07:30 | Registration desk opens (Crystal Pavilion Foyer) |
08:00 | Tutorial 201859 SNOMED CT Quick Start David Markwell, SNOMED International Room: Gazebo I |
09:00 | Opening Plenary Don Sweete, CEO SNOMED International Speaker TBD Plenary Crystal Pavilion A Sponsor: Goldblatt Systems Shelley Lipon, Global CSR Executive Lead, SNOMED International Shelagh Maloney, Executive Vice President, Digital Health Engagement and Marketing, Canada Health Infoway (CA) Peter Goodhand, CEO, Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (CA) Dr. Catalina Lopez-Correa, Chief Scientific Officer and Vice President, Sectors, Genome BC (CA)
**Keynote Plenary VIdeo**Room: Crystal Pavilion A |
10:30 | Exhibit hall opens Morning networking Networking break (Crystal Pavilion B&C, Foyer ) E-Posters viewing |
| Room: Gazebo I | Room: Crystal Pavilion A Room: Gazebo I | Room: Gazebo II | Room: Pacific Rim I | Room: Pacific Rim II |
| Stream A Demonstrating Implementation Excellence | Stream B Enhancing Clinical Practice | Stream C Leading Practices | Education D Tutorials | Education E Hands-On Workshops |
11:00 | 201836 User perspective regarding SNOMED CT implementation Raymond Simkus, Brookswood Family Practice (CA) | 201823 The Portuguese use case of SNOMED CT in the immunization Susana Sanches, Serviços Partilhados do Ministério da Saúde (PT) | 201851 Joint Initiative Council: Patient Summary Standards Set Don Newsham, ISO/TC215 (CA) | Link to presentation
| 201860 Standardizing to SNOMED CT: Use Cases Tiffany Harman (US) Link to presentation
| 201826 Automatically converting clinical terms into SNOMED CT expressions Rohit Kate, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (US) Link to presentation
| 201860 Introduction to SNOMED CT Jon Zammit and Anne Højen (SNOMED International) | 201863 SNOMED CT Managed Service for Beginners Sonja Ulrich (SNOMED International) Note: Please bring a laptop with Google Chrome installed
11:30 | 201807 How we are DOing it: The Osteopathic professions experience with SNOMED CT Tyler Cymet, AACOM (US) Link to presentation
| 201853 SNOMED CT – Facilitating interoperable immunization records in Canada Lori Kane, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-term Care (CA)
| 201826 Automatically converting clinical terms into SNOMED CT expressions Rohit Kate, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (US)
| Penelope Nica, Provincial Health Service Authority, British Columbia (CA) Link to presentation | 201851 Joint Initiative Council: Patient Summary Standards Set Don Newsham, ISO/TC215 (CA) Link to presentation
12:00 | 201837 | 12:00 | 201837 Frequent releases driving clinical adoption Kate Ebrill, CSIRO (AU) Link to presentation | 201847 Development of a SNOMED CT encoded population health platform using primary and secondary care data sources in east London Charles Gutteridge, Barts Health NHS Trust (UK) Link to presentation
| N/A 201834 Harmonizing alternative mappings to SNOMED CT Srikanth Sivashankaran, IBM Watson Health (US)
12:30 | Lunch Break (Crystal Pavilion B&C, Foyer) E-Posters Viewing |
13:30 | 201822 Implementation of non - linear, dynamic, controlled, meaningful, web-like electronic health records with SNOMED CT content model as a foundation Marcelo Daniel Carrascal, Argentina Ministry of Health (AR) Link to presentation | 201858 Computable Semantic Content: The Foundation of Precision Medicine Sidney Goldblatt, Goldblatt Systems 201813 Interoperability of disease concepts in clinical and research ontologies – Contrasting coverage and structure in the disease ontology and SNOMED CT Olivier Bodenreider, National Library of Medicine (US) Link to presentation | 201831 Implementation of SNOMED CT in histopathology and genomics to improve cancer care W. Scott Campbell, University of Nebraska Medical Center (US) Link to presentation | 201860 SNOMED CT Implementation Pathways David Markwell and Jon Zammit (SNOMED International) | 201861 SNOMED CT Authoring Demonstration Cathy Richardson (SNOMED International) Note: Demonstration only
14:00 | 201801 SNOMED CT in an NHS acute hospital - The real deal Monica Jones, The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust (UK) Link to presentation | 201816 SNOMED CT generating cardiology key performance indicators (KPI) Mohd Syazrin bin Mohd SakriMd Khadzir Sheikh Ahmad, Ministry of Health Malaysia (MY) Link to presentation | 201827 SNOMED CT and genomics for the EHR James Campbell, University of Nebraska Medical Center (US) Link to presentation |
14:30 | 201814 SNOMED CT implementation in a tertiary hospital with HIMSS-6 electronic health record Jamie Cruz, Hospital 12 de Octubre Arturo Romero Gutiérrez, MSCBS - Ministry of Health (ES) Link to presentation | 201844 National structured synoptic reports for anatomical pathology using SNOMED CT Keng-Ling Wallin, National Board of Health and Welfare, Sweden (SE) Link to presentation | 201839 Clinical terminology and data exchange for clinical genomics: Australian case studies Michael Lawley, CSIRO (AU) Link to presentation |
15:00 | Networking Break break (Crystal Pavilion B&C, Foyer) e-Posters viewing |
15:30 | 201855 Welcome to the future: SNOMED CT live in a primary care clinic Sisira De Silva, Newfoundland & Labrador Centre for Health Information (CA) Link to presentation 201838 SNOMED CT and ICD 11 Donna Truran, CSIRO (AU)
| 201832 The proof is in the pudding – Making the data work W. Scott Campbell, University of Nebraska Medical Center (US) Link to presentation
| 201856 SNOMED CT on FHIR Jane Millar, SNOMED International (UK) Robert Hausam, Robert Hausam Consulting (US) Link to presentation
| 201862 SNOMED CT Translation Experiences Anne Højen, Ian Green (SNOMED International) and Membersand NRC representatives from Belgium and the Netherlands
| Creating a SNOMED CT extension from scratch to publication Guillermo Reynoso, termMedTBD |
16:00 | 201802 MAGPIE – an interactive tool to find 201838SNOMED CT and ICD -10-PCS codes for medical procedures 11 Kylynn Loi, CSIRO (AU) Kin-Wah Fung, National Library of Medicine (US) Link to presentation
| 201849 Mitigating risks and reaping the benefits of user- altered descriptions of SNOMED-encoded EHR data Nicolette de Keizer, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam Amsterdam Public Health Institute (NL) Link to presentation
| 201848 UK experiences with SNOMED and FHIR Jay KolaJeremy Rogers, NHS Digital (UK) Link to presentation
| TBD |
16:30 | 201802 MAGPIE – an interactive tool to find SNOMED CT and ICD-10-PCS codes for medical procedures Kin-Wah Fung, National Library of Medicine (US) Link to presentation 201824 Implementing SNOMED CT in i2b2 data warehouses Jay Pedersen, University of Nebraska Medical Center (US)
| 201843 Communicating alert information in the EHR using SNOMED CT Rikard Lövström, National Board of Health and Welfare, Sweden (SE) Link to presentation
| 201846 A harmonised implementation view for medications Dion McMurtrie, Australian Digital Health Agency (AU) Link to presentation
17:00-19:00 | E-Posters ViewingSNOMED CT Expo 2018 Drinks Networking Reception - Open to all delegates (Crystal Pavilion B&C, Foyer) |