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Date: 2018-01-26

 1600 UTC

Zoom Meeting Details

SNOMED Int'l Editorial Advisory group  

SNOMED International - Editorial advisory group conference call  

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  • Obtain consensus on agenda items

Discussion items

We received a comment from a dutch lexographer:

Dear fellow terminologist(s),
I am the Dutch medical linguist currently in charge of checking translations of SNOMED terms into Dutch (as for the Netherlands, not for Belgium) on morphosyntactical rules. In 2015 I translated the IHTSDO translation guidelines into Dutch as an assignment by Nictiz, the Dutch release centre.
It occurs to me that in compound adjectives in many SNOMED terms, the dash has been left out:
pacing induced cardiomyopathy = ‘a sentence in past tense stating that …’?
§ where I expect: pacing-induced cardiomyopathy = cardiomyopathy induced by pacing
left sided atrium connecting to both ventricles > ‘lefties sitting next to…’?
§ where I expect: left-sided atrium
This will unintentionally render a collocation into a sentence, as in many cases the past participle is a homograph of the verb in past tense. In most cases however, the term will be interpreted correctly anyhow.
Why does SNOMED not follow commonly taught spelling rules in English? I do know that in informal American English this compounding dash has become somewhat uncommon. Likewise, the adverbial suffix ‑ly was abolished in the USA already a while ago. Possibly this dash will join its fate. Must SNOMED anticipate this? I feel that a mere spelling inaccuracy should not be a reason for terminologists to embrace it.
Likewise, the ISO 704 norm for terminology instructs that a term should not be capitalized without a reason. In Dutch we will spell stomach and not Stomach. As a lexicographer I come across this irrational, somewhat ‘American’ typesetting custom in a very few, mostly obsolete medical glossaries only. Has SNOMED International never considered running some semi-conditional routine for replacing an initial letter in upper case where not required with the letter in lower case?
Has SNOMED International been spending any thoughts on these two orthographical matters? I hope that you will be willing to share your thoughts on this with me. It will be interesting to be able to learn from each other’s expertise and practice!

The "soft" default of specimens originating from the patient is where the problem lies. Currently, the organization of the values for SPECIMEN SOURCE causes some specimens from patients to not classify under the grouper term "Specimen from patient".

Suggestion to make a more general term "Patient from specimen or donor", but that would only address two of the SPECIMEN SOURCE types.

KCA mentioned the many issues with the "soft default'. For the most part, these specimens are used as coming from the patient. However, does the FSN then need to be changed to reflect that these are from the patient? Does the PT need to reflect explicitly that it comes from the patient?

Should every Specimen have the SPECIMEN SOURCE explicitly defined? Often this context comes from where the concept is used within the record. The history of these terms may provide some of the reasoning as to why these terms were created. For example, the restrictions in where codes could be used in earlier versions of HL7 v2 (i.e. prior to v2.5) meant there was not place to provide additional information around the specimen. KCA suggested that these then be segregated into a module so that they can eventually be segregated away from the core.

Non-patient oriented specimens are the major issue now and many of the use cases still use the older transport structure, meaning they need pre-coordinated content.

What are the requirements for the addition of these terms and what is the major function of the core to address these requirements? More modern transport mechanisms such as FHIR, do not need this level of pre-coordination.

Comments from IMO indicated that most users of the terminology are not sufficiently sophisticated to use either terminology or model based post-coordination.

The long-standing practice of using unspecified Specimens provides substantial challenges to revising this to make it explicit as it would result in a large number of changes that may impact implementers.

A prosthesis can be infected (e.g. vegetation on a prosthetic heart valve). The need to associate a procedure with these would be unnecessary and in many cases incorrect. The use of a DUE TO relationship is not appropriate.

Currently, the involved concepts inherit ASSOCIATED WITH = Procedure from the parent "Complication associated with device", which should not have this relationship.

There are also timing aspects that are not represented in these terms, which make them more vague.

The associated problem is the need for a definition of what is meant by "infected device". If we view the presence of the device as just another acquired body structure, then these may not be complications. The timing of the infection in relation to a procedure, may be the reason to classify something as a Complication of a procedure (i.e. within a certain number of days).

The two approaches are "close to reality", which is multi-dimensional and challenging to determine, or "simplified model" that just describes what is certain. The determination of whether something is a complication or not is often unknown. Some testing will need to be done to see the impact of applying a simplified model. If it does not meet the needs from a classification standpoint, then a more complex model will be needed.

