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16/07/2015 - Brian has now got CLAML files, so still on track for Jan 2016 (reduction in scope does not impact maps)
19/06/2015 - IGR confirmed that we will now upgrde to new ICD-10 maps - they will create CLAML files to give to Brian, in order to turn into Release Files in time for January 2016.
Unmapped project
11/06/2015 - All on track - Brian is amalgamating them and so should come through in normal ICD-10 maps - just need to validate this - nothing different to do on Release side
14/05/2015 - This is on track for July release - will not be released as a separate map, but instead will simply increase the standard international edition of the ICD10 map by 68000 or so. IGR will ensure that the documentation will be updated accordingly, including the Release Notes. So the files we receive from Brian will be larger than normal, and AAT needs to QA them with RTU.
02/04/2015 - Kathy and team just finalising data on this - Brian will export from refset tool once completed - Brian to confirm to me when we need to deploy.
Plan to receive large update to the ICD-10 content by end of March 2015 - Brian will deliver the files, and we will need to publish the candidate baseline separate to the international release (as soon as possible) - then once in production this needs to be part of the international edition.
QUESTION For Robert - IGR has suggested that all refsets and maps should not go out as Tech Previews, just as Candidate Baselines (with potentially extended deadlines), as the formats are fixed and immutable, and so we do not want any feedback on this, we just need to send them out as Candidate Baselines in order to give visibility of hte content early. This gives more context for the users, who will be more likely to look carefully at candidate baselines rather than tech previews.
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16/07/2015 - Still on track for Jan 2016 (again not impacted by reduction in scope)
11/06/2015 - More likely to now be targeted for 31/07/2017
Targeted for Deprecation by 31/07/2016.
Link to proposed Deprecation document:
Deprecation_SNOMED CT to ICD-9-CM Epidemiological and Statistical Map v0.03.docx
16/07/2015 - Same approach for 2016 - Yong's process can be improved (blue book, etc) - IGR to work on this, but Release files will be done in the same way.
11/06/2015 - Yong completed the maps and they went into the July 2015 content
14/05/2015 - Yong to make his checks before our final handover - Maria to confirm that this will happen. AAT and RTU to run a diff report in order to help Yong out with this.
16/04/2015 - IGR still to discuss with RTU
Would IGR be able to explain to Yong how to maintain this in the Workbench? - Yes we can, Yong currently maintains it but in a separate DB, 2016 onwards maintenance will move from Yong to mapping team. Plan is to move DB into the Terminology server - IGR to discuss timeline with RTU due to potential risks with doing this simultaneously with Terminology Server upgrade.
Link to press release regarding deprecation timeline:
Antecedent SNOMED versions_External Newsletter Q1_v1.0.docx
3. Link to Deprecation notice:
The UKTC aims to withdraw the Read Codes form use as of April 1st 2020. IHTSDO should aim to withdraw the CTV3 identifier reference set as of the January 2020 release.
16/07/2015 - We need to check whether or not the map is one-to-one so we can decide whether or not we need to supply separate refset, or if we can just supply the Map, and then people can load the map in on top of the International Edition.
16/07/2015 - finalising the refset next week, this will then go to Brian to map the content. Still on for Candidate Baseline at end of September. When we package it we need to be very careful about distinguishing between the refset and the maps - we may need to create separate packages for:
16/04/2015 - Dependent on the GP/FP work - will be created once GP/FP done
16/07/2015 - Went out for review on 11th July, finalising it on 23rd July so the map can then be created
11/06/2015 - IGR to deliver the review of the GP-FP by end of play tomorrow (12th June)
14/05/2015 - AA to send IGR updated spreadsheet to amend and then return so AAT can re-build package
16/04/2015 - IGR to check on AA's email and confirm so that AA can amalgamate the refsets
02/04/2015 - Per IGR, the refsets need to be consolidated into a single refset under the ID:
450970008 |General Practice / Family Practice reference set (foundation metadata concept)|
AA to ask RTU whether or not we can do some additional work to the refset tool in order to do this in a controlled manner, or if we should just do it manually (IGR can pass us the changes to the content, and we can get the 2 separate refset files from collabnet)
IGR happy for us to action after Spanish Release is sorted out, as not imminently urgent - basically we need to amalgamate the 2 refsets for him before he updates the content, as otherwise they will have to update it in 2 places (both separate refsets) and then amalgamate, creating redundant workload.
