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How to view the metadata section. 

Prerequisite steps: View the Reference Set Details page.

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The following metadata is either immutable or non-versioned content. In the tool, it will be listed together: 

Reference Set ID: The SNOMED CT Unique Identifier (SCTID). 

Edition/Extension: e.g., US Edition of SNOMED CT. 

Project: The project containing the selected reference set.  

Reference Set Names: The reference set concept’s preferred terms.  

The following metadata is mutable and, in some instances, versioned: 

Module ID:  Field in each component release file which represents the development module within which it was created and is maintained.

Type: Intensional, Extensional, Combination, External, or Copy.  

Status: If the reference set is active or inactive.

Tags: An easy way to label and search for similar content e.g., COVID. 

Narrative: The full description explaining the reference set’s purpose.

Reference Set Version Date: The version of the reference set being looked at e.g., 2020-01-28. 

Organization/Owner: e.g., Kaiser Permanente. 

Version Status: Published or In Development.



 Within Edition or Local Set

Terminology Version: Date the reference set was published in its edition of SNOMED CT, or “Latest” if reference set has never been published.  

Direct URL/URI: Complies with HL7 FHIR, such as: https://reference set/12345/_history/20200131. 

Version Notes: Can be used to inform reference set consumers on the areas of focus for that version.  

ECL Definition: Available for Intensional reference sets only. 

NOTE: There are three sets of metadata per reference set: Immutable, versioned, and non-versioned. A reference set’s immutable content, such as the field SNOMED Id, cannot ever change once the value is defined. Versioned metadata fields may change per publication of the reference set. An example of this is the Version Notes field which has unique content per published version. Finally, non-versioned content may change at any point, but the change is tied to the reference set itself rather than a version. An example of this is the reference set Narrative metadata field.