This argues for the use of ASSOCIATED WITH as the relationship for devices.

For the procedures such as "Removal of prosthesis due to infection" the possibility of the use of HAS FOCUS.

There are guidelines on the evaluation of patients prior to implantation, where pre-existing infection would cause abortion of the procedure.

Clarification on the current understanding of Complications can be found here.

There are 690 "Acquired X" disorders in SNOMED CT. The vast majority are primitive.

There are three alternatives to discuss:

  • Create an intermediate primitive grouper - "Acquired disorder" that would allow subtypes to be fully defined under. These would also classify under the appropriate parent term related to the disorder.
  • Create a "period of life" subtype that included all periods except "fetal, congenital, and neonatal(?) (substantial testing of impacts would be needed)
  • Create a set of "Acquired X (morphologic abnormalities)" to support definition of acquired disorders.

This demonstrates a need to support disjointness, which will hopefully be supported by the concept model in the near future. There are challenges with using period of life as a way to classify these. What is the use case to make the distinction between congenital and acquired. Used the example of "anodontia".

There is also the distinction between hereditary and "congenital", which are often conflated in disease naming. Hereditary diseases often manifest later in life. Would these be considered "acquired"? What do we mean when we say "acquired"?

Could limit the use of the period of life grouper for only those disease where the FSN specifies "acquired". Would diseases that manifest later in life but are actually genetic be incorrectly classified under acquired disorder (if that were created)? Would there be an advantage of having this top level grouper?

The challenge is how to represent the acquisition of the trait as opposed to the clinical manifestation of the trait.

Suggested that a new qualifier value of "Post-natal" be created to aggregate the periods of life that would be used to define "Acquired" conditions.

2017-11-03: A related tracker exists: PCP-71. The work related to this item will be linked to that tracker.

KCA expressed support for the Oxford comma. The question being whether there should be a retroactive application to FSNs. It does not change the meaning so would not be considered as a requirement for inactivation and replacement.

JRO was not in favor of using the Oxford comma where it does not add value. The challenge is to provide editorial guidance on what the conditions are that require its use or non-use.

Bruce Goldberg presented issues from the ECE meeting that required additional input:

Complications and sequelae update.pptx 

Device complications

Problems with the device itself should be a finding and not a disorder. This would allow some rearrangement of the current device problem findings. The modleing structure would be to use the INTERPRETS/HAS INTERPRETATION pair to define the findings.

Should also create a more specific "device failure" to segregate from general external equipment failure.

desire to see more examples for each of the three patterns.

Hypersensitivity condition remodeling to finding:

Allergy Topics.pptx

Predispositions are not disorders per se as they do not have a pathologic process. Proposed to move a large number of concepts from under disease to findings.

Because the proposal is to simply change the semantic tag within the same hierarchy would not require inactivation and recreation of these concepts.

The distinction between findings and diseases was brought up. The problems associated with this distinction and the duplication of terms as both findings and disorders was discussed. KCA asked to see a list of these duplicates

1Call to order and role callJCA



Conflicts of interest

Approval of minutes from Bratislava

  •  Minutes approved
No conflicts reportedNo conflict of interest reported.
  •  Minutes approved
33ECE UpdateBGO4Drug Model UpdateTMO5Observables Model UpdateDKA


Revision of editorial guidance for PATHOLOGICAL PROCES concerning "Inflammation (qualifier value)JCA

Current editorial guidance on the use of the Pathological Process Value = 257552002 Inflammation (qualifier value)

The current editorial guidance on the use of this process value eventually resulted in the need to distinguish between process and structure in the Morphologic abnormality hierarchy. E.g. 23583003 |Inflammation (morphologic abnormality)| vs. 409774005 |Inflammatory morphology (morphologic abnormality)|.

There is a tracker item: IHTSDO-558

Initial draft Fast track document :


  • Should the use of PATHOLOGICAL PROCESS be expanded to coincide with the increased need to support the SPD model?
  • Should a project to decompose the conflated morphology concepts (i.e. process and structure, structure and anatomy, structure and disposition)?
  • Due to the significant impact this will have on modeling patterns and possible to inferences, should this be approved by members prior to construction?

This notion is critical to the continued improvement of content in SNOMED CT; however, it adds substantial complexity and will require clear and possibly extensive guidance to ensure consistent application. Templates may be the most efficient way to guarantee compliance.

