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EAG April meeting: 2019-04-08, 2019-04-09 Editorial Advisory Group Face-to-face Meeting




DateRequested actionRequester(s)Response required by:Comments

24 May 2019

(as per email)

See work plan above
  •  Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date
  •  Camilla Wiberg Danielsen Clinical Core Proposal - hierarchies and aspects work  
  •  Daniel Karlsson Clinical Core Proposal - hierarchies and aspects work  
  •  Sheree Hemingway Clinical Core Proposal - hierarchies and aspects work  
  •  Elze de Groot Clinical Core Proposal - hierarchies and aspects work  
  •  Karina Revirol Clinical Core Proposal - hierarchies and aspects work  
  •  Linda Parisien Clinical Core Proposal - hierarchies and aspects work  
  •  Matt Cordell Clinical Core Proposal - hierarchies and aspects work  
  •  Olivier Bodenreider Clinical Core Proposal - hierarchies and aspects work  
  •  Jostein Ven Clinical Core Proposal - hierarchies and aspects work  
  •  Theresa Barry Clinical Core Proposal - hierarchies and aspects work  


CMAG response