02/04/2015 - Expecting next update from KP in Q3 2015 - so next release will be subsequent to this.
We publish the refsets as spreadsheets on the Member forum, and anything deemed worthy of inclusion in the International edition is then incorporated accordingly. Anything USA-specific is passed to the NLM for inclusion in the USA release.
5. Need to find out... is the KP subset the same as the NLM CORE subset ( which IHTSDO published once as 700043003 |Example problem list concepts reference set (foundation metadata concept)|) , and is the content from the subset modeled in SNOMED as it is updated by either or both of KP and NLM? - IGR confirmed that there are 2 x top 2500 subsets, one for KP and one for NLM CORE - technically 2 separate products, which are published (on the member exchange in collabnet), but only the NLM CORE subset is used in the international edition, as the KP subset contains laterality data which we currently can't support in the International edition.
These are currently incorporated into the International edition as as part of the IHTSDO content authoring process.
Final Tech Preview due out in July 2015.
Targeted for Production Release in January 2016.
16/07/2015 - AA to create change report and send to Ian for review, then we can look at whether or not we can bring Baseline forward to 2nd week of August
16/07/2015 - Have had no feedback at all (closed on 10th July) - AAT to email Susan and state that our feedback period has ended, and we therefore assume that they have no feedback for us?
11/06/2015 - Awaiting feedback on the Technical Preview (Diagnoses).
We may need to amend the Work Plan for the next Interventions timeline, so Jane will come back to us on that.
22/05/2015 - Release deployed as planned - all comms sent out, now awaiting feedback from members on Candidate Baseline
19/05/2015 - Nick confirmed he was unable to validate the build, as the package was too alien to him, so AAT requested he send us their proposed release package, so that we can validate it against ours instead.
15/05/2015 - Nick at ICN confirmed he wanted us to postpone the release until Friday 22nd May, in order to allow them time to complete their review process. AAT got confirmation of this from IGR, JMI and RTU and then sent confirmation of the date change to Nick et al, along with the proposed Tech Preview package for him to review in advance of the release.
14/05/2015 - AAT to release as planned tomorrow, and then AAT and IGR to pickup with Jane to discuss communicating it out to Nick etc. As a heads up, also send an email to Nick after the release (copy Ian and Jane) to let him know that the release has been published.
17/04/2015 - RTU confirmed that we will propose a change to the Standard to change mapTarget to "map" - allowing for both bi-directional and reverse maps to be included within the standard - we'd then add a 3rd description into the terminology to detail directionality for each relevant refset, plus notes in the release notes. Refset descriptor file would also change, but column headers only.
****** RTU to raise this with Tech Committee and engender feedback as to whether or not this is the optimal solution.
6. To follow up with IGR - Now have a date, looking at linkage table being delivered to us by 13/04/2015 (nursing diagnosis), and another linkage table (nursing interventions) delivered to us Q3 2015. So first one we can release the candiadte baseline in May 2015, get feedback and ask ICN to update, with intention of production release in Q3 2015.
16/07/2015 - Need to wait until the terminology server is up - therefore the authoring will start in Jan 2016, with a view to releasing in July 2016
11/06/2015 - This is now being planned for the Jan 2016 release. IGR to come back to us with the proposed timelines for when we need to get this work done.
14/05/2015 - Nilesh confirmed that the risks were too high to get this into the July release, so this won't be done until a later date
16/04/2015 - AA to ask RTU about when we can load the 350 concepts up - need to get Brian's process in house asap
Currently in an SQL DB until the WHO decide what to do with Linearizations - therefore presently out of scope of the content authoring process.
