Welcome, introductions and apologies | | |
Agenda review | | Review agenda for today's meeting |
Compositional Grammar | | |
Expression Constraint Language v1.1 | | |
URI Standard | | URIs for SNOMED syntaxes |
URIs for SNOMED syntax instances
- ID - Expression (either precoordinated or postcoordinated)
- ECL - Expression Constraint
- QRL - Query
- ETL - Expression Template
- CTL - Expression Constraint Template
- QTL - Query Template
URIs for SNOMED syntax instances - with versioning |
Hexidecimal Special Characters (not for ".", "-", "_", "~")Hexidecimal %20 “ ” (or use "+") %21 %22 %23 %24 “$” %25 “%” %26 “&” %27 “’” %28 “(“ %29 “)” %2A “*” %2B “+” %2C “,” %2F “/”
%3A “:” %3B “;” %3C “<“ %3D “=“ %3E “>” %3F “?” %40 “@” %5B “[“ %5C “\” %5D “]” %5E “^”
%60 “`” %7B “{“ %7C “|” → %23 "$" → %24 "%" → %25 "&" → %26 “’” → %27 "(" → %28 ")" → %29 "*" → %2A "+" → %2B "," → %2C "/" → %2F":" → %3A ";" → %3B "<" → %3C "=" → %3D ">" → %3E "?" → %3F "@" → %40 "[" → %5B "\" → %5C "]" → %5D "^" → %5E“`” → %60 "{" → %7B "|" → %7C "}" → %7D %7D “}”
Upgrade "SNOMED URI Standard" to "SNOMED IRI Standard"?- URIs work with ASCII characters
- IRIs work with Unicode character sets
Wikipedia (IRI)
Template Syntax | | Remove slots and replace slots - Remove slot: [[ 1..1 ]], [[ 1..1 @slotName ]]
- Replace slot: [[ +id (<< 138875005 |SNOMED CT concept|) ]], [[ +id ]], [[ + ]], [[ +id(<<138875005 |SNOMED CT concept) @slotName $valueReference ]]
- Example: CT of X
71388002 |Procedure| : [[1..1 @roleGroup1]] { 260686004 |Method| = 312251004 |Computed tomography imaging action|, 405813007 |Procedure site - Direct| = [[+id (<<442083009 |Anatomical or acquired body structure|)] @site] }
Replace slots - Type of replacement - Replace with precoordinated expression (ie concept): [[ +id ]] ?? [[ +cpt ]] ??
- Replace with any expression: [[ +scg id ]]
- Replace with an expression constraint: [[ +ecl ]]
- Replace with a character string: [[ +str ]]
- Use cases include replacing comparison operators "=" and "!="
- Example 1: MRCM domainTemplateForPrecoordination (Finding with explicit context)
- [[+id(<< 243796009 |Situation with explicit context (situation)|: [0..0] 408730004 |Procedure context| = *, [0..0] 363589002 |Associated procedure| = *)]]:
[[0..*]] { [[1..*]] 408729009 |Finding context| = [[+id(<< 410514004 |Finding context value (qualifier value)|)]], [[1..*]] 408731000 |Temporal context| = [[+id(<< 410510008 |Temporal context value (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..*]] 246090004 |Associated finding| = [[+id(<< 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| OR << 272379006 |Event (event)|)]], [[0..*]] 408729009 |Finding context| = [[+id(<< 410514004 |Finding context value (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..*]] 408732007 |Subject relationship context| = [[+id(<< 125676002 |Person (person)|)]], [[0..*]] 408731000 |Temporal context| = [[+id(<< 410510008 |Temporal context value (qualifier value)|)]] }
- Example 2: MRCM domainTemplateForPostcoordination (Finding with explicit context)
- [[+id(<< 243796009 |Situation with explicit context (situation)|: [0..0] 408730004 |Procedure context| = *, [0..0] 363589002 |Associated procedure| = *)]]:
[[0..*]] { [[1..*]] 408729009 |Finding context| = [[+id(<< 410514004 |Finding context value (qualifier value)|)]], [[1..*]] 408731000 |Temporal context| = [[+scg(<< 410510008 |Temporal context value (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..*]] 246090004 |Associated finding| = [[+scg(<< 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| OR << 272379006 |Event (event)| OR << 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| OR << 416698001 |Link assertion (link assertion)| OR << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|)]], [[0..*]] 408729009 |Finding context| = [[+scg(<< 410514004 |Finding context value (qualifier value)|)]], [[0..*]] 408732007 |Subject relationship context| = [[+scg(<< 125676002 |Person (person)|)]], [[0..*]] 408731000 |Temporal context| = [[+scg(<< 410510008 |Temporal context value (qualifier value)|)]] }
Cardinality - Cardinality of relationship group
- Pattern: [[ 1..* ]] { .. }
- Default operator between repeats: "," / "AND"
- Example: CT of X
71388002 |Procedure| : [[1..1 ]] { 260686004 |Method| = 312251004 |Computed tomography imaging action|, 405813007 |Procedure site - Direct| = [[+id (<<442083009 |Anatomical or acquired body structure|)] @site] }
- Cardinality of attribute value pair
- Pattern: [[ 1..* ]] 123345 |Attribute| = 234456 |Value|
- Default operator between repeats: "," / "AND"
- Example: CT of X
71388002 |Procedure| : { 260686004 |Method| = 312251004 |Computed tomography imaging action|, [[ 1..1 ]] 405813007 |Procedure site - Direct| = [[+id (<<442083009 |Anatomical or acquired body structure|)] @site] }
- Cardinality of focus concepts
- Pattern: [[ +() 1..* ]]
- Default operator between repeats: "+" / "AND"
- How would we achieve an operator of "OR" in an Expression Constraint? - e.g. [[+ecl 1..* ]] → A OR B OR C
- Example:
[[+id(<< 404684003 |Clinical finding|) 1..* ]]
- Other types of cardinalities?
Other Topics raised by Ed- The fact that a template processor would need to 'clean-up' any left over characters, such as ":". I suggest that we try to document the steps that a template processor should follow to turn a template into an expression, constraint etc.
Confirm next meeting date/time | | Next meeting to be held at 20:00 UTC on Wednesday 7th December |