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Comment: Task marked complete


  • Welcome members
  • Set context for the new advisory group
  • Report status of E-Learning
  • Seek input and advice on specific issues
  • Start development of plans for 2016

Meeting Files

View filenameIHTSDO_Content Development Theory Course_ELAG update.pptx
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  • Marion Lyver, Robyn Kuropatwa, Reza Fathollah-Nejad, Mohammad Ilmam bin Hassan, Avanti Joshi(GTM)

Agenda and Meeting Notes

Note on agenda item timing

Intention is to cover items 1 to 6 in first session. Key focus items for detailed discussions are 7 and 8. 
1Welcome, introductions and apologiesDavid Markwell

ELAG meetings will be recorded and recordings will be accessible to ELAG members.

titleMeeting notes and recordings on Confluence

Meeting notes (dma):

Conventional minutes will be replaced by notes in the agenda on Confluence (e.g. as for this meeting)

Meetings will also be recorded and recordings will be posted on Confluence. The recording are only intended to be used by ELAG members and IHTSDO staff. The page of links to recordings will only be accessible to ELAG members. ELAG members must not share these links or the recordings.

Comments (group):

The group was content with this approach. If concerns arose with access to recording they would be raised with the Chair.

  •  Check attendance details and apologies
2Conflicts of interestDavid Markwell

Refer to Conflicts of interest section in the Advisory Groups Manual

  •  All members to confirm they are aware of need to declare any conflicts of interest.
3Setting the context of the groupDavid Markwell
  • Refer to ELAG Terms of Reference
  • Advisory role and scope
  • Communication role between Education team and Member Countries.


titleQuestion: Is the scope of ELAG just E-Learning?

Question from group

  • Does ELAG cover other types of Education?
  • Does ELAG also cover documentation?

Response (dma): The scope of ELAG is specifically E-Learning. However:

  • The team also delivers occasional tutorials (e.g. at the Expo and other meetings). Although this is not directly in the scope of ELAG, if there were points on which we wanted wider advice we might raise this at ELAG.
  • We are planning a significant revision of documentation in 2016 bringing it into Confluence and restructure it to better match the course structure. In this sense it may become more directly relevant to E-Learning - so while not directly in scope we may ask ELAG for advice on the idea of alignment of documents with courses.
titleUse of Confluence for ELAG communications

Information (dma):

All communications with group will be through the ELAG Confluence space. The space is public viewable by default. Some pages can be limited so only ELAG members can view. This will only be done on request from the person posting or if Chair is aware of sensitivity of information from IHTSDO perspective.

  • Anticipated roles/responsibilities of Member Representatives, Expert members and Staff in relation to group. Note approach to openness.


YouTube links to E-Learning server and SlideShare.


4Delivery and progress status reportDavid Markwell and Linda Bird
  • Foundation course - running smoothly not with no waiting-list for joining. See E-Learning status report pages. Some slowdown in sign-ups now that the backlog has been cleared.
  • Implementation course - pilot course subject to some delays (10 days behind plan and expected to rise to 20-30 days be end of course due to development bottlenecks on last two modules). Second intake just started.

titleQuestion: Future reports on confluence only or presented at meetings?

Question (dma): Would members be happy just to have general data on course progress provided using Confluence or should there be specific reports at every meeting?

Response (group): Agree to have general stats on Confluence. Report exceptions on phone calls but minimize to allow to focus on ELAG activities. Perhaps more detailed reports at some meetings.

Additional Information (dma): Proposed frequency of updating general stats on Confluence at least once every three months.

  •  Louise Jones: Arrange monthly or quarterly updates of status page data on Confluence.  
titleQuestion: Non-completion trends

Question (group): Do we categorise trends of people that are applying and also not completing the courses? 

Response (team): Yes we capture this data in terms of numbers. We have recently added a non-completion feedback form to capture reasons from dropping out. 

titleAdvice: Promoting and expanding SNOMED CT E-Learning

Request for advice (dma): At the moment we haven’t needed to promote but will change in the future and get pro-active. 

Suggestions (group):

Consider using different platforms to widen coverage. This would only be for open informal access not courses. Counter view need to avoid too many media channels to maintain quality and ensure material is up to date.

SNOMED CT overview of the basics Kent’s video’s is being referenced on YouTube (while a little out of date) but no mention of the Elearning Server. Consider putting Introductory tutorial on YouTube or SlideShare and add link elearning server.

  •  Obtain guidance on level or reporting appropriate to the group in future meetings.
  •  YouTube links to E-Learning.
5Development and maintenance reportDavid Markwell, Linda Bird and Cathy Richardson
  1. Foundation
    Fully development but now needing maintenance updates - when other course development completed. 
  2. Implementation
    Delays due to bottleneck on presentation and assessment development and reviews (more time-consuming than expected)
  3. Content development theory course
    Report (cri): Applications open 9th November with pilot course due to start 4th January. Three month long course (3 modules).
  •  Obtain guidance on level or reporting appropriate to the group in future meetings

Member engagement with SNOMED CT E-Learning

  • Update and discussion
David Markwell and Member Representatives
  • Delivery of national level statistics on course usage
  • E-Learning material sharing reuse and translation
  • Expand
    titleReporting to Member countries related to course participants from their country

    Questions (group)

    1. Is it possible to provide NRC with statistics on number of participant, successful completions etc.?
      Response (dma): Yes we can provide this report to Member representative in a standard form.
      Note: The form of this report was demonstrated to the meeting and considered useful and adequate.
    2. Is it possible for NRCs to know who from country applies for course?
      Response (dma): Yes we provide that information during prioritization and can also provide information where prioritization is not required.
    3. Is it possible for NRCs to know who from country successfully completes or does not complete course?
      Response (dma): No this is not possible as the outcome of the course is considered person information subject to data protection issues. However, we provide on who applied and those who successfully complete are issued with verifiable certificates that can be checked on the E-Learning server.
    4. Is it possible for IHTSDO to ask those completing to contact their NRC?
      Response (dma): Yes we could do this it would be easy to send a generic message on this point with a link to a page where the participant to locate their NRC contact. A country specific message would need more work but might be possible in future.

