - Generate a Project level conflicts reportAs an author, I want to see a conflict report (if I have any conflicting concepts in my task with project) so that I can know what concept has conflicts and where is the conflicting concept.
105FE - Click a button to rebase a taskAs an author, I want to click a button to rebase my task before I merge it to the project level so that I can detect if there is any conflicts between task and project.
106BE - Rebase a task before merging to projectAs an author, I want to rebase my task before merging to project so that I won't merge the task (with conflicts) by mistake.
107Ability to drag and drop the components of a conflicting concept to another in edit panelAs an author, I want to drag and drop the components of the conflicting concepts between each other in edit panel so I can resolve the conflicts immediately after conflicts are detected.
108Populate the conflicting concepts to edit panelAs an author, I want to populate the conflicting concepts to the edit panel from conflict report so that I can see the details of each concept

Functional Requirements

Authoring Functions

#TitleUser Story
1Creating a new concept starting with a concrete model in SNOMED CTAs an author, I want to create a new concept by using an existing model so that I can reuse the relationships in an existing concept model to create my new concept model.

Representing the searched concept model 

As an author, I want to see the concept model I searched from taxonomy so that I can know if it is the concept model I wan to use to create a new one.

Editing to the logical model

As an author, I want to edit the logical model by drag and drop the

Editing the description (FSN, PT, etc.)

As an author, I want to edit the description in text fields

Accessing to more descriptions

As an author, I want to add more descriptions of the concept

Defining language

As an author, I want to define the type of language

Handling multiple instances of single concept editing by using list management (being able to handle lists of a number of different concept changes, but each applied to a single concept)

As an author, I want to manage many different single concept changes in one list/webpage

Adding more than one new concept editing in a single window

As an author, I want to add more than one concept change in the same webpage

Displaying the SNOMED CT taxonomy

As an author, I want to see the SNOMED CT taxonomy

Searching the existing concept model in taxonomy

As an author, I want to search the existing concept model in taxonomy, which is the one I want to use as a start point

Displaying the searched existing concept model in logical model

As an author, I want to see the diagram of my selected concept model

Saving the concepts just created in single concept editing tool

As an author, I want to save all edits of the concepts

Validating each concept editing individually

As an author, I want to validate each concept I edited

Classifying concepts in the list

As an author, I want to classify concepts I edited

Moving forward to the next step (review)

As an author, I want to move the completed editing task to the review stage
17Grouping and ungrouping the relationship groupAs an author, I want to be able to group and ungroup the relationship groups
18Reviewing the searched model and editing model side by side in the same windowAs an author, I want to see both logical model I searched in taxonomy for reference and the model I am editing so that I can compare them easily.
19Deleting the new description/attribute/value/concept from the editing panel if concept is unreleasedAs an author, I want to be able to delete the descriptions, attributes-values, relationship group so that I can delete the wrong one before I commit my editing
20Modifying relationship group by drag & drop a attribute-value pair into different relationship groupAs an author, I want to drag & drop a attribute-value pair from one relationship group to another instead of changing the relationship number


#TitleUser StoryNotesJIRA Ticket
1Each concept has at least one FSNAs an author, I want to define at least one FSN  
2Only one of FSN can be marked as preferred in a given languageAs an author, I want to mark only one of FSN as preferred in a given language  
3Using a language reference set to specify which FSN descriptions is preferred in each language or dialectsAs an author, I want to use a language reference set to specify FSN description is preferred in each language  
4Each FSN term ends with a semantic tag, which indicates the semantic category to which the concept belongs (e.g. clinical finding, disorder, procedure, etc.)As an author, I want to indicate the semantic category to which the concept belongs by using semantic tags  
5Each concept can have one or more descriptions of type synonym in a given languageAs an author, I want to define more than one description of type synonym in a given language 


6Populating default preferred term in US when FSN is importedAs an author, I want the FSN to be populated into the preferred term (synonym)  
7Specifying the language reference set of the preferred termAs an author, I want to specify the language reference set of each preferred term (US/GB) so that I can know the preferred term for which language  
8Populating default synonym when PT is definedAs an author, I want the PT to be populated into the synonym as the default synonym  
9Distinguishing different relationship groupsAs an author, I want to distinguish different relationship groups by different background colour of each relationship group instead of labeling the number of relationship group.  
10Defining the definition statusAs an author, I want to define the definition status of each concept, either fully defined or primitive  
11Defining the status of conceptAs an author, I want to define the status of each concept, either active or inactive  

Validation Report

#TitleUser Story
1listing validation errors on validation reportAs an author, I want to see a validation report of either a list of validation errors of each concept edited or a notification of validation passed.

