Concept |
t | 723592007|MRCM attribute range reference set| |
allows attributes to be associated with a valid value range for a given SNOMED CT content type and rule strength. The range of each attribute is defined using an Expression Constraint. This expression constraint represents the set of concepts (or expressions) , expressions, or concrete values that may be used as the value of the given attribute. Footnote Macro |
If ranges including concrete values (such as integers or strings) are required, the Expression Constraint Language can be extended, as described for rangeConstraint in the Data Structure section on this page. |
Concept |
t | 723592007|MRCM attribute range reference set| |
also also provides a summary of the concept model rule associated with each attribute (including all valid domains and the given range) using an Expression Constraint representation. This attribute rule can be completely auto-generated by combining information from the Concept |
t | 723604009|MRCM attribute domain reference set| |
and the and the Concept |
t | 723592007|MRCM attribute range reference set| |
. It is therefore recommended that this constraint is not edited directly, but is instead automatically updated. . Data Structure
Concept |
t | 723592007|MRCM attribute range reference set| |
is structured as shown in the following table.Field | Data type | Purpose | Immutable |
id | UUID | A 128 bit unsigned integer, uniquely identifying this reference set member. Different versions of a reference set member share the same id but have different effectiveTimes. This allows a reference set member to be modified or made inactive (i.e. removed from the active set) at a specified time. | Y |
effectiveTime | Time | The inclusive date or time at which this version of the identified reference set member became the current version. The current version of this reference set member at time T is the version with the most recent effectiveTime prior to or equal to time T. | N |
active | Boolean | The state of the identified reference set member as at the specified effectiveTime. If active= 1 (true) the reference set member is part of the current version of the set, if active=0 (false) the reference set member is not part of the current version of the set. | N |
moduleId | SCTID | Identifies the SNOMED CT module that contains this reference set member as at the specified effectiveTime. The value must be a subtype of 900000000000443000 |Module (core metadata concept)| within the metadata hierarchy. | N |
refsetId | SCTID | Identifies the reference set to which this reference set member belongs. In this case, set to a subtype of |MRCM domain rule by hierarchy reference set| | Y |
referenced ComponentId | SCTID | A reference to the SNOMED CT attribute concept to which the attribute-domain rule defined by this member applies. | Y |
rangeConstraint | String | An expression constraint, which defines the set of concepts which may be used as the value of the given attribute (identified by referencedComponentId). This string can be parsed using the ABNF syntax defined for the Expression Constraint Language [4]. | Y |
attributeRule | String | An Expression Constraint that captures the domain, range and cardinality constraints for the given attribute, rule strength and content type. This string can be parsed using the ABNF syntax defined for the Expression Constraint Language [4]. | N |
ruleStrengthId | SCTID | A subtype of |Concept model rule strength|, which specifies whether the given rule is mandatory (resulting in an error) or optional (resulting in a warning). | N |
contentTypeId | SCTID | A subtype of |Content type value|, which indicates the type of SNOMED CT content over which this rule applies. In many cases, this will be set to |All SNOMED CT content|. | N |
The following metadata hierarchy supports this reference set:
- Foundation metadata concept
- Reference set
- MRCM reference set
- MRCM attribute range reference set
- MRCM attribute range (INT) reference set
- Reference set attribute
- Range constraint
- Attribute rule
- Rule strength
- Mandatory concept model rule
- Optional concept model rule
- Content type
- New precoordinated SNOMED CT content only
- All precoordinated SNOMED CT content
- All postcoordinated SNOMED CT content
Refset spec table |
Size | fs7 |
RefsetType | MRCM Attribute Range Reference Set |
The following metadata hierarchy supports this reference set:
Concept |
t | 900000000000454005|Foundation metadata concept| |
Concept |
t | 900000000000455006|Reference set| |
Concept |
t | 723564002|MRCM reference set| |
Concept |
t | 723592007|MRCM attribute range reference set| |
Concept |
t | 723562003|MRCM attribute range international reference set| |
Concept |
t | 900000000000457003|Reference set attribute| |
Concept |
t | 723576002|Attribute rule| |
Concept |
t | 723574004|Content type |
ShowFormat | inline |
Footnote Macro |
Please note that the Concept |
t | 723574004|Content type| |
ShowFormat | inline |
| hierarchy is designed using 'universal restriction' logic. The hierarchy may therefore appear to be 'upside down'. However, it was designed in this way because if an MRCM rule applies to Concept |
t | 723596005|All SNOMED CT content| |
ShowFormat | inline |
| then it also applies to the Content Types that are a supertype of this - including Concept |
t | 723594008|All precoordinated SNOMED CT content| |
ShowFormat | inline |
| and Concept |
t | 723595009|All postcoordinated SNOMED CT content| |
| . |
Concept |
t | 723593002|All new precoordinated SNOMED CT content| |
Concept |
t | 723594008|All precoordinated SNOMED CT content| |
Concept |
t | 723596005|All SNOMED CT content| |
Concept |
t | 723595009|All postcoordinated SNOMED CT content| |
Concept |
t | 723596005|All SNOMED CT content| |
Concept |
t | 723575003|Range constraint| |
Concept |
t | 723573005|Concept model rule strength| |
Concept |
t | 723597001|Mandatory concept model rule| |
Concept |
t | 723598006|Optional concept model rule| |
Excerpt Include |
| REUSE:Notes on Reference Set Example Tables |
| REUSE:Notes on Reference Set Example Tables |
nopanel | true |
Descriptor Template
The table below shows the reference set descriptor for a reference set that follows the
Concept |
t | 723592007|MRCM attribute range reference set| |
pattern Footnote Macro |
Concepts for which an identifier has not been assigned have been shown with an identifier of '111115' |
. ...
