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Development of prioritisation criteria to support prioritisation of the items on the IHTSDO SNOMED International Content Tracker JIRA project

Scope of work: (proposed)

This sub group has been set up to develop prioritisation criteria for the issues on the IHTSDO Content tracker. This work involves:

  • Identification of the prioritisation criteria
  • A recommendation of how to apply the criteria
  • A recommendation on the meaning of each of the priority levels
    • The number of priority levels available will be 3.
  • Recommendations by the group on the priority of each 'component' on the IHTSDO Content Tracker 
  • Recommending a time period for review of the priorities to confirm they are still current. 

It is noted that the work here may support prioritisation of the patterns on the Pre-coordination Pattern tracker. 

Out of scope:
  • Prioritisation of individual issues on the IHTSDO Content Tracker
  • Work to support the clean up of the IHTSDO Content Tracker (excluding that specified in the scope of work statement)

Timeline for work:





Group Members:

GoToMeeting Information

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.


DateRequested actionRequester(s)Response required by:Comments
4 August 2016
  • Input to support defining the scope of work
  • Input to support development of the timeline for the work
  • Input to determine the frequency of meetings
  •  Daniel Karlsson   Prioritisation criteria:scope of work, timeline for work, meeting frequency
  •  Elaine Wooler    Prioritisation criteria:scope of work, timeline for work, meeting frequency
  •  John Fountain    Prioritisation criteria:scope of work, timeline for work, meeting frequency
  •  Linda Parisien    Prioritisation criteria:scope of work, timeline for work, meeting frequency
4 August 2016
  • Doodle poll for next meeting
Cathy Richardson
8 August 2016
  • Review documents (as noted below) and add comments to this page to support criteria development
Cathy Richardson
  •  Daniel Karlsson   Review Content Tracker Guidance and Stakeholder engagement documents. Provide initial ideas for priorisation criteria.
  •  Elaine Wooler    Review Content Tracker Guidance and Stakeholder engagement documents. Provide initial ideas for priorisation criteria.
  •  John Fountain    Review Content Tracker Guidance and Stakeholder engagement documents. Provide initial ideas for priorisation criteria.
  •  Linda Parisien    Review Content Tracker Guidance and Stakeholder engagement documents. Provide initial ideas for priorisation criteria.
  •  Cathy Richardson Review Content Tracker Guidance and Stakeholder engagement documents. Provide initial ideas for priorisation criteria.
22 August 16
  • Outcome and efforts based framework development

  •  John Fountain   Development of an outcome and efforts based framework for group discussion
  •  Linda Parisien Input on prioritisation framework
  •  Cathy Richardson Input on prioritisation framework
  •  Daniel Karlsson Input on prioritisation framework
  •  Elaine Wooler Input on prioritisation framework
26 September 16
26 September 16
  • Prep for next meeting
3 October 2016 
17 October 2016

Framework update

Review of ratings

  •  Cathy Richardson  Seek input from Jim Case on the Clinical Impact aspect of the criteria
  •  Cathy Richardson  Update the framework ready for meeting next week
  •  Daniel Karlsson  Analysis of the ratings to determine inter-rater reliability


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Meeting 4 August 2016: Plan and notes

  • Showing of the Content tracker, Pre-coordination Patterns tracker (covered)
  • Scoping of work and timeline for development (Input to be provided)
  • Scheduling of meetings (input to be provided)
  • Setting of actions in prep for next meeting (Completed)

Meeting 8 August 2016: Plan and notes

  • Scope agreed.
  • Timeline to be determined
  • Meeting frequency and dates. Monday 2000UTC seems good for all. 
    • Fortnightly: 2nd and 4th Mondays
  • Start development of criteria.
  • CMAG update: CRI to provide.
  • Recommendations will go to the broader CMAG group. They will also be provided to the Head of Content and Head of Terminology for sign off. 
  • Link to SIRS request data presented April 2016: CMAG_SIRS_ContentTrackersFeb16_Meeting20160418.xlsx.xlsx

