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How to view the My Dashboard page.

Prerequisite steps: Log in to Reference Set Tool 2.0. 

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Press Logging in will automatically go to the Dashboard, page, however if you are on Library page, press the Dashboard button (button icon is two rows of two offset rectangles) in the tool header to open the My Dashboard page.  


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The My Dashboard page has four sections: 

My Organizations: Lists all organizations that the user is a member of. Clicking on an organization will open the Organizations-Projects page. 

My Projects: Lists all projects that the user is a member of. Clicking on a project will open the Projects-Reference Sets page. 

My Teams: Lists all teams that the user is a member of. Clicking on a team will open the Teams-People page. 

My Reference Sets: Lists up to 10 total reference sets. Clicking on a reference set will open the Reference Set Details page. 

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