Disorder without disorderJCA

Common pattern in classifications such as ICD.

One potential modeling pattern proposed is the use of the Situation model with one "known present" relationship group and one "known absent" relationship group.

The problem with specific negation is that it is silent about other clinical aspects that may be of significance.

What is the purpose of calling out one specific clinical manifestation?

Comments solicited from, CMAG.

Lexical inconsistenciesJCA7Specimen from subjects other than the patient JCA

Currently we have many concepts in the specimen hierarchy that include “from patient”as well as those that do not include it as an ancestor.  Since the subject of record is the default for specimens, we would like to retire these apparent duplicates, but then we run into the problem of specimens derived from other sources such as donors or normal control patients. 

They cannot be subtypes if the intended meaning is “subject of record”..or can they, since the context is implied?  How do we structure the specimen hierarchy to account for this? 

What are the analytical implications of having different sources for specimens as subtypes of one another?

  •   Jim Case to develop option to consider for solution of this specimen unspecificity issue
  •  Jim Case to present to CMAG for their input on the perceived impact of proposed options
8910What is an "infected prosthesis"JCA

We have a number of terms, both disorder and procedure that deal with "infected prosthesis". In general, prostheses themselves are not infected, but the surrounding soft (or bone) tissue adjacent to the prosthesis can become infected. This infection often does not have a demonstrable causal or temporal relationship to the procedure. Currently these are modeled with an ASSOCIATED WITH relationship:

Image Removed


How do we best represent the true nature of the infection? This is especially important when we deal with "Removal of prosthesis due to infection" and concepts such as "Infection of implanted cardiac device (disorder)".?

Based on previous discussions regarding "causal chain", should this be a DUE TO relationship since the infections would not have occurred if the procedure had not been done?

  •  Jim Case to add summary of discussion to current tracker
  •  Jim Case to create a tracker on modeling of "Infected prosthesis"
  •  Need to test the "simplified" modeling approach that removes the association with a procedure to an infected device.
11“Acquired” disorders testingJCA
  • There are existing "Acquired X (morphologic abnormality)" concepts, but these are very much analogous to the "Congenital X" morphologies that we are trying hard to get rid of. 
  • "Acquired" and "Congenital" are not morphologies, but timeframes.  We do not have a way of denoting "All periods of life after birth" like we do for "Congenital".  If we did, then we could create a fully defined concept grouper of "Acquired disorder", which would subsume all concepts that had any OCCURRENCE value later than "At birth", but then it would require that all acquired disorders have a valid OCCURRENCE relationship.
  • This approach might also open the door that all disorders that are not specifically “Congenital” have an OCCURRENCE relationship stating that it is required, which seems to be “overmodeling”.  While we can use the "Acquired deformity" morphology concepts currently, due to the lack of many useful subtypes of "Acquired X" morphologies, it would only be a partial solution. 
  • The HoT is not in favor of recreating the problem in "Acquired" concepts that would mimic the type of concepts we are trying to inactivate in the Congenital space.  However, the current guidance related to “Congenital” is not totally correct, because there are many conditions that can ONLY be congenital, even if the FSN does not state it (For example, aplasias or supernumerary structures).   So the guidance does need to be updated.
  • One potential solution is to create a primitive grouper of "Acquired disorder" and then using that as the proximal primitive parent, adding the necessary relationships to make acquired disorders defined.  It is a kludge, but it would allow for full definition.
  •  Jim Case will create a tracker and test the aggregate period of life concept as a way to define acquired disorders.
  •  Develop editorial guidance for how to properly use the aggregate "period of life" term.
12Update of EAG WorkplanJCAReview and revision of current workplan

Continued to next call due to lack of time.

  •  Jim Case to update workplan based on input from the EAG members.
  • Reactive arthritis and modeling extraarticular manifestations using simple co-occurrence
  • Test of allergic disorder model as pathologic structure
  • Sepsis
    • Sepsis
      1. Agreement to add dysregulated host response as a pathological process.
      2. Agreement not to add pathological process infectious process which would result in sepsis being defined as organ dysfunction syndrome co-occurrent and due to infectious disease.

  • Test of device complications model
    • Device complications
      Problems with the device itself should be a finding and not a disorder. This would allow some rearrangement of the current device problem findings. The modleing structure would be to use the INTERPRETS/HAS INTERPRETATION pair to define the findings.
      Should also create a more specific "device failure" to segregate from general external equipment failure.
      desire to see more examples for each of the three patterns.