Classification Report & Results

#TitleUser Story
1viewing stated and inferred relationshipAs an author, I want to view both stated and inferred relationships in classification results so that I can see both relationships when I need to.
2viewing stated relationship only with inferred relationships excludedAs an author, I want to view stated relationships only in the classification results so that I can exclude inferred relationships in the classification results.
3listing classification errorsAs an author, I want to see a list of details of classification errors so that I can know the concepts associated with classification errors and whether stated relationships were redundant
4viewing redundant relationshipAs an author, I want to view redundant stated relationship if I have any in my edited concepts
5viewing equivalent relationshipAs an author, I want to see the equivalent relationship in error message if I created an equivalent relationship
6linking the latest classification result to each concept on editing pageAs an author, I want to go back to view the concept model and descriptions that I was editing through a link on the classification result
7saving the classification reports on the local driveAs an author, I want to save the classification reports on my local drive so that I can review and compare different versions of classification reports when I need
8viewing the source concept of the relationship in the classification reportAs an author, I want to see the source concept of the relationship for the concept I edited in the classification report
9viewing the type of attribute in the classification reportAs an author, I want to see the type of attribute of the concept I edited in the classification report
10viewing the destination concept of the relationshipAs an author, I want to view the destination concept of the relationship for the concept I edited in the classification report
11popping classification error if there are equivalent concept resent in the ontologyAs an author, I want to know if I created an concept identical to an existing concept in the SNOMED CT ontology.
12re-classifing the concept modelAs an author, I want to re-classify the concept more if the previous classification was failed.

User Interface

#TitleUser Story
1collapsing the list of description and logical modelAs an author, I want to collapse the descriptions and logical model of each concept editing so that I can add more concepts without having a long page
2expanding the widgetsAs an author, I want to expand the widgets on the webpage so that I can adjust the real estate required for a given task
3displaying the concept just edited in taxonomy after it has been added into TSAs an author, I want to see the concepts I just edited in taxonomy after it has been added into TS after validation so that I can see if these concepts are at the appropriate location in the hierarchy.
4displaying a list management widgetAs an author, I want to see the list management widget so that I can manage a list of variate things and group the user cases for particular purpose.

List Management

#TitleUser Story
1displaying a list of the concepts in the list management
#TitleUser StoryNotesJIRA Ticket
27viewing stated and inferred relationshipAs an author, I want to view both stated and inferred relationships in classification results so that I can see both relationships when I need to.  
28viewing stated relationship only with inferred relationships excludedAs an author, I want to view stated relationships only in the classification results so that I can exclude inferred relationships in the classification results.  
29listing classification errorsAs an author, I want to see a list of details of classification errors so models that I can know use the concepts associated with classification errors and whether stated relationships were redundant  existing models to create new concepts
2dragging and dropping the model to the logical model editor30viewing redundant relationshipAs an author, I want to view redundant stated relationship if I have any in my edited concepts  31viewing equivalent relationshipdrag and drop the models from the list of models have been created
3dragging and dropping the attribute to the descriptionsAs an author, I want to see the equivalent relationship in error message if I created an equivalent relationship  drag and drop the attribute into the description.
4modifying the filter for searching in the list32linking the latest classification result to each concept on editing pageAs an author, I want to go back to view the concept model and descriptions that I was editing through a link on the classification result  modify the filter for searching concepts in the list (i.e. add more semantic tags in filter)
5listing most relevant concept at the top of the list33saving the classification reports on the local driveAs an author, I want to save the classification reports on my local drive so that I can review and compare different versions of classification reports when I need  


see the most relevant concept at the top of list when I search a specific phase.

Task Management (Dashboard)

#TitleUser StoryNotes
1JIRA Ticketsorting task34collapsing the list of description and logical modelAs an author, I want to collapse the descriptions and logical model of each concept editing so that I can add more concepts without having a long page  sort task by column name on my task panel
2searching task by blank search box35expanding the widgetsAs an author, I want to expand the widgets on the webpage search task by typing in the searching text in blank search box so that I can adjust the real estate required for a given task  find the task related to the search text faster
3prioritizing task (urgent, high, medium, low)36displaying the concept just edited in taxonomy after it has been added into TSAs an author, I want to see the concepts I just edited in taxonomy after it has been added into TS after validation priority my tasks so that I can see if these concepts are at the appropriate location in the hierarchy.  prioritize my work based on the priority
4tracking request in task37displaying a list management widgetAs an author, I want to see the list management widget track request in task so that I can manage a list of variate things and group the user cases for particular purpose.  

List Management

know which request(s) the task included
5customizing dashboard
#TitleUser StoryNotesJIRA Ticket
38displaying a list of the models in the list managementAs an author, I want to see a list of models that I can use the existing models to create new concepts  
39dragging and dropping the model to the logical model editorAs an author, I want to drag and drop the models from the list of models have been created  
customizing dashboard (i.e., change the colour, the location of each widget in window


#TitleUser Story
1assigning to an author for review after editing committedAs an editing author, I want to assign an author to review my work so that


#TitleUser Story
1automatically distinguish preferred term (US/GB) based on spelling of FSN40displaying a list of attributes in the list managementAs an author, I want to see a list of potential attributes that I can add to the descriptions  system to distinguish the preferred term for US/GB by the difference of spelling of the FSN
2defaulting English as Language to use41dragging and dropping the attribute to the descriptionsAs an author, I want to drag and drop the attribute into the description.  system to default English as Language

User interaction and design 


(Designed by Ashley Hickey)

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Detail (Designed by Ashley Hickey)

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History (Designed by Ashley Hickey)

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