16/07/2015 - BAU with new content, need GMDN map ready to go on request. Process for importing new GMDN content going forward still be designed.
11/06/2015 - AA and RTU have created the GMDN map to add to the international content for the July 2015 release. AA to send to Romin and Ian for final review
14/05/2015 - Romin has completed the integration into the July 2015 release. AAT and RTU need to update the map accordingly
17/04/2015 - RTU created diff between Jan GMDN release and current content - Romin now has this report, which tells him which concepts he needs to add / deprecate, etc, and he's going to model this in the workbench and integrate it into the July 2015 content. We then just need to adjust the map accordingly, once Romin returns the final content.
16/04/2015 - Romin is goign to take the GMDN release and input the data into the July Release - this is problematic as he doesn't really know what to do - ASK RTU if we could do a comparison of January 2015 international GMDN content with the July 2014 GMDN content and see if we can help them out a bit?
02/04/2015 - ***** We need to provide Termmed with visibility of any new data that comes through as early as possible, in order that they can begin translation into Spanish asap, to ensure it all gets completed by October 2015 release.
Per agreement with NJA and IGR, no new content until preparatory work has been completed. Scope of this work to be determined.
Robert to discuss with IGR once evaluation of quality of new GMDN data has been completed - we can then decide what needs to be done in order to prepare it for the July 2015 release.
11/06/2015 - Will require a subset at some point in 2016
14/05/2015 - Currently haven't agreed with the ADA exactly what we're publishing - therefore presently out of scope of the content authoring process.
11/06/2015 - First set of deliverables targeted for Jan 2016 - further updates to come (not huge content changes for Jan 2016 though)
University of Washington won't be finished with it until July 2015 at least, so targeted for Production Release in January 2016 at the earliest.
11/06/2015 - AA to build and publish
RTU updated set of concepts from Ronald Cornet, and sent them back to him on 02/03/2015.
AA chased Anna (to see if Ronald had reviewed them) on 19/03/2015 - Anna confirmed on 07/04/2015 that Ronald is now on holiday, and so won't be able to respond to us now before end of April - Anna wanred them that this will impact our timelines - she will send us the files once Ronald has returned and sent them to us.
- VTM subset
16/07/2015 - Deprecated from international edition and published separately
11/06/2015 - AA to release as static package in July 2015, and confirm location via the International release announcement (not as a separate announcement)
IGR agreed with Nilesh that we create them for July 2015, but not include them in the Release - just put out comms to say they're available on request. If no-one using them we can deprecate, if people are using them we need to update them in line with the DMND product content.
- VMP subset
16/07/2015 - Deprecated from international edition and published separately
11/06/2015 - AA to release as static package in July 2015, and confirm location via the International release announcement (not as a separate announcement)
IGR agreed with Nilesh that we create them for July 2015, but not include them in the Release - just put out comms to say they're available on request. If no-one using them we can deprecate, if people are using them we need to update them in line with the DMND product content.
Molecular entity
11/06/2015 - Due to feedback we've had, we're now no longer going to do this as a separate project (no clinical use case for it in short term, just overly-complex). This will now effectively be partially covered in Substances, so we can close this down. (ie) if we do Substances correctly, then we shouldn't need Molecular Entity hierarchy separately.
14/05/2015 - Romin's taking it over - he's going to have catchup session with Toni next week. Internal discussion still ongoing as to whether to have a separate Tech Preview for this, or just include it in the Substances October Tech Preview - IGR to confirm
16/04/2015 - Brian still working on this
02/04/2015 - Brian still working on this - need to check on progress
Toni/Romin just finishing this off - due to come to us approx start of April - with requirement to be published around end of April
AA/RTU to sort out access DB to RF2 format conversion via Brian - Meeting with everyone to discuss next steps set for
- Substances
16/07/2015 - Tech preview now required for late August - AA to work out how to fit this into the Project plan
11/06/2015 - Tech preview still targeted for October 2015 - AA to add to project plans
14/05/2015 - Tech preview targeted for October 2015
Targeted for Production Release in January 2016.