  •  Bruce Goldberg to test modeling of sepsis both with and without the PATHOLOGICAL PROCESS
  •  Bruce Goldberg to test the three patterns related to devices. Tracker item to be developed.

See Events, Conditions, Episodes Project Group meeting agenda 2-12-2018

4Drug Model UpdateTMO

Toni Morrison to provide an update on the status of the drug project

Document with schedule and content changes attached to minutes.

There will be changes to the MRCM including GCIs and role chaining that facilitate the modeling of drug products.

This is needed to support the flattening of the substance hierarchy but still allow hierarchical representation in other hierarchies that use these substances as defining relationships.

These changes also allow for multiple sufficient definitions.

5Observables Model UpdateDKANot available


Revision of editorial guidance for PATHOLOGICAL PROCES concerning "Inflammation (qualifier value)JCA

Current editorial guidance on the use of the Pathological Process Value = 257552002 Inflammation (qualifier value)

The current editorial guidance on the use of this process value eventually resulted in the need to distinguish between process and structure in the Morphologic abnormality hierarchy. E.g. 23583003 |Inflammation (morphologic abnormality)| vs. 409774005 |Inflammatory morphology (morphologic abnormality)|.

There is a tracker item: IHTSDO-558

Initial draft Fast track document :


  • Should the use of PATHOLOGICAL PROCESS be expanded to coincide with the increased need to support the SPD model?
  • Should a project to decompose the conflated morphology concepts (i.e. process and structure, structure and anatomy, structure and disposition)?
  • Due to the significant impact this will have on modeling patterns and possible to inferences, should this be approved by members prior to construction?

This notion is critical to the continued improvement of content in SNOMED CT; however, it adds substantial complexity and will require clear and possibly extensive guidance to ensure consistent application. Templates may be the most efficient way to guarantee compliance.

Examples of where additional pathological process values include the hypersensitivity condition subhierarchy and the use of "Pathological development process" for congenital malformations.

Expanded range of PATHOLOGICAL PROCESS may allow for a substantial number of currently primitive concepts to become fully defined.

Many current morphology concepts conflate process and structure. Many of these may have originated from early versions of ICD-O.

There are not many "process" concepts in SNOMED, but these may be needed in the future.

One question is whether we should investigate the defining of the structures based on the processes that lead to the structure.

Another suggestion is that it may not be necessary to do a full reconstruction of pathological processes, but do a focused effort on areas that have been problematic due to the lack of a defining process. In other words, add them as needed to meet a particular modeling problem.

There are a number of "idiopathic" diseases, which really indicates an "unknown" process. It is not a negation of the other process, it is just an indication of a lack of knowledge of the specifics of the process. This would indicate a positive assertion of being unknown.

Any changes to pathological process may have broad ranging impacts on the terminology. Does it need external review and approval? Input from the group is that there should not really be substantial taxonomic changes, only clarification and improvement.

  •  Bruce Goldberg to take this issue to ECE for consultation.
  •  Jim Case to develop the fast track document after input from the group and redistribute for final review.
7Disorder without disorderJCA

Common pattern in classifications such as ICD. Currently all are primitive in SNOMED CT.

One potential modeling pattern proposed is the use of the Situation model with one "known present" relationship group and one "known absent" relationship group.

The problem with specific negation is that it is silent about other clinical aspects that may be of significance.

What is the purpose of calling out one specific clinical manifestation?

Comments solicited from, CMAG: Use of concepts representing the presence of a disorder without a second disorder

Current modeling of disorder with disorder is in Clinical findings, whereas these would need to be located in the Situation hierarchy.

Opinion from CMAG is that this is primarily a construct used to map to ICD, but not used much in clinical practice.

Jeff PiersonSees these as primarily classification concepts. Would be useful to see how often these are used for clinical recording. Jeremy Rogers agreed with this, not very useful clinically except in very specific cases. Procedure without procedure is a more common pattern used by surgeons.

Generally thought that these were useful only for ICD mapping.

Guillermo Reynoso suggested that this should in general be handled at the information model level.

Q: What should we do with the current content that is all primitive?

The best way to express this is to override the default context by an explicit wrapper in the information model. It would be important to try to remove this implicit context in future redesigns of SNOMED CT.

