Concept |
t | 900000000000538005|Description format reference set| |
ShowFormat | inline |
specifies the text format and maximum length of each supported
Gloss |
PreSpace | false |
t | description type |
. This permits additional
Gloss |
SpacePreSpace | truefalse |
t | description types |
to be specified in future in addition to the three existing
Gloss |
PreSpace | false |
t | description types |
Gloss |
SpacePreSpace | truefalse |
t | fully specified name |
Gloss |
PreSpace | false |
t | textual definition |
Data structure
Concept |
t | 900000000000538005|Description format reference set| |
ShowFormat | inline |
is a C-I (
Integer Specref |
RefType | (data type) |
t | Integer |
Gloss |
SpacePreSpace | truefalse |
t | reference set |
which is used to specify the length and format of the
Gloss |
SpacePreSpace | truefalse |
t | terms |
Gloss |
SpacePreSpace | truefalse |
t | descriptions |
of this
Gloss |
PreSpace | false |
t | description type |
. Its structure is shown in the following table.
The following metadata supports the
format : ...
Concept |
t | 900000000000454005|Foundation metadata concept| |
Caption label |
CapId | description-format-reference-set-data-structure |
CapType | Table |
Description format reference set - Data structure |
Refset spec table |
Size | fs7 |
RefsetType | Description Format Reference Set |
The following metadata supports the
Gloss |
PreSpace | false |
t | description |
format Gloss |
PreSpace | false |
t | reference set |
: Caption label |
CapId | description-format-reference-set-in-the-metadata-hierarchy |
CapType | Table |
Description Format Reference Set in the Metadata Hierarchy |
Scg expression |
900000000000454005 |Foundation metadata concept|
900000000000455006 |Reference set|
900000000000538005 |Description format|
Excerpt Include |
| REUSE:Notes on Reference Set Example Tables |
| REUSE:Notes on Reference Set Example Tables |
nopanel | true |
Concept |
t | 900000000000455006|Reference set| |
Concept |
t | 900000000000538005|Description format| |
The table below shows the descriptor that defines the structure of the
Concept |
t | 900000000000538005|Description format reference set| |
. Caption label |
CapId | refset-descriptor-rows-for-description-format-reference-set |
CapType | Table |
Refset Descriptor rows for Description Format Reference Set |
refsetId | referencedComponentId (Referenced component) | attributeDescription (Attribute description) | attributeType (Attribute type) | attributeOrder (Attribute order) | |
Concept |
t | 900000000000456007|Reference set descriptor| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000538005|Description format| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000462002|Description type component| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000461009|Concept type component| |
| 0 | |
Concept |
t | 900000000000456007|Reference set descriptor| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000538005|Description format| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000539002|Description format| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000461009|Concept type component| |
| 1 | |
Concept |
t | 900000000000456007|Reference set descriptor| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000538005|Description format| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000544009|Description length| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000478000|Unsigned integer| |
| 2 | |
Note: The table above omits the initial four columns of data present in the release file. These follow the standards versioning pattern id (field), effectiveTime (field), active (field), active (field). Additionally, to aid understanding, the table above also shows the
from one of the associated with each of the identified . The release file only contains the . ...
Example Data
This example holds the all the members of the
Concept |
t | 900000000000538005|Description format reference set| |
ShowFormat | inline |
in the
Gloss |
SpacePreSpace | truefalse |
t | SNOMED CT International Release |
for July 2014. Other members may added to future versions of the
Gloss |
SpacePreSpace | truefalse |
t | International Release |
if new
Gloss |
SpacePreSpace | truefalse |
t | description types |
are introduced. Owners of Extensions that support additional
Gloss |
SpacePreSpace | truefalse |
t | description types |
must also add members to the
Concept |
t | 900000000000538005|Description format reference set| |
Caption label |
CapId | sample-content-from-the-description-format-reference-set |
CapType | Table |
Sample Content from the Description Format Reference Set |
refsetId | referencedComponentId (Description type component) | descriptionFormat (Description format) | descriptionLength (Description length) |
Concept |
t | 900000000000538005|Description format| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000003001|Fully specified name| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000540000|Plain text| |
| 255 |
Concept |
t | 900000000000538005|Description format| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000013009|Synonym| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000540000|Plain text| |
| 255 |
Concept |
t | 900000000000538005|Description format| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000550004|Definition| |
| Concept |
t | 900000000000540000|Plain text| |
| 4096 |
Note: The tables above omit the initial four columns of data present in the release file. These follow the standards versioning pattern id
, effectiveTime , , active , , active , . Additionally, to aid understanding, the tables above also show the
Gloss |
SpacePreSpace | truefalse |
t | term |
from one of the
Gloss |
SpacePreSpace | truefalse |
t | descriptions |
associated with each of the identified
. The release file only contains the