Concept |
t | 900000000000538005|Description format reference set| |
ShowFormat | inline |
specifies the text format and maximum length of each supported
Gloss |
PreSpace | false |
t | description type |
. This permits additional
Gloss |
SpacePreSpace | truefalse |
t | description types |
to be specified in future in addition to the three existing
Gloss |
PreSpace | false |
t | description types |
Gloss |
SpacePreSpace | truefalse |
t | fully specified name |
Gloss |
PreSpace | false |
t | textual definition |
Data structure
Concept |
t | 900000000000538005|Description format reference set| |
ShowFormat | inline |
is a C-I (
Specref |
RefType | (data type) |
t | Integer |
Gloss |
SpacePreSpace | truefalse |
t | reference set |
which is used to specify the length and format of the
Gloss |
SpacePreSpace | truefalse |
t | terms |
Gloss |
SpacePreSpace | truefalse |
t | descriptions |
of this
Gloss |
PreSpace | false |
t | description type |
. Its structure is shown in the following table.
Data type
A 128 bit unsigned
Specref |
RefType | (data type) |
t | Integer |
, uniquely identifying this .Different versions of a reference set member share the same
but have different Specref |
RefType | (field) |
t | effectiveTime |
. This allows a reference set member to be modified or made (i.e. removed from the active set) at a specified time....
Specref |
RefType | (field) |
t | effectiveTime |
The inclusive date or time at which this version of the identified
Gloss |
Space | true |
t | reference set member |
became the current version.The current version of this
Gloss |
Space | true |
t | reference set member |
at time T is the version with the most recent Specref |
RefType | (field) |
t | effectiveTime |
prior to or equal to time T ....
YES (Full)
Optional (Snapshot)
Specref |
RefType | (data type) |
t | Boolean |
The state of the identified
Gloss |
Space | true |
t | reference set member |
as at the specified Specref |
RefType | (field) |
t | effectiveTime |
= 1 (true) the Gloss |
Space | true |
t | reference set member |
is part of the current version of the set, if = 0 (false) the Gloss |
Space | true |
t | reference set member |
is not part of the current version of the set....
Identifies the
Gloss |
Space | true |
t | SNOMED CT module |
that contains this Gloss |
Space | true |
t | reference set member |
as at the specified Specref |
RefType | (field) |
t | effectiveTime |
.The value must be a
of Concept |
t | 900000000000443000|Module (core metadata concept)| |
ShowFormat | inline |
within the metadata ....
Identifies the
to which this Gloss |
Space | true |
t | reference set member |
belongs.In this case, always
Concept |
t | 900000000000538005|Description format reference set (foundation metadata concept)| |
as there is only one Description Format Reference Set....
Specref |
RefType | (field) |
t | referencedComponentId |
A reference to the
Gloss |
Space | true |
t | SNOMED CT component |
to be included in the ....
Specref |
RefType | (field) |
t | descriptionFormat |
A reference to a
of Concept |
t | 900000000000539002|Description format (foundation metadata concept)| |
ShowFormat | inline |
attribute which specifies the format of in of this ....
Specref |
RefType | (field) |
t | descriptionLength |
The maximum length in bytes of the
in of this ....
Caption label |
CapId | description-format-reference-set-data-structure |
CapType | Table |
Description format reference set - Data structure |
Refset spec table |
Size | fs7 |
RefsetType | Description Format Reference Set |
The following metadata supports the
Gloss |
PreSpace | false |
t | description |
format Gloss |
PreSpace | false |
t | reference set |
: Caption label |
CapId | description-format-reference-set-in-the-metadata-hierarchy |
CapType | Table |
Description Format Reference Set in the Metadata Hierarchy |
The following metadata supports the
format : Scg expression |
900000000000454005 |Foundation metadata concept|
900000000000455006 |Reference set|
900000000000538005 |Description format|
Excerpt Include |
| REUSE:Notes on Reference Set Example Tables |
| REUSE:Notes on Reference Set Example Tables |
nopanel | true |
The table below shows the descriptor that defines the structure of the
Concept |
t | 900000000000538005|Description format reference set| |
Caption label |
CapId | refset-descriptor-rows-for-description-format-reference-set |
CapType | Table |
Refset Descriptor rows for Description Format Reference Set |
refsetId | referencedComponentId (Referenced component) | attributeDescription (Attribute description) | attributeType (Attribute type) | attributeOrder (Attribute order) |
Concept |
t | 900000000000456007|Reference set descriptor| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000538005|Description format| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000462002|Description type component| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000461009|Concept type component| |
| 0 |
Concept |
t | 900000000000456007|Reference set descriptor| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000538005|Description format| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000539002|Description format| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000461009|Concept type component| |
| 1 |
Concept |
t | 900000000000456007|Reference set descriptor| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000538005|Description format| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000544009|Description length| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000478000|Unsigned integer| |
| 2 |
This example holds the all the members of the
Concept |
t | 900000000000538005|Description format reference set| |
ShowFormat | inline |
in the
Gloss |
SpacePreSpace | truefalse |
t | SNOMED CT International Release |
for July 2014. Other members may added to future versions of the
Gloss |
SpacePreSpace | truefalse |
t | International Release |
if new
Gloss |
SpacePreSpace | truefalse |
t | description types |
are introduced. Owners of Extensions that support additional
Gloss |
SpacePreSpace | truefalse |
t | description types |
must also add members to the
Concept |
t | 900000000000538005|Description format reference set| |
Caption label |
CapId | sample-content-from-the-description-format-reference-set |
CapType | Table |
Sample Content from the Description Format Reference Set |
refsetId | referencedComponentId (Description type component) | descriptionFormat (Description format) | descriptionLength (Description length) |
Concept |
t | 900000000000538005|Description format| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000003001|Fully specified name| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000540000|Plain text| |
| 255 |
Concept |
t | 900000000000538005|Description format| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000013009|Synonym| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000540000|Plain text| |
| 255 |
Concept |
t | 900000000000538005|Description format| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000550004|Definition| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000540000|Plain text| |
| 4096 |
Note: The tables above omit the initial four columns of data present in the release file. These follow the standards versioning pattern
Specref |
RefType | (field) |
t | effectiveTime |
. Additionally, to aid understanding, the tables above also show the
Gloss |
SpacePreSpace | truefalse |
t | term |
from one of the
Gloss |
SpacePreSpace | truefalse |
t | descriptions |
associated with each of the identified
. The release file only contains the