  •  Jeremy Rogers to provide examples of "Procedure without procedure".
  •  Jeremy Rogers to provide usage of "disorder without disorder" within NHS.
  •  Jim Case to develop initial discussion document to address this ongoing issue of implied vs. specific context. To be discussed at the London meeting in April.
8Lexical inconsistenciesJCA

We received a comment from a dutch lexographer:

Dear fellow terminologist(s),

I am the Dutch medical linguist currently in charge of checking translations of SNOMED terms into Dutch (as for the Netherlands, not for Belgium) on morphosyntactical rules. In 2015 I translated the IHTSDO translation guidelines into Dutch as an assignment by Nictiz, the Dutch release centre.

It occurs to me that in compound adjectives in many SNOMED terms, the dash has been left out:
pacing induced cardiomyopathy = ‘a sentence in past tense stating that …’?
§ where I expect: pacing-induced cardiomyopathy = cardiomyopathy induced by pacing
left sided atrium connecting to both ventricles > ‘lefties sitting next to…’?
§ where I expect: left-sided atrium

This will unintentionally render a collocation into a sentence, as in many cases the past participle is a homograph of the verb in past tense. In most cases however, the term will be interpreted correctly anyhow.

Why does SNOMED not follow commonly taught spelling rules in English? I do know that in informal American English this compounding dash has become somewhat uncommon. Likewise, the adverbial suffix ‑ly was abolished in the USA already a while ago. Possibly this dash will join its fate. Must SNOMED anticipate this? I feel that a mere spelling inaccuracy should not be a reason for terminologists to embrace it.

Likewise, the ISO 704 norm for terminology instructs that a term should not be capitalized without a reason. In Dutch we will spell stomach and not Stomach. As a lexicographer I come across this irrational, somewhat ‘American’ typesetting custom in a very few, mostly obsolete medical glossaries only. Has SNOMED International never considered running some semi-conditional routine for replacing an initial letter in upper case where not required with the letter in lower case?

Has SNOMED International been spending any thoughts on these two orthographical matters? I hope that you will be willing to share your thoughts on this with me. It will be interesting to be able to learn from each other’s expertise and practice!

Guillermo Reynoso mentioned that while this is primarily an English language issue, it does affect translations and the consistent use of the hyphen (not the dash or the em-dash as they require extended character set) is preferable.

Would need to develop editorial rules on how to apply these consistently to the terminology, including guidance on no spaces before and/or after the hyphen.

Capitalization issue: This is a legacy issue that originated with the initial SNOMED content from the 1960s. Many translations do not use initial capitalization. Recent changes to case significance may make this a difficult issue to resolve. This should have been corrected prior to the history tracking.

Suggested that we remove the current requirement to have an initial capital for new concepts moving forward and living with the "sins of the past". Fixing this would require changes to over 1 million descriptions and this would be too much churn for little value.

Rationale is that this change would make SNOMED consistent with ISO 704.

  •  Jim Case to work with technical team and editorial guide editor to develop guidelines and batch changes to terminology. Low priority issue.
  •  Jim Case propose to the SMT that we make back end changes to the descriptions that would change the capitalization without inactivating the description IDs.
  •  Jim Case to work with tech team to remove the validation rule requiring initial capital letters. Work with Ed guide editor to write editorial guidance.
9Specimen from subjects other than the patient JCA

Currently we have many concepts in the specimen hierarchy that include “from patient”as well as those that do not include it as an ancestor.  Since the subject of record is the default for specimens, we would like to retire these apparent duplicates, but then we run into the problem of specimens derived from other sources such as donors or normal control patients. 

They cannot be subtypes if the intended meaning is “subject of record”..or can they, since the context is implied?  How do we structure the specimen hierarchy to account for this? 

What are the analytical implications of having different sources for specimens as subtypes of one another?