    Additional Information (dma): Proposed frequency of providing NRC statistics and related Member specific information to Member representative is every three months. However, this will only be provided to Member representatives requesting this data not a as a routine (this may change in future if most countries request this service).

    •   Louise Jones: Arrange quarterly updates of permitted country specific data for those Member representatives requesting this.  
    titleQuestion: Course prioritization

    Question (group):  How do we prioritize course applications?  

    Response (dma): The Foundation course is no longer prioritized, everyone can be enrolled onto the next available course. Other course are only open to those who complete Foundation course - so smaller pool of applicants. We work out how many we can accommodate equally from all member countries.

    titleComments: Presentation length and tutor tone

    Comments (group): Supten Sarbadhikari (group member and implementation pilot course participant) noted that

    • Some presentations in Implementation course were 40mins long and accepted view of attention span is 20 to 30 mins. Linda Bird and David Markwell agreed they preferred to split presentations longer than 30mins but sometimes this was not practical at this stage in course development. The point would be kept in mind for future revisions.
    • Some of the presenters were also harder to understand or retain concentration due to tone of voice. Options to re-record some presentations with different speakers should be considered. Preference expressed for the more likely or involved presenters. Alternative in some cases might be a professional voice-over speaker. David Markwell was aware of similar comments on some presenter in the presentation feedback and these comment will be kept in mind in future revisions. Also proposal to provide scripts for students has been accepted but more work needs to be done to enhance quality of presentation of scripts.
    titleE-Learning material sharing reuse and translation

    Comment (CRM team): There is a IHTSDO policy for translation and this extend to E-Learning.  If a country would like to translate any of the presentations get in touch with CRM team to discuss.

    Comment (E-Learning): Foundation presentation source is available to Member representative subject to conditions agreed with former ELRG. In this sense translation of presentations is already possible. Question about who hosts translated version and translation of assessments remain to be resolved - but would be part of specific discussion with a Member committed to translation.

    titleNational support for learners on Foundation and Implementation courses


    • Sweden providing National webinars to Foundation course support
    • UK and Australia have fasttracked staff through Implementation Course pilot so they can provide webinar support for this course. Idea of this is to increase course capacity for those in these countries.
      • Other countries encouraged to consider similar approaches.

    Advice (group):

    • Those planning to facilitate Implementation course webinars should be prepared for this after course completion.
    • Preparation should involve (a) Sitting in one webinar, (b) Leading one webinar while supported by presence of E-Learning Team member, (c) Lead webinar solo. This would probably need to be repeated for each Module.
    7Work plan for ELAG in 2016Group
    • AGs have to develop their work plans for 2016 by end of year
    • AG work plans must support work plan priorities for 2016
    • Team to 
      • Summarize E-Learning work items and agreed priorities for 2016
      • Specific areas where advice is requested
    • Group to discuss way forward to development of plan
    •  Work plan draft to be prepared by team and posted on Confluence for comment
    •  Work plan draft to be on agenda to discuss and agree at next meeting (or by end of year)
    •  Plan role of ELAG in two-way communication with Members on E-Learning.
    •  Plan contributions of group to specific priority items
    •  Plan approach to group communication including
      • Confluence space
      • GTM teleconferences
      • Face-to-face meetings
    8Advice on next step in E-Learning developmentDavid Markwell and Linda Bird raising issues for discussion

    High-level options for discussion

      • Additional courses or add-on modules
      • Varying course scope with optional modules
    • Opportunity to discuss additional topics for E-Learning
    titleAdvice: Ideas for next steps

    Advice (group): Obtaining Information from references in the courses

    • One page on the website to links to references, TIG is not user friendly. Need a go to place for FAQ’s and certain facts.  Wikibased approach link would be good to be put in place.  

    Response (dma): Confluence is going to be the future platform for links and information to be organized.

    • Agree this should align better with needs of those on course

    Advice (group): Need to capture what people are more interested in doing as a group and also be more involved in completing some of the work involved in the E-learning elements.

    Response (dma/lbi): Agree we have been experimenting with interactive elements. Constraints from other work have limited involvement of team in assignments etc.

    9Setting dates for future meetingsDavid Markwell


    • Teleconferences. Single or dual timezones? (Recordings will involve those who miss a call)
      • Advice: Discussion resulted in agreement on dual timezone approach initially.
    • Discuss time required for next April face-to-face.
      • Advice (group): General view was 1 day detailed working ELAG session plus half-day formal ELAG session. 
      •  Action: David Markwell to resolve logistics for possible 1.5 days of ELAG meetings April 2016 in London  
    •  Set dates for calls in next 3 months.
    •  Agree how much time to request for next face-to-face
    10Any other businessPlease notify before start of meeting
    • Any other business at discretion of Chair subject to available time.

    Meeting Files