Meeting 22 August 2016: Plan and notes

  • Discussion on input:
    • Potential to work on low hanging fruit- value of clearing fast track
    • Major changes- take longer 
    • Size- estimated and can change (still of value) Estimated upon inception at this point and at the end of the inception phase.
      • Effort is dependant on the number of concepts, complexity of issue, amount of stakeholder engagement required and whether the change can be managed in an automated way or needs to be done manually. 
        • E.g 10 concepts but very complex or 1000 concepts but simple.. potential to separate out
      • Ability to measure - qualitative and quantitive e.g. number of descriptions
    • What issues are insolvable at that this point?
        • Parked until solvable
        • Issues should be reviewed- 1-2 years. 
        • Degrees of in-solvability
        • List kept
    • Test the criteria as developing. 
    • Major and minor criteria different to major and minor change
    • Member Forum priorities - issues that are within the scope of work for a MF priority - should be managed as part of that stream of work. 
      • SIRS requests not within that scope. 
    • In prep for next meeting:
      • John- redraft of major/minor changes - draft a framework. Outcome and effort focused. Will post for group discussion. Aim for 2nd September. Group to feedback on document. 

Meeting 26th September: Plans and notes 

  • Agreement on framework structure
  • Submitters to be asked to provide predefined information e.g. number of concepts
  • Guidance material should be provided to support submission of information
  • Framework needs to be easy to apply
    • Needs to allow current issues to be managed quickly and suitable for future issues. 


  • Submitter to provide (this is still in development)
    • Identification of existing concepts - concepts affected, number used as a target value in an attribute relationship
      • New- more difficult (may be an educated guess)
  • Plan:

    • Prior to next meeting on 3 October:

      • Group to review the criteria in framework document over next week

      • John to update document on 3 October (NZ time)

      • Cathy to select Content Tracker issues ready for testing

    • 3 -17 October Group to test criteria

      • 17 October: meet to discuss results 

    • Update to be provided at Face to Face meeting. 

Meeting 3 October: Plans and notes

  • Note- Our meeting needs to finish 10mins to the hour as there is a back to back meeting on the same GTM account and access is required a few minutes prior to the start of that meeting.  
  • Discussion on framework- decision to use the revised version. 
    • Explanation section
      • Needs to be further developed so it is clearer for those using it.
        • Build in further examples.
      • Clinical impact- needs a decision on how clinical priority is to be determined. Cathy to raise with Jim. 
    • Efforts section
      • Keep at 3 levels in scoring.
      • Add tooling to resource section.
    • Group to add any additional comments and Cathy will finalise.
  • Criteria to be tested over next two weeks. Cathy to finalise tracker list on Tuesday 4th October. 

Meeting 17 October: Plans and notes

  • Comments and feedback on the framework
  • Time taken to review trackers?- not asked. CRI noted easy to apply.
  • Review of results
  • Plan for:
    • Cathy to update framework and seek input from Jim on Clinical Impact
    • Daniel to review the individual ratings for each tracker reviewed to determine consistency. 
  • Comment: Process for applying? CRI noted recommendation by submitter and review and determination by an internal Content team member. Suggestion raise that it may be of value to have more than one person do the rating to ensure consistency. 

Meeting 12 Jan: Plans and Notes

  • Information to be sought on member priorities
    • Managed by Linda, Elaine and Cathy
      • This smaller group will potentially meet next week - 19th Jan 2000UTC. Need to confirm all can attend at this point.
    • Last 2 years Member priority submissions to be looked at.
    • Member Forum to be approached for input
      • Will be provided with a spreadsheet listing the components and and each country asked for
        • priorities
        • comments if there are specific areas within that component. For example with the category neoplasms there may be a project within a country focusing on the genetic aspect or a type of neoplasm.
      • Consideration needs to be given to whether this is held until the next meeting Feb 14th or they are approached directly. 
  • A report on which content trackers are holding up CRS tickets is being developed by Rory. Coming out of this a confluence page will be set up as a reporting page that is automatically updated. The report will be required by the end of January to support the work.
    • A request will be made to also provide this information at a component level given this work will be undertaken at that level from an external perspective. Cathy to raise this with Rory.
  • The due date for overall deliverable is 28th Feb. Timing may need to be extended. Cathy to speak to Lesley. 
  • This sub group as a whole will next meet in the next couple of weeks. Potential times are 23 Jan, 30 Jan or 31 Jan at 2000UTC.