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titleIn this page:

How to process multiple changes via batch upload of a change specification file. Prerequisites: Log in to the International Authoring Platform, See my tasks

The Batch Upload template has
Advanced Tables - Table Plus

Press Upload a Batch  in the left-hand navigation menu. The Upload a Batch dialogue box is overlaid on the screen.

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Download the latest version of the Translation Import Template (Batch Upload) template file

. This is

using the here link in the text below the dialogue box title.

The Batch Upload template  is a spreadsheet in Microsoft .xslx format


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, with multiple tabs corresponding to the type of batch change supported.

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Follow the instructions in the first tab to define a set of changes in the appropriate sheet tab, then download that tab

to save

as a local file in .tsv (tab separated values) format.

titleUsing the Batch Upload template

Ensure the template spreadsheet you use to define the content changes is the latest version (to match the format expected on the server when processing the upload).

Template change tab columns with a bold header indicate mandatory fields. If these are not defined, the batch upload will not complete when submitted.

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Once the desired changes are specified and available in a local .tsv  file, return to the Upload a Batch


dialogue to specify the upload with:

  • Task Title
  • Select Assignee (type-ahead search for names list)
  • Number of Concepts per Task (select from preset list, default is 100) 
  • Enable Drools Validation (optional)
  • Select Project (from available projects list)
  • Select Reviewer (type-ahead search for names list)
  • Select Import Type (from available list matching the Batch Upload template change type tabs)
  • Select Batch File (invokes your local machine's file selection dialogue to pick the relevant .tsv file)

When all required parameters are defined, the Create Tasks button will be enabled.

Press Create Tasks to start the batch upload process.

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On successful completion of the batch upload, the Batch Upload Complete header notification will appear, and a local machine file save dialogue box will be presented to allow local saving of a batch results .tsv file with the outcome of the upload process.

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Opening the batch result .tsv file on your local machine will show tab separated values with a row corresponding to each change row in the




file. The final column of the results data indicates the outcome of the upload for that row (true for success).

The My Tasks dashboard view will also be updated to show the task(s) created by the batch upload, which carry the related content changes.

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If an error is encountered during batch processing of particular rows, whilst other changes are successful, the Batch Upload Completed With Errors header banner will be presented.

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In either of these failure cases, a batch result .tsv

  file is generated which contains

 file is generated.

The local operating system file download dialogue is invoked to allow saving of the batch result file.

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Inspecting the batch result file shows further information to help understand the failure cause(s) for the rows which could not be processed successfully.

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If the batch upload process fails during parsing of the upload file, the Batch Upload Failed header notification will be presented.The header notification includes additional diagnostic information, but a results file is not generated.

titleOut of date batch template format

This scenario may be caused by trying to upload batch changes using an earlier version of the template file rather than the latest version expected by the Authoring Platform. The screenshot shows an example of the error message when this occurs.

To resolve this error condition, download the latest version of the template (described above), and enter and save the required change data using the updated specification format, and then repeat the upload process with the updated format file.

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