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Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


2018 Beta

2019 BETA Version 1 (termMed build) vs April

2018 Production

2019 PRODUCTION Version 1 (termMed build) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale

Language files



1 record inactivated as expected in JIRA ticket ISRS-363, due to Beta feedback received from Spanish NRC:

< ff3b2428-b38d-56b9-ba8e-c9f232de286b 20031031 1 450829007 450828004 1004562016 900000000000549004
> ff3b2428-b38d-56b9-ba8e-c9f232de286b 20180430 0 450829007 450828004 1004562016 900000000000549004

Description files

1ISRS-3631 record inactivated as expected in JIRA ticket ISRS-363, due to Beta feedback received from Spanish NRC:

< 1004562016 20031031 1 450829007 65899003 es 900000000000013009 fuel oil 900000000000020002
> 1004562016 20180430 0 450829007 65899003 es 900000000000013009 fuel oil 900000000000020002

ModuleDependency files11 record updated with new UUID for April 2018 release, as expected
Readme filen/a
"x" prefixes removed for Production release as expected, plus Filename updated with "Production" element, as requested

April 2018 Alpha Version 1 (termMed build) vs April 2018 Beta Version 1 (termMed build) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)RationaleAttributeValue files11 records inactivated - Ale confirmed this now takes us to 12 changes since October, which is exactly what was expected, via email on 16/04/2018 at 19:24Language refset files148

90 records inactivated +

58 records added

- Ale confirmed this now takes us to the expected number of changes since October, when you take into account those already changed in the Alpha version 1 package. This is therefore now exactly what was expected, via email on 16/04/2018 at 19:24

ModuleDependency files11 record updated with new UUID for April 2018 release, as expectedReadme filen/aFilename updated with "BETA" element, as requestedDescription files149

90 records inactivated +

59 records added

- Ale confirmed this now takes us to the expected number of changes since October, when you take into account those already changed in the Alpha version 1 package. This is therefore now exactly what was expected, via email on 16/04/2018 at 19:24

TextDefinition0- Ale confirmed this now takes us to the expected number of changes since October, when you take into account those already changed in the Alpha version 1 package. This is therefore now exactly what was expected, via email on 16/04/2018 at 19:24

Updated for April 2019 + Prod removal of "x" prefixes as expected

October 2018 Published vs April 2019 BETA Version 1 (termMed build) traceability

?????????????????? ?????????????????? ?????????????????? ?????????????????? ?????????????????? ??????????????????528872424 ?????????????????? ??????????????????526521 ?????????????????? ??????????????????

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Concept files0

0 files added/updated in Release package files -

Ale confirmed this was as expected, via email on

15/04/2019 at 18:15

AttributeValue files30
30 records inactivated - Ale confirmed this was as expected, via email on 15/04/2019 at 18:15
Language refset files52604

8683 records inactivated +

1264 records updated +

42657 records added


Ale confirmed this was as expected, via email on

15/04/2019 at 18:15

ModuleDependency files1
1 record added for April 2019 release, as expected
Readme filen/a
updated for April 2019 + Beta "x" prefixes as expected
Description files52802

8661 records inactivated +

2377 records updated +

41802 records added


Ale confirmed this was as expected, via email on

15/04/2019 at 18:15


5 record inactivated +

520 records added


Ale confirmed this was as expected, via email on

15/04/2019 at 18:15