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Tuesday 14th November 2017 2000UTC


Meeting Details:

Information on using Zoom: Starting with ZOOM



Discussion items (In draft)

1WelcomeCathy Richardson
  • Attendees list
  • Welcome to Theresa Barry (Ireland)


2Apologies/conflicts of interest
  • Apologies as noted
  • Conflicts
    • Reminder to update
    • This meeting
  • Minutes of last meeting:
    • September - recording posted, written requested
    • October - recordings posted, written requested
    • November minutes have now been done as notes on this page.
4Action ListCathy Richardson 
5Member Forum update



  •  No meeting since October.
  • Devices- interest in Europe. EWO advised LMA was looking into this.


6Extension Management - Draft policy statements
7Extension content development
  • Matt - Confluence page documenting at a high level extension content that has already been developed by members.
    • MCO raised the survey page had similarities to what was being requested and the need for further work, though happy to progress if required.
    • Group response on doing anything further:
      • LPA: Request that a new page be set up (using the information on survey page) with refinement of the current information as required to with more information added as required e.g. hierarchies.
        • Multi browser - potential to include functionality like what is available for the International content daily build.
      • MCO Concepts not easy to identify. Thought an extract of the extension content into a spreadsheet may be easier to review.
        • Willing to follow up on this item and speak to Rory and feedback to group. Was initially looking for a query that could be used.
      • CRI: Any tooling requests would need to go through the process like the Member Forum process. Clarification on how to do this from an Advisory Group perspective would need to be considered.
        • Need to consider how this ties into the two groups set up in October that came out of the combined CMAG/MF discussion. LMA and RDA to be advised on this discussion.
        • LPA asked for an update on the plans for the working group LMA is running. CRI to follow up with LMA.
    • International Descriptive statistics page raised during this discussion:
      • EWO: Has found the the Descriptive Statistics page very useful in getting a heads up on the upcoming release.
      • SNOMED CT Description Statistics page link:

8Multi-extension Browser
  • Discussion on functionality and requests for enhancement
    • See above discussion.

9QA - Pattern analysis6QA - Pattern analysis

  • Standing item as discussed at the October meeting
  • LMA not present- not discussed in this meeting.

10Update post CMAG/MF joint session (held October 2017)
  • LMA not present- not discussed.

117EAG decisions - User impact
1282018 Work plan reviewALL
  • CMAG 2018 Work Plan
  • Draft shown and action item to be set up for group to review this draft document.
  • Sharing of national release processes discussed.
    • Potential to worked on jointly with the TRAG raised. CRI to follow up with the chair Andrew Atkinson on that potential.
  • The suggested Member future content development work page that had been raised as a potential item- is being managed as part of the focus group LMA is running so has not been added to the work plan.

13TOR reviewALL
  • See draft document attached
  • Draft shown and key changes pointed out. Action item to be set up for group to review this draft document.

14Group self evaluationALL
  • See draft document attached
  • Draft shown and key changes pointed out. Action item to be set up for group to review this draft document.

1791011 12 131415Any other businessALL
  • Next meeting December 12th 2000UTC
  • No other business raised.

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