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Versions Compared


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where [sctid] is the concept id that identifies the given SNOMED CT edition (based on the identifier of the most dependent module), and "YYYYMMDD" is the date of release. Examples of sctids that identify a specific edition areare listed here. SNOMED CT Expressions


In addition to the standard properties, the following properties are defined for SNOMED CT:

Property NameData TypeComments
inactivebooleanWhether the code is active or not (defaults to false). This is derived from the active column in the Concept file of the RF2 Distribution (by inverting the value)

True if the description logic definition of the concept includes sufficient conditions. This is derived from the definitionStatusId value in the Concept file of the RF2 distribution (i.e. If 900000000000073002 |Sufficiently defined concept definition status| then true).

moduleIdcodeThe SNOMED CT concept id of the module that the concept belongs to.
normalFormstringGenerated Necessary Normal form expression for the provided code or expression, with terms. See
normalFormTersestringGenerated Necessary Normal form expression for the provided code or expression, conceptIds only.

SNOMED CT relationships, where the relationship type is subsumed by 410662002 |Concept model attribute|, also automatically become properties. Properties that represent SNOMED CT concept model attributes are referred to using their concept id, rather than their human readable term.

For example, the laterality property is represented using the concept id '272741003', rather than the term 'laterality':

Property NameData TypeComments

The value of the laterality attribute in the definition of the given code or expression.

The equivalent URI for the Laterality property is (see the code system definition).

Note that when a $lookup operation is performed on a SNOMED CT concept, servers SHALL return the full URI for the edition and version being used (see above) in the version property. Other properties are at the discretion of the server and the client.


We've added a new section for Expressions.   Bringing other text on the page into line with SNOMED International's definition of what constitutes valid SNOMED CT compositional grammer, we've removed advice about including or not including text definitions - both are considered equally valid, although there may be an argument for including the orginal text selected by the end user.

SNOMED CT Properties

The following property has been removed since "NormalForm" covers this case in that SNOMED CT Expressions are considered valid with our without terms.   These can be added or stripped out as required, locally and programmatically, for display purposes.


New Sections - works in progress

These have been removed into their own pages while the text is agreed.   Since they are additional guidance, there is no reason to think that anything being added will 'break' the above.