referenced ComponentId
Table width manager |
refsetId | referencedComponentId | attributeDescription |
| attributeType | attribute Order |
Concept |
t | 900000000000456007|Reference set descriptor| |
| |
723592007|MRCM attribute range reference set| |
Concept |
t | 449608002|Referenced component| |
Concept |
t | 900000000000461009|Concept type component| |
| 0 |
Concept |
t | 900000000000456007|Reference set descriptor| |
| |
723592007|MRCM attribute range reference set| |
| |
723575003|Range constraint| |
Concept |
t | 707000009|SNOMED CT parsable string| |
| 1 |
Concept |
t | 900000000000456007|Reference set descriptor| |
Concept |
t | 723592007|MRCM attribute range reference set| |
| |
723576002|Attribute rule| |
Concept |
t | 707000009|SNOMED CT parsable string| |
| 2 |
Concept |
t | 900000000000456007|Reference set descriptor| |
Concept |
t | 723592007|MRCM attribute range reference set| |
Concept |
t | 723573005|Concept model rule strength| |
Concept |
t | 900000000000461009|Concept type component| |
| 3 |
Concept |
t | 900000000000456007|Reference set descriptor| |
Concept |
t | 723592007|MRCM attribute range reference set| |
Concept |
t | 900000000000461009|Concept type component| |
| 4 |
Note: The table above omits the initial four columns of data present in the release file. These follow the standard format for id, effectiveTime, active and moduleId. Additionally, to aid understanding, the table above also shows the term from one of the descriptions associated with each of the identified concepts. The release file only includes the identifier of these concepts.
PDF: Landscape |
Example Data |
some example rows from a reference set that follows the format of |
the Concept |
t | 723592007|MRCM attribute range reference set| |
Footnote Macro |
Concepts for which an identifier has not been assigned have been shown with an identifier of '111115'. |
Table width manager |
Col | 1*,1*,1.5*,3*,1*,1* |
Wider | true |
| refsetId | referencedComponentId | |
attribute Cardinality
rule Strength
range international reference set| |
| | Scg expression |
<< 404684003|Clinical finding (finding)| OR << 71388002|Procedure (procedure)| |
| Scg expression |
(<< 404684003|Clinical finding (finding |
)| OR << 272379006|Event (event)|): [0..* |
111115 |Mandatory|
130xxxxxxxxx |All SNOMED CT content|
111115 |MRCM attribute domain (INT) reference set|
272379006 |Event (event)|
<< 272379006 |Event (event)|
111115 |Mandatory|
= (<< 404684003|Clinical finding (finding)| OR << 71388002|Procedure (procedure)|)} |
Concept |
t | 723597001|Mandatory concept model rule| |
| |
Concept |
t | 723562003|MRCM attribute |
range international reference set| |
Concept |
t | 408729009|Finding context| |
| Scg expression |
| << 413350009|Finding with explicit context (situation)| |
111115 |Mandatory|
] 408729009|Finding context| = << 410514004|Finding context value (qualifier value)|} |
Concept |
t | 723597001|Mandatory concept model rule| |
| |
Concept |
t | 723562003|MRCM attribute |
range international reference set| |
| |
Concept |
t | << 182353008 |Side (qualifier value |
| Scg expression |
<< 91723000 |Anatomical structure (body structure)| |
111115 |Mandatory|
129xxxxxxxxx |Precoordinated SNOMED CT content|
1] 272741003 |Laterality| = << 182353008 |Side (qualifier value)| |
Concept |
t | 723597001|Mandatory concept model rule| |
| Concept |
t | 723596005|All SNOMED CT content| |
| |
Note: The table above omits the initial four columns of data present in the release file. These follow the standard format for id, effectiveTime, active and moduleId. Additionally, to aid understanding, the table above also shows the term from one of the descriptions associated with each of the identified concepts. The release file only includes the identifier of these concepts.