No testing of options for this item has been performed since the last meeting. Issues still remaining:

  • Eliminating the soft default (yes or no)
  • Creating unspecified SPECIMEN SOURCE concepts only where both patient-oriented and non-patient specimens are required.
  • Resolving issues with specimen sources that are both patient and non-patient oriented (i.e. autologous blood products)
  • Resolution of non-patient subtypes under unspecified SPECIMEN SOURCE (i.e soft default) concepts
  •   Jim Case to develop option to consider for solution of this specimen unspecificity issue
  •  Jim Case to present to CMAG for their input on the perceived impact of proposed options
10What is an "infected prosthesis"JCAUpdate: Proposed model (Infected Prosthesis) was tested and reviewed by the ECE. Construction has been performed and editorial guidance will be updated as necessary

  •  Jim Case to verify editorial guidance added.
11“Acquired” disorders testingJCA
  • There are existing "Acquired X (morphologic abnormality)" concepts, but these are very much analogous to the "Congenital X" morphologies that we are trying hard to get rid of. 
  • "Acquired" and "Congenital" are not morphologies, but timeframes.  We do not have a way of denoting "All periods of life after birth" like we do for "Congenital".  If we did, then we could create a fully defined concept grouper of "Acquired disorder", which would subsume all concepts that had any OCCURRENCE value later than "At birth", but then it would require that all acquired disorders have a valid OCCURRENCE relationship.
  • This approach might also open the door that all disorders that are not specifically “Congenital” have an OCCURRENCE relationship stating that it is required, which seems to be “overmodeling”.  While we can use the "Acquired deformity" morphology concepts currently, due to the lack of many useful subtypes of "Acquired X" morphologies, it would only be a partial solution. 
  • One potential solution is to create a primitive grouper of "Acquired disorder" and then using that as the proximal primitive parent, adding the necessary relationships to make acquired disorders defined.  It is a kludge, but it would allow for full definition.

Update: A grouper "period of life" term encompassing all stages of life (Postnatal (qualifier value)) after birth was created. Over 100 concepts with the string "Acquired" were reviewed and fully defined using the OCCURRENCE attribute. There were no adverse impacts from this initial test.

One conditional issue relates to the ability to define terms with the string "juvenile". The definition of juvenile differs in age ranges from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Likewise the definitions of age ranges for "childhood" and "adolescent". There is an inactive concept 282035009 - Juvenile (qualifier value) that was once a subtype of "Period of life", but was inactivated as duplicate to 59223006 - Juvenile (finding).

The process to progress this needs to be determined.

2017-11-03: A related tracker exists: PCP-71. The work related to this item will be linked to that tracker.

Issue identified during testing was the perceived need for the concept "juvenile", which is an inactive concept.

Concern about how many concepts will be affected. Will all concepts that are known to be acquired have this attribute added? No, only concepts that need a differentiation between a congenital and acquired form.

It may not even be necessary to have as many periods of life as we currently have.

While the results of testing are encouraging, it is better to have another attribute that can be role grouped than to create a primitive parent to be used as an IS A due to the advantages that come out of classification.

The current testing has resulted in very few changes to the existing taxonomy, but makes the content more maintainable.

Juvenile concepts may still be needed, but can be put off for later consideration (can be modeled with postnatal until then).

  •  Jim Case will create a tracker and test the aggregate period of life concept as a way to define acquired disorders.
  •  Develop editorial guidance for how to properly use the aggregate "period of life" term.
12Update of EAG WorkplanJCAReview and revision of current workplan

Continued to next call due to lack of time.

  •  Jim Case to update workplan based on input from the EAG members.
13Future meetingsJCA

13Use of the Oxford comma in FSNsJCA

The Oxford comma is a comma added after the penultimate term in a list, e.g. For example "Disorder of head, neck, and shoulders". The purpose if its use is to make explicit the fact that the terms are part of a list. The editorial guide is silent about its use, but the example provided does not use the Oxford comma.

There are currently 347 FSNs in SNOMED CT that use the Oxford comma. Most of these are terms obtained from other terminology, such as ICD and nursing. There are 2500 FSNs that contain comma delimited lists, but do not use the Oxford comma.


Should SNOMED CT be consistent in the use of this grammar mark or maintain fidelity to the original source of the terms that do use it?

  •  Jim Case to pull a list of concept FSNs that do not use the Oxford comma for review of patterns that could provide guidance on when to use it.
  •  Jim Case to distribute list to EAG for comment

Placement of "conditions" and "predispositions" as clinical findings as opposed to disorders. - BGO

Device disorder vs. device failure

  •  Bruce Goldberg to test the three patterns related to devices. Tracker item to be developed.
  •  Create a MF briefing to describe the nature and volume of changes for moving hypersensitivity predispositions and its subtypes to findings.
  •  Yongsheng Gao to provide a list of "duplicate" terms between findings and disorders to KCA
15Future meetingsJCANext conference call TBD