- Drugs
16/07/2015 - Drugs will need a Tech preview targeted for October 2015 - AA to add to project plans
11/06/2015 - Drugs will need a Tech preview targeted for October 2015 - AA to add to project plans
DM+D will now become a strategic direction rather than a project, as we're looking to take feeds in from various companies and take a pro-active approach. This can therefore be removed.
14/05/2015 - Meeting went well - we've agreed a proposal which is going to the member forum, to keep it simple - we'll put high level content in only, then have a separate group working on the drugs detail. Confirmation to follow once agreed.
16/04/2015 - Setup a meeting in Copenhagen to discuss how to progress the content - AA to listen to recording
02/04/2015 - Proposed model was rejected by focus group, so IGR taking new proposed model to Copenhagen conference for approval - definitely won't get into July 2015 release now
Targeted for Production Release in January 2016.
- Allergies
11/06/2015 - No technical changes so no tech preview or candidate baseline required - this will just go straight into the content for the Jan 2016 release.
Targeted for Production Release in January 2016.
Targeted for Production Release in January 2017.
16/07/2015 - Content team to have an internal meeting to decide whether or not this is still a deliverable - IGR to update next time
11/06/2015 - IGR still to chase Farzaneh - he will update us
14/05/2015 - Needs to go out as a subset in the July release - IGR to confirm status with Farzaneh when she's back next week and update
16/04/2015 - Progress a normal
02/04/2015 - IGR made changes to release content now, they need to create a subset of values for that - IGR to chase Farzaneh and come back to me with update - we will target a Candidate Baseline alongside the July 2015 release.
7. To follow up with IGR... "No Tech Preview required - this will be incorporated, as refsets, directly into the International edition via the content authoring process." - Should go out as a candidate baseline (as format is immutable) - yet we still reserver the right to change the format/content if we like befor the production release.
Targeted for Production Release in July 2015.
16/07/2015 - This is impacted by reduced scope, so still delayed
19/06/2015 - IGR confirmed that the project is delayed and behind schedule by a few weeks - dates will likely slip by a few weeks...
11/06/2015 - New concept model required so Tech Preview needed in mid-august - IGR to update
Targeted for Production Release in January 2016.
Targeted for Production Release in January 2017.
16/07/2015 - All on schedule - just awaiting response from Inserm
11/06/2015 - AAT to deliver proposed map to IGR by 30/06
14/05/2015 - AAT and RTU to create linkage table
02/04/2015 - AA to speak to RTU regarding capacity, as we need to confirm to Jane by 08/04/2015 as to whether or not Brian can get them the Orphanet data by mid April still???
Orphanet (Rare Diseases) content targeted for Production Release in January 2016. Tech Preview/Candidate Baseline to be scheduled once everything received from INSERM.
IHTSDO INSERM workplan 20150224 v0.07.docx
11/06/2015 - IGR to confirm when more information
RTU to confirm scope and application once we have the files...
11/06/2015 - Agreement ready to be signed, so this will be major project for Q4 2015 - 2016, Jane to confirm once agreement signed.
14/05/2015 - Still awaiting...
16/04/2015 - Awaiting DICOM data to start working out how to allow flagged subsets
11/06/2015 - expected to not require much work, IGR to confirm
16/04/2015 - Still in discussions with them - will come through Q3 2015 at earliest
Qualifier values cleanup
11/06/2015 - Still far in future
25/04/2015 - Not funded yet - just for visibility in the future pipeline
11/06/2015 - Still far in future
07/05/2015 - Not agreed yet - just for visibility in the future pipeline
11/06/2015 - Likely to only be content, but will get updates once more information
07/05/2015 - Not agreed yet - just for visibility in the future pipeline