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One-liner summary descriptionHow to view the workflow history section.

Prerequisite steps:   View the Reference Set Details page.

Advanced Tables - Table Plus


Press the Collapse/Expand Workflow History button (button icon is a down arrow) to the far right of the workflow history section to expand it. 

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The Workflow History section contains the workflow history table. Each row is an individual history record. History is automatically recorded and displays as read-only data. The table has the following columns: 

Time stamp. 

Project member. 

Workflow status.

Notes: Notes were added when the reference set was “In Edit” or “In Review” workflow status. 

Edit icon:  Logged in, Author or Reviewer can edit workflow history note. Will reopen Authoring notes modal for editing.

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Press the Collapse Workflow History button (button icon is an up arrow) to collapse it to cut down on visual noise on the page, as needed. 

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