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titleIn this page:

This page guides you through the process of creating a subset in Simplex, which supports SNOMED CT subsets represented as Simple type reference sets.

To create a subset, you need to first define the concept for identifying and naming the subset. After establishing the reference set concept, you can import subset members into Simplex to include them in the subsetOne-liner summary description.

Prerequisite steps: 

  1. Simplex does not support the direct creation of SNOMED CT subsets.
  1. You should
be created in
  1. use a dedicated tool
  1. such as the Reference Set and Translation Tool to create subsets.
Step 1: Prepare Your Input File
  1. Simplex accepts input files in two formats: Excel files or export files from the Reference Set and Translation Tool.

Step by Step Guide

By following these steps, you can seamlessly


create subsets into your SNOMED CT extension using Simplex.

Should you have any questions or encounter any issues, please refer to our documentation or reach out to our support team for assistance.

Follow the steps below to set up the subset. Please note that the steps below will create the concept identifying and naming your subset, i.e. a concept of the type 'simple type reference set'.

1. Click "Artifacts"

Access the Artifacts section.

Click 'Artifacts'Image Added


Advanced Tables - Table Plus

Click "New Artifact"

Image Removed


Select artifact type.
Select "Subset" from the list

Image Removed


Enter a name

Image Removed


Click create

Image Removed


Prepare Your Input File Simplex accepts input files in two formats:
Excel files or export files from the Reference Set and Translation Tool.

Excel File


Download the spreadsheet containing the current content in the Reference Set.


Edit the content of the Reference Set in the spreadsheet according to your requirements.


Upload the new version of the spreadsheet to Simplex.

Reference Set and Translation Tool Export File

Initiate the creation of a new artifact.

Click 'New Artifact'Image Added

3. Click here

Click here

Click hereImage Added

4. Click "Subset"

Select the subset option.

Click 'Subset'Image Added

5. Click "Preferred term"

Choose the Preferred term option.

Click 'Preferred term'Image Added

6. Click "Preferred term"

Select Preferred term once more.

Click 'Preferred term'Image Added

7. Enter subset name

Enter the name of the subset. This term will be the preferred term for the concept identifying your subset.

Enter subset nameImage Added

8. Click "Create"

Finalize and create the subset.

Click 'Create'Image Added

8. Add members to your subset

You have now created the concept used to identify and name the subset, but members have yet to be added.
Follow the instructions in the following page, to add members to the subset you've just created:

Add Members to a Subset

Demonstration Video

<div style="position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%;"> <iframe style="width:100%;height:100%;position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px" src="" title="How to create a new subset in Simplex" frameborder="0" referrerpolicy="unsafe-url" allowfullscreen="true" allow="clipboard-write" sandbox="allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-scripts allow-forms allow-same-origin allow-presentation"></iframe> </div>
<p style="display: none"></p>
5.2.1Edit the Reference Set in the Reference Set & Translation Tool as needed.5.2.2Export the Reference Set from the Reference Set & Translation Tool as a zip file.


Upload the newly exported package as a zip file to Simplex.
