Table width manager |
Value | Usage | Concept | The file conforms to the 4.2.1 Concept File Specification and contains data related to a set of . | Relationship | The file conforms to the 4.2.3 Relationship File Specification and contains Gloss |
PreSpace | false |
t | relationships |
that represent the Gloss |
PreSpace | false |
t | distribution normal form |
Gloss |
PreSpace | false |
t | inferred view |
of a set of concept definitions. | sRefset | The file conform to the single string reference set format. This only applies to the OWL Expression Reference Set and followed by the content sub-element _OWLExpression which contains stated represented as and additional information. | Description | The file conforms to the 4.2.2. Description File Specification and contains at set of Gloss |
PreSpace | false |
t | descriptions |
with description types Concept |
ShowParts | term |
t | 900000000000013009 Synonym |
and Concept |
ShowParts | term |
t | 900000000000003001 Fully specified name |
. Note that both these description types have a maximum length of 255 characters. | TextDefinition | The file conforms to the 4.2.2. Description File Specification and contains at set of Gloss |
PreSpace | false |
t | descriptions |
with description type . Note: This description type has a maximum length of 4096 characters. | StatedRelationship | The file conforms to the 4.2.3 Relationship File Specification and contains Gloss |
PreSpace | false |
t | relationships |
that represent the Gloss |
PreSpace | false |
t | stated view |
of a set of concept definitions. Note: It is likely this file will be phased out and replaced with a reference set containing a richer OWL representation of stated concept definition. | Identifier | The file conforms to the 4.2.4 Identifier File Specification. Note: This file does not contain any data rows in the International Edition. |
Table width manager |
Value | Description | Refset | The file conforms to the Simple Reference Set specification and contains the members of one or more simple reference sets. | <pattern>Refset | The file conforms to the 5.1.1 Basic Reference Set Member File Format and include one or more additional columns, The number and order of the columns and their basic data types are specified by the <pattern> which precedes Refset. The <pattern> consists of a sequence of lowercase letters each of which represent an additional column with a datatype specified by the letter as listed below | Pattern letter | | c | A SNOMED CT component identifier ( ) referring to a concept, description or relationship. | i | A signed integer. | s | | Examples | |
Table width manager |
FileType | Value and Description | doc | The title of the document in CamelCase, abbridges if necessary to fit within the length constraint. Note: Abbreviations should not be used unless they are essential to fit the title within the available length. Examples of ContentType for Documents - doc_SnomedDecisionSupport_Current-en-US_INT_20170331.pdf (Title: Decision Support with SNOMED CT)
- doc_SearchDataEntryGuide_Current-en-US_INT_20171122 (Title: SNOMED CT Search and Data Entry Guide)
| res tls | The value of the ContentType element may be determined on a case-by-case basis but, in conjunction with the ContentSubType element, should be adequate to identify the content and purpose of the file. |
Table width manager |
Sub-elements | Values | Description | Summary |
| An optional short camel case summary of the usage of the file. The value of this sub-element may be determined on a case-by-case basis but, in conjunction with the ContentType element, should be adequate to identify the content and purpose of the file. Examples: - For references sets a brief indication about the type or purpose the reference set(s) in the file.
Note: If there is a summary the ReleaseType or DocStatus follows this Summary sub-element immediately without a space or other separator. | ReleaseType | Full | The file contains the Full view of the components or refset members within its scope (i.e. every version ever released). | Snapshot | The file contains the Snapshot view of the components or refset members within its scope (i.e. only the most recent version released). | Delta | The file contains the Delta view of the components or refset members within its scope (i.e. only additions/changes since previous release). | LanguageCode | | Where it is necessary to specify the language or dialect used in a file, the appropriate language code must be included as the final sub-element of the ContentSubType. If a Summary or DocStatus sub-element is also included, the LanguageCode must be added after the last of those sub-elements and must be separated from it by a hyphen. Representation of the LanguageCode The language is specified with a 2 character ISO 639-1 language code (e.g. es = Spanish, fr = French, da = Danish). If necessary, a dialect code is added after the langauge language code and seperated separated from it by a hyphen. Depending on the specificity required the dialect code comes from one of two sources: If the dialect is general to an entire country, the two-letter ISO-3166 alpha-2 country code is used to specify the dialect (e.g. en-US = US English, en-GB British English) If dialect is less common or not country specific, the IANA language subtag should be used. Note this code consists strings of lower case letres letters. IANA is the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority.
This approach follows Internet conventions. |
Table width manager |
Sub-element | Values | Description | CountryCode | INT | The file is maintained and distributed by SNOMED International. | AA to ZZ | The file is maintained and distributed by the Gloss |
PreSpace | false |
t | NRC |
GlosTerm | National Release Center |
| for the country represented by this ISO-3166 alpha-2 country code. The code consists of exactly two uppercase characters from the latin alphabet. | <blank> | The file is maintained and released by an SNOMED CT extension provider that is not an NRC. | NamespaceId | 0000000 to 9999999 | The file is maintained and released by an SNOMED CT extension provider that is not an NRC. In which case, this value is a 7 digit Gloss |
PreSpace | false |
t | namespace identifier |
allocated to that organization by SNOMED International. The file is maintained and distributed by either SNOMED International or an NRC and the distributing organization has chosen to include the namespace identifier to indicate that this is part of a release restricted to content in a single namespace. | <blank> | The file is maintained and distributed by either SNOMED International or an NRC and the distributing organization has not chosen to include the namespace identifier to indicate that this is part of a release restricted to content in a single namespace. |
Version Date VersionDate Element
The VersionDate element is mandatory for all FileTypes. It identifies the
version with which the file is intended to be used. Its format is an 8-digit number in the pattern "YYYYMMDD", in compliance with the
ISO